Chapter 13

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*Somewhere in Author's POV*

"S-Sir w-we can't fi-find her af-after the b-blast" a young man probably in his early 30's said to the man sitting in front of him... The dangerous aura of him darkening the sickening dark surrounding even more.

"So you are saying that you've lost a reason for me to spare your life" The man said in a unusual low and calm tone totally opposite to the tense atmosphere.

"S-Sir gi-give me on-one more chance I'll fin–" And before the young man can complete his sentence, a hole was made exactly in the center of his forehead. Blood oozes out from the wound and the man fall back... His lips parted and pure terror visible on his face.

"Take him as a example you all. I don't like to hear no as a answer and fools are those who think I might give them a second chance" he said "IS THAT CLEAR?!" The man said out loud.

The crowd of bulky mans shaking like a dried leaf responded with 'yes' in their shuddering voice that was totally opposite from their body structure. Even though they can snap the little neck of the man but still the dark alluring aura the man holds and the way he doesn't even hesitated to take someone's breath away make him powerfull among them all.

"Now get your asses out of my view and come back with a news that can get you out alive" The man said "GET OUT!"

Don't worry Doll you'll be in my hooks once I found you. I promise you that you'll love the way I'll devour you

*Y/N's POV*

I was in the gigantic room in my own dreamland... You know what I'm so shocked that this man whom I call my teacher own this vary mansion. But what shocked me more was the fact that I'm gonna stay in this mansion with him from now on to the very day when I'll find a place on my own.

Honestly living here in this big ass place is tad uncomfortable like I'm the only-only person here...  Not really I'm alone some maids and servants are here too... Jungkook too is here but I doubt when he'll leave I'll be alone. Looking at my introvert self, I don't think I'll be able to talk and get comfortable with any maids here.

For God's sake I'm not in a fictional world of wattpad where the female lead will eventually be friends with the ajhumas roaming in the house just because a cold ass mafia boss is obsessed with me and had kidnapped or bought me from my oh so abusing parents and now gladly accepted me as his lovely wife but I'm that uncomfortable little shy stubborn girl with a traumatic past and wants to get a little while to accept the fact that I'm in oh so sweet love with my kidnapper mafia husband.

Woah! I'll be good writer in future...

Shrugging off my absurd and wierd thoughts I got up... Sometime I wonder what if somehow someone knows what I'm actually thinking... What will happen to the person. Surely they'll end up in a psych asylum.
I giggled at my thought while walking down the stairs but soon stopped when I earned a 'WTF is wrong with her' look from one of the maids.

I walked and walked. I want to explore the whole damn place... My stomach growled as it is already evening and I've last ate in the morning... Suddenly I heard a voice from behind

"So you finally got out" The said person spoke and me...Well I snapped back so sharply that my neck almost broke...

"Jungkook! You scarred me!" I said more like screamed... Me myself was shocked by this sudden pitch in my voice "Why you are still here? Aren't you going back to your house?" I enquired

"I live here with mr. Kim not only him but my all hyungs live here" he said and I tilted my head in confusion. Like he seriously live like here with mr. Kim? And who are the Hyungs he's talking about? Does that mean that I'm not the only one living here with Taehyung? A load of questions flooded in my mind and unknowingly a frown made its way on my face.

"Look at your face" Jungkook chuckled lightly earning a glare from me.. woah! I really am comfortable around him.

"Taehyung hyung will explain you everything but first let's fill this little tummy of yours" He cooed like I'm a kid.

"I want to cook Kook" I said and I can't stop myself from the look on Jungkook's face. Probably because of the nickname or because of the way I used it

"Seriously? Are you sure you are that shy girl who never knew how to talk to strangers?" He asked with the same face.

"Let's go!" I said before holding his arms and dragging him with me "where's the cooks cook Kook?" I asked again earning a glare from him.

"Follow me Nerdy" He said earning the exact same glare from me.

*Time skip*
*Author's POV*

It was around 10 or something when Taehyung returned home. Surely he was coming back from a mission and was stressed, angry, frustrated and tired. Cracking his knuckles and neck he got out of the car and walked in. All his stress all his anger, frustration, tiredness flew out of the window once he saw Y/N sitting on the couch in the living room and watching a cartoon movie. To be specific a horror cartoon movie.

He smirked widely when a evil plan popped in his not so pure mind.



Bish I'm back...

I know this chapter looks like it's a Jungkook fanfic and I'm not sorry about it even a lil bit cause you know I may blast a bomb in future chapters. Some of you might already have guessed but remember one thing

Trust me you can't really trust me

Okk okk I sound like a crazy bitch which surely I am.

Hope you enjoyed... Do vote it and stay crazy!!!

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