Chapter 23

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*Taehyung's POV*

It's been whole fucking 3 hours till she went missing and we are not able to track them!

I'll surely burn that old fart Young soo that whom he messed with! Just let me find you and you'll be six feets under.

I can feel my body getting stretched by each passing second. My anger. My rage is blinding me. I can't think straight now. The ways I'm gonna torture that sick fuck are roaming in my mind his death won't be a easy one and that's for sure.

"How much time will it take?" I asked Yoongi who was continuously typing something. The keyboard will surely shatter by the force and speed he's applying on it.

"Can you wait and shut up! I'm trying" He said annoyed and it took all my strength to stop me from sending him flying out the window. This short creature is helping me but what's with the attitude. I can't fucking calm down and stay quite knowing that my girl is in some old weird alien's claws.

"Damn it!" Yoongi growled lowly.

"What happened?" Jimin who was standing on my left asked.

"They have a lot more advanced security system. It's not like our system is weak but their system is a hard one to break through. But..." He stopped

"But what?" I asked impatient because of his dramatic pause. Just spill it hyung.

"We can... We can reach them" he said and I looked at him annoyed. I mean he's confusing me now.

"Tell it clearly hyung" Namjoon hyung said

"Y/n is safe and I know it. The tracker in her mobile is on but have a very little signal and I'm sure I can track it"

"Hyung make it fast I can't really wait. I don't want to take a risk" I said and again waited.

After half an hour.

"I GOT IT!" Yoongi hyung yelled loudly and a proud smile in his face.

"They're in Daerim district" He said a bit scared.

"Isn't that place is sealed and abandoned?" Jin hyung asked.

"Hyung that's the thing. Daerim is abandoned and is easy to keep someone hostage there" Yoongi hyung sighed and continued "That place is used by a anonymous person for sex trafficking... So many kids and women, men too were kidnapped" I looked at him with shock on my face. So many things were happening in my territory and I didn't know.

"I got to know it just now... Illegal organ transplantation, skin trade and all this shitt is done there. We can just hope that Young soo fart don't do anything to Y/n till we reach there" Yoongi said and sighed loudly.

What do you expect? Me to rush there now? No we need a plan a perfect full proof plan. I don't want to take any risk.

"Jungkook you are the only one here who's not known to the underworld so..." I wanted to continue but he cut me off in between.

"I get that hyung!" He said and we all got in our cars and drove to Daerim.

After a hour drive we reached there. The whole place was silent and not even a single human can be seen.

"Jungkook it's the time... Turn the tracker on and hide your face with the mask" I patted his back "keep this injection with you incase they shot you with some doze it will help you to maintain your consciousness. Stay safe" He nodded before getting out of the car and going in... Through the button camera we can clearly see where ever he's going and what is inside this whole shity place.

"Ok now try to find someone suspicious and start your act" The moment I said this someone jumped in with a gun in his hand.

"Si-sir I just wan-want... I go-got lost can you hel-help me?" Bravo Jungkook! Nice acting. This boy is my favourite.

"Sure little boy" The man said with a wide smirk and motioned Jungkook to follow him.

"Ok Kook listen if he try to shot you then immediately inject yourself by the injection I gave you. We don't know how strong the doze can be" I said and he hummed softly.

"We are here... Baby boy" the man said with a sinister wide smirk. Fuck him! Is he Gay or something? I mean the way he's looking at my lil brother it's clear.

"Huh? But I want to go ou–" Before Jungkook can say anything this jerk of a man injected him with something...

"Inject it... Jungkook Inject it!" I said loudly but this man already tied Jungkook's hands. Oh no!

"Hyung we need to go in!" I said and me Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok hyung rushed in.

"This way" I escorted and we all got in...

There I saw a very... Disgusting view.

A dead body of a man half opened.

"Ohh my friend you are finally here!" Young soo. This is that sick fuck.

"Where is Y/n?" I said through gritted teeth but he just laughed at my question. What so funny?

"Umm lemme think... Maybe in one of the rooms? My son will be happy to have her" He said looking like a complete psychopath but maybe he forget that I'm not less of one.
I smirked and looked at him. His smile vanished and he looked shocked to see me.

"Maybe Young soo you forget that I'm the real king here and about your son... Well he's still in Tokyo. Right?" I looked at him and he have a look which was so laughable. Huh! This fucker think he can beat me.

"How do you know?!" He said a scared look on his face.

"Maybe he is dead by now... I mean you messed with me not directly so I can also take revenge indirectly. Yeah?" I said... Well his son is safe but I can't tell him this. I'll use his own ways to defeat him.

"Guards! Get them" He yelled like a little girl and his dogs came to us... Wrong move bae.

Here the battle begin...

The guards are way to weak then us. I was busy beating one man but another of them approached me... Too late Namjoon hyung shot him and he fell.

"Thanks hyung" I said...

"Anytime maknae" He showed me his dimpled smile...

Soon the room was filled with blood, almost all his guards were dead but then I heard a gunshot.

"Stop it there if you want this little boy safe!" A voice yelled... It's oddly familiar.

Wait! It's...


Hey bish!!!

How's everything going?
A cliffhanger huh?

Who do you think it can be?

Y/n? Young Soo? Yoongi? Jungkook? Or someone else?

Wait for the next chapter to find out!
Do vote!!!

Hmm a gift for you guys💀

Tae:- wanna come on a date with me? A murder date?

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Tae:- wanna come on a date with me? A murder date?

Thank me later!

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