Chapter 17

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*Y/n's POV*

I was peacefully scribbling in my Buisness law notebook when a thoughts struck me. That confusing reaction from Jungkook was still fresh in my head. Those two little things A diary and a album they look so familiar. I think I've seen it somewhere before but where? You know what? Fuck this confusion I'm going and finding out!

I know some of you will think that I'm crazy or something but yea I want to find my answers.

Slowly slowly and steadily I sneaked out of my room to Jungkook's room. I peeped my head when I found his bedroom door open no one was there. This is the chance Y/n this the chance!

I got in quickly checked every corner of his room to find any clue of him but to my luck he was not there.

I quickly made my way to his room door and locked it from inside. I can't take any risk can I?

Looking in the drawers of his study table I finally found the diary and the album... Heaving out a heavy sigh I opened the diary...

The diary was looking like it was of some little kid or something I mean the handwriting and the small doodles scream that it is of some nursery kid.

Flipping through some pages my eyes stopped at some particular entry

'Cruella is still the same but I don't know why she behave like a crazy girl now days'

This nickname sounds oddly familiar to me... It can't be true can it?

I flipped some more pages

"Today Cruella told me that she is going... Mommy said that once she'll grow she'll meet me again but I don't know why I doubt that"

No it can't be true... He's talking about someone else right? This is not his diary right?

I've flipped some more pages but they were blank but on the last page in a neat handwriting probably of a grown up was written

"Cruella I don't know if you remember me or not but I still miss you alot... If it's possible then come back to me for once just for once. If it's a minute then minute but just once"

My eyes popped out seeing it. It can't be true he's not him.

Swiftly I opened the the album and I can't beleive my eyes...
So Jungkook is him.

I stroked the cute pictures of a little boy smiling ear to ear looking at the camera whereas a girl was sitting crossing her arms on her chest and pouting angrily...

A smile creeped up my face looking at the cute picture.

Slowly slowly the photos got sadder and sadder I mean the girl eventually disappeared from the picture and the cute bunny smile of the boy becomes a forced one in the pictures.

I don't even know when my eyes started shedding tears. I can't believe my fate. I'm again face to face with him.

I was in my own zone when I heard someone trying to open the door. I got up and slowly made my way to the door when I heard Jungkook saying

"Hello is anyone in?"

*Author's POV*

Y/n opened the door and Jungkook looked at her shocked and frowned before his eyes fell on the open diary and the album he pushed her aside and quickly got near it

"YOU OPENED THESE?! HOW DARE YOU?!" He screamed placing the album and diary in the drawers.

"I'VE TOLD YOU TO NOT TOUCH THIS DIDN'T I?! STILL YOU–" She cutted him off by saying

"Romeo" She said out softly and slowly he looked at her and saw the tears in her eyes.

He got shocked.

"Cr-Cruella?" He asked way to calmly hoping that the words slipping out his mouth are true. Y/n quickly nodded and ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"I can't believe you were with me all this time" she said but Jungkook was still shocked.

"I missed you so much" she again said and this time Jungkook wrapped his arms around her

"I missed you more" he whined and they both stood like this for a few minutes before parting away.

They both smiled at each other once again.

*At dinner time*

As usual all were having dinner. But all noticed one thing the sudden comfort and change of behaviour of the younger ones

Taehyung wasn't liking the fact that Jungkook was getting close to Y/n and Y/n too allowing him do that.

"Why you both are behaving weird?" He asked out loud

"We?" Jungkook and Y/n said pointing at themselves

"No the ghosts in this house" Tae replied annoyed by the fact that they both are getting close and all. The things he wanted to do with Y/n.

"Cruella tell them" Jungkook said the people Jungkook call hyungs looked at him with wide eyes.

"Sure Romeo" Y/n said and looked at every one not knowing that someone was glaring at her because of the fact that he is jealous of the nicknames.

"So basically I come to know that my long lost bestie from the nursery is this bulky bunny sitting here" she continued "I found out that this boy who we all call Jungkook is the boy I used to protect in Kindergarten from the bullies because this muscle man was so fragile and weak back then" She teased and every one started laughing...

"Ohh so that is the case" Taehyung said through gritted teeth throwing a heated glare towards Jungkook.

He texted something to Jungkook.

'Don't get too close to her!'— Tae

'Hyung she's my bestie and you already know that I have my Sung Young... I'm happy with my girlfriend!!"—Kook


Taehyung and Jungkook both smiled at each other sarcastically.

And with that the day ended. 


Hey bish!!

You saw that coming?! No right although some of you may have thought that Jungkook is Y/n's brother but bruh who you are kidding... I can't write without some twist and turns💀😏

Hope you liked it!
Other chapter will be out a little late so you have to wait

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