Chapter 20

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*Y/n's POV*

After talking to Yoongi oppa I came downstairs. He forgave me and I'm happy about it.

"Hey you are back he didn't do anything to you right?" Namjoon oppa asked quietly looking for any injury... I shook my head and smiled widely at them.

"No he did nothing and you know what he forgave me already" I replied with my oh so rare smile.

Just then Yoongi oppa walked down and slowly came to me and whispered something in my ears.

"It should be a secret if you want him alive" He then looked up in my eyes and smiled then continued loudly "So get ready we are going in 10 minutes"

"Where are you taking her?" Taehyung asked and raised a brow at me and Yoongi.

"Ahh he said that if I want him to forgive me I should go out with him to his favourite park" I lied..

Me and Yoongi moved out and I quickly got in his car.

*Taehyung's POV*

Y/n is acting strange... She's behaving like Yoongi. I'm not convinced by what she said. She's not going to a park and I know that but anyways I trust my Y/n and Yoongi hyung so it's ok... Anyways I have a meeting with Mr. Min Young Soo... And now when Y/n is not here I can just go to the meeting venue without any distraction...

*Y/n's POV*

After a few minutes we reached the place... Yoongi got out of the car and moved inside I quickly tried to keep my pace and moved behind him.

"Are you s-sure they'll be he-here?" I asked tears already started to build in my eyes.

"Yes. Do you think I'll let that sick bastard to do anything with them?" I quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

I nodded and moved behind him inside.

"Mr. Min? You here?" A old man walked to us.

"Yea Ahjushi we want to see them" Yoongi answered without any expression on his face.

"But who's she?" The old Ahjushi asked...
I'm the president wanna do something? Jeez!! Just let us go!

"She's my sister" Yoongi replied. I looked at him with questions in my eyes he signaled me to be quiet...

You don't know oppa but once you'll find out you'll be the happiest person on the earth.

We both walked in the cemetery and there I saw the shelf where my Parents were kept... My real parents were. My eyes filled with tears but quickly wiped it off my face. I don't want him to see and them and get suspicious.

"What? Done now just tell me what you know about my sister and why are you here?" Yoongi asked and I quickly collected myself and looked in his direction whereas a smirk formed on my face.

"Let's sit and talk Mr. Min" I said and we came out and sat on the couches "hmm... So from where should I start? Yes!! So about your sister she's dead" I completed and Yoongi's eyes widened and he looked at me with terror on his face.

"Y-You're l-lying" He sid as he smiled at me hoping that what I said is not true.

"No brother Min she's dead" I said "He killed her and now he's planning something against Taehyung and gonna snatch something really close to him" I completed and looked down.

"No! That can't be true!" Yoongi got up gript my forearm but released it soon and then he grabbed his own hair and fell down on his knees crying silently.

"I-I have t-to inform Taehyung!" He said and ran from there. I ran behind him.

Not long after we reached the mansion.

"Tae! Taehyung where the fuck are you?!" Yoongi screamed the moment he entered inside.

"Sir all of the members are out for some work" A guard informed and bowed

Yoongi tried calling them but nothing worked...

"Hey Hey calm down" I tried hard to comfort him but nothing worked in the last I sighed.

I have to do it

I walked in the kitchen where only a maid was, she bowed to me and I smiled and motioned her out.

I know there are some low doze sleeping pills somewhere here... I tried finding them and finally I found them in a drawer...

I mixed it in the water and walked out of the kitchen.
Yoongi was sitting on the couch frustrated by nothing and everything.

"Have some water you'll feel better" I said. Although he denied first and resisted but in the last he drank it...

Not long after he fell asleep on the couch. I ordered the guards to take him to his room.

Oh my Yoongi oppa just rest a bit soon everything will be alright.


Hey bish!!!

Another twist💀
Hope you liked it

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