Chapter 21

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*The next day*
*Author's POV*

Y/n got up a bit late today and got ready for her University. Taehyung was back yesterday night from his important meeting with Mr Min Young Soo.

Slowly she made her way down the stairs and saw Jin making breakfast. The moment his attention fell on her, he smiled softly and greeted her. She smiled and greeted back. Few minutes later all the members were down for breakfast except Yoongi.

"Ahh call that brat Yoongi to have breakfast he must be sleeping" Jin said making a 'done' face but Y/n quickly responded

"Um J-Jin oppa he's tired from yesterday as after our small hang out he went somewhere for work let him sleep" She smiled assuring everyone but little did she know that someone was not satisfied with her assurance.

"Anyways let's have our breakfast I'll feed him later I'm free today" Jin said and sat down with his plate.

After having breakfast and some chit chat all went to their destinations. Namjoon went to the base of black swan along with Jimin. Hobi went to the white world company for some important buisness meetings.

(If any of you think white world company is the name of the company so no it's not actually it means the company for legal image of Taehyung and all of them)

In the last Jungkook, Y/n and Taehyung were going to University.

Jin was free from all work for today so he stayed home whereas Yoongi was still in his bed.

*Taehyung's POV*

We reached the University a little early and went to our classes. Jungkook was Y/n's senior. Jungkook is 26 whereas Y/n is 24.
Nevermind... I walked in my giant cabin. In a few minutes the class is gonna start so I have to pick my books and all stuff for it.
I sighed heavily and reached the class and there I saw something that made my blood boil.

"Y/n I-I love you so much. I want to spend my all life with you... Please g-give me a chance" A boy yah I remember his name... What was it? Yes! Jihoon. He was kneeling down on his knees in front of my Y/n with a rose. So many students surrounding the area. He was Proposing her. How dare he?! I was jealous... No it's a understatement! My blood was boiling to the point I can feel my veins melting with every push my heart makes to transport my blood. I just want to go there and shove my knife –which I always carry with me along with a revolver– in his funny fuckin' throat and sip all the blood out of him slowly and painfully until the only meal I want to eat is Y/n and blood!!

But all of these feelings vanished and the expression on my face changed from extreme anger to extreme astonishment.

"Ohh Jihoon I don't really have feelings for you. It's ok you get fooled by this beautiful innocence I'm showing but trust me you'll regret soon" She said with a soft laugh that was something I never heard from her.

The boy Jihoon was equally surprised just like me. I walked in the room and the students settled down. I looked at Y/n and she smiled at me. I can't save myself if she keep on smiling and destroying me with her killer smile.

"Everyone I hope you all have completed the assignments I gave you last week?" I asked everyone... Everyone nodded and soon I started teaching.

My eyes were glaring at Jihoon whereas when they turn to my princess... They soften and I look at her trying to share all my love to her with her through my eyes.

Jihoon got up and walked to my angel's seat he started whispering something to her whereas she made faces and started nodding boringly. I've never seen her this sassy ever. My sweet love.

My eyes shot glares towards her when she smiled at him and answered to him. This time I couldn't control my self.

"Ms. Y/n what the hell are you two discussing?!" I spit angrily

"I-I'm s-sorry sir we were just –er we were–" she was finding the words but now I don't care.

"Detention Ms. Y/n!" I said and she looked at me surprised.

"I want you in my office after class!" I said loudly.

"O-ok sir" she said softly.

*Author's POV*

Y/n was so in her thoughts she didn't realised that bell rang already and Taehyung already walked out. She snapped back from her thoughts and looked here and there. Eunwoo was also absent today and that's why she was even more bored. Lazily she got up from her seat and walked to Taehyung's cabin.

She knocked softly on the beautiful wooden door of his cabin

"Come in" Hearing him she walked in.

There he was sitting on a couch like a king. Manspreading and looking so damn hot and sexy...

She gulped hard thinking about the lecture she'll have to face and hear now

"So ms. Y/n why were you not paying any attention in the class and were wasting your time on some useless punks?" He asked darkly and sternly making her shiver from the coldness his voice carry. She heard this tone of for the first time.

"S-sorry s-sir I-I-I wi-will be careful ne-next ti-time" she somehow managed to say it

"And what make you think I'll let you repeat it? Do you really think you'll get a ne-next ti-time?" He asked intimating her.

"So-sorry sir" she said. She was scared of Taehyung for the first time.

"Are you scared?" Taehyung asked this time a bit softly. Just a bit.

When she doesn't answered anything he got his answer and mentally cursed himself for scaring his love.

"I'm sorry darling" he said not knowing that his words somehow affected her.

"Do-don't call me th-that" she said. This cruel word was the same word by which her dirty old ass teacher Yang cheol used to call her. She doon't like when someone address her with this vary word.

"Why?" Taehyung asked clueless as to why she's saying this. He looked at her and noticed that her eyes were filled with some angry tears. He quickly got up and embraced her.

"Shh shh shh sweet heart I'm sorry if I scared you so much I didn't mean to–" he was cutted off by Y/n

"I'm not sc-scared of you. It's ju-just I don't like this word" She said and soon told him everything. Unknowingly more tears fell down on her milky white cheeks.

Taehyung quickly picked her up and sat back on the couch with her still in his lap. She hesitated and tried to get up.

"What are you doing let me go" She said trying fo get up but failed

"Why should I let you go? It's not like you are sitting on my lap for the first time. Right sweetheart?" He asked teasing her. She blushed hard and trying to hide it by putting her little palms on her face.

"Aww seems like someone is blushing" He teased more and she whined for him to stop.
She hit him slowly on his big built chest.

"Aa! Why are you hitting me... Baby?" This big bear teased her even more and she hide her face in his chest.

"Yah! Mr. Kim stop teasing me!" She said and he laughed. Y/n could feel his chest vibrating as her head was still on his chest.

"Hmm I remember you gave me a nickname" He said acting like he was thinking something.

"Yah baby bear stop teasing me or else–"

"Or else?" He said making her stop as he was looking at her with a sinister smirk on his oh so handsome face.

"Or else I–"

"Or else you?" He moved a little closer to her face making her move back but he caught her crom her waist preventing her from falling. He pulled her close

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