Chapter 8

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*Author's POV*

It was the next day... A bright Wednesday morning... Our cute little Y/N still in her bed... Snoring lightly. And then her alarm starting ringing...

"Uhh.. why no one wants me to have a peacefull sleep?" She looked at the time and again sighed... It's 7:50. She got up and went to her bathroom and quickly got a shower... Changing in her school uniform she went out of her room.

She was about to go downstairs when she heard her parents saying something... She wanted to go but stopped when she heard her name being mentioned...

"How much more do we have to act around Y/N!" Her mother whisper yelled.

"Darling wait a little more just a two days more and then she'll be 25... We can get the sign then" Her father said.

"I'm tired of treating her like a princess and behaving like a slave" her mother said making
Y/N confused... But she don't like the way they were talking about her.

"Her birthday is on 30 November right so she'll be 25 on that day. We can just take the sign and leave her on her own by then" Her father said making Y/N gasp... Although she doesn't know which sign they were talking about but the thought of her parents betraying her made her sick to the core...

She controlled herself and ran down the stairs.

Her mother heard that sound and quickly ran out of the room only to see Y/N runnig down the stairs.

She gasped thinking that she might have heard everything which she indeed heard.

She ran behind her and catched her...
Y/N sobbed and sniffed her mother watched her with a unexpected disgust...

"So you heard us right?" She asked giving... Not-so-good-vibes.

Y/N just nodded a little sniffing. Her mother gave her a Oh-so-dramatic-girl-look.

"Mom" she slowly whispered barely even reaching her own ears...

"Mumma tell me everything wh-what were you guys discussing?" Y/N asked looking directly in her mother's eyes...

There was a hurt look in her mother's eyes but it was replaced immediately... A wide smirk formed on her face.

"So my poor little Y/N we are not your parents hell we don't even near any relatives to you!" She said looking like a smiling miniac she indeed is.

Y/N looked wide eyed... The people she called family was just using her.

"So your parents abandoned you. Threw you away... Well we got you from a orphanage." She paused a little then started again

"Well you know your father" she pointed at the man whome Y/N used to call her father. Even thinking that these people are her parents... Disgust rushed through her veins.

"He got to know that your brother... I mean your real one have given away 75% of his company shares to you. A piece of fucking shit like you is so wealthy! And that's the only reason we adopted a curse like you" She completed and Y/N fell down on her knees crying silently...

Suddenly something hit her

"What about Jaehyun oppa?" The word oppa sounded strange to her ears but she asked anyways.

"Ahh... He's our son. I'm doing this all for his good future!" Y/N's father well it was what she used to call him said "Well he's not the lovey dovey brother you think he is" He completed with a dark chuckle.

*Y/N's POV*

The whole world shattered around me... The only thing I love is my family... But
I don't even know for how long I was crying... I can't be this weak but I can't just control myself

My trust was broken by the person I thought will make it stronger... I can never trust anyone now. My trust glass was broken I don't know if it'll hurt me or these cruel people whome I used to call my parents.

"Ca-Can you just do-do a last favour to me?" I asked in between my sobs... Well I'm still a human I have a heart even if it's broken by the people I used to  call my family.

"Ahh what is it now?!" The disgusting lady bark out

"Ju-Just celebrate my birthday... I don't wan-want my friends to think that you are cruel to me... I don't want them to call you by names. I-I will sign those papers and n-never show you my face ever again" Even if it broke my soul to even think of it...

She laughed and agreed.

I got up went to my room washed my face and went to my University...
I don't want to see them now... I don't. I just don't!

I was on the way to my University... I was crossing the same crossing when the same car came in full speed came in my direction. This car surely have some problem with me. It was about to hit me...

Yes it was the end. The end of my life. The end of all my misery. Never in my 24 years of life I thought that I'll end up un this unfair game of life.
Even if I die today no one will care. No one will remember me. Well maybe Eunwoo but soon he'll find a someone better. Eventually forget me. Maybe my parents... Well do I even have a right to call them my parents. Anyways maybe they'll remember me because I'll never be able to complete their wish my promise... Their greed.
I'm just a dead body moving with no fear of life or death... Right or wrong... Just me with my dead soul staring directly with my dead eyes at the car that'll soon be the cause of my death...

I'm gonna die... Well I'm already dead.

I didn't even budged just stared at the car... Too lost to even move.

The black car soon came just a few inches away me and then it...


Hey bish!
Did you see it coming?!
No right!
Ahh I'm just great at twists...
Ngl I just created out of the blue...  So do vote if you liked it!

Till then

"Professor" Kim Where stories live. Discover now