Chapter 11

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*Author's POV*

Taehyung and Jungkook were waiting near the car whereas Y/N entered in the house.
Her bags and all stuff was already packed. She agreed to Taehyung's offer of her staying with him until she find a better place to live.

She went in the living room where the papers were. Her mother gave her a pen and her father told her to quickly sign the papers.
Tears already welled up in her eyes. She signed the papers and walked in her room to take her bags. Taking in a last look to her used-to-be-her-room, She walked out. She needed the warmth of someone very very much.

She got out.

The moment she steeped out of the drive away everything stopped around her.
A high frequented voice moved in her ear. The temperature rose up suddenly and she fell a little far. Taehyung's voice roared in her ears. She couldn't process what happened.
The moment she took in what happened her eyes widened.

The place she used to call her house just blowed up.
It blasted with her parents and brother still inside.

She was laying on the cold pavement turning around she started crawling backwards seeing the place burning. The same place she used to call her home. Her safe place. The place where she spent her childhood. The house of unforgettable  memories. Some Good and Some bad well very bad.

Taehyung got on his knees behind her. Holding her tightly in his warm embrace. She clutched on his shirt shivering badly from the view.

"M-MOM! DAD! JAE-JAE OPPA!" She screamed bursting in tears. The view in front of her and the thought of her parents burning alive inside was horrifying.

"Sa-save them PLEASE!" She said scratching her nails harder in Taehyung's shirt whereas he tried to calm her.

"Hey Hey Hey calm down Y/N" He tried to calm her but all went in vain.

"Please- ple-please sav–" And that was it. She fainted. It was to much for her to hold. To bare.

"Y/N! BABY WAKE UP!" Taehyung screamed
Jungkook got the car and they both got in. Taehyung still holding Y/N in his arms.

Soon they reached his mansion. Taehyung immediately took her to his room. Laid her down and called Seokjin.

Seokjin is the most successful doctor of seoul. No one knows what he do other than being a doctor and running a hospital.
No one knows that he's undercover mafia working for Taehyung well actually with Taehyung.

"Hyung she's ok right? Nothing happened right? She'll be alright... Why you're not saying anything?! Speak up! Tell–" Taehyung started not giving room to Seokjin to utter a single thing.

"Tae! Shhh.. let me speak. She's ok totally fine. Alright. She just got a shock that's the reason she fainted more to add the things happened or happening to her are traumatic" Jin completed and with that Taehyung let's out a sigh of relief.
He desperately wanted to see his little angel but Jin stoped him saying

"She's sleeping and that's a good thing. She can wake if you go in. Let her rest for awhile after that you can meet her" Taehyung nodded and went away from there. Jungkook looked at his hyung who was this desperate to see someone for the first time.

He knew that Taehyung love Y/N unconditionally.


You didn't see it coming do you?!

Well who do you think did this?
Taehyung or Jungkook?!

Well well well you'll get to know about this in future chapters.

Do vote if you liked it!!!
There even more twists ahead even I don't know how many💀

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