Chapter 16

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*A few days later*

(I know I'm a lazy ass!)

*Author's POV*

Y/n was in her room working on a project assignment. Well now that Hyuna bitch is not coming to University from a few days because of her own reasons so  Y/n can submit her this project with ease... It's been a few minutes when she realised she's out of paper sheets so to fetch them from the study– Which she's prohibited to go– she got up... Suddenly something hit her she realised that she can ask Jungkook to get her the stationary she needed. Smiling at her thought she went in his room. After a few knocks she heard no response. This careless girl opened the door and got in. No one. Not even a single soul was in there. The room was much bigger from her room but comparatively smaller then the master bedroom which is Of course of Taehyung. Looking for him there she entered... When she found no one Y/n thought to just go out but suddenly a familiar object caught her attention.

Moving to the gigantic study table she frowned when found a familiar Diary and a album on the table. She was about to touch it when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Scared she turned around only to find a furious Jungkook there glaring at her.

"Ohh J-Jungkook I was j-just here to ask you–" she was cutted off by Jungkook.

"Don't you dare touch my things without my permission" he said way to calmly his deep voice catched a octave that sent shivers down her spine.

"I'm s-sorry I jus-" she was about to say something

"Get out!" Jungkook said in a high pitch voice making Y/n flinch. When she didn't moved he pushed her aside and shoved the diary and album in the table drawer.

"I'm sorry" She said before storming out of the room. Was she hurt? Hell yes she was! She never expected this from her friend to be specific from Jungkook.

Quickly making her way to her room she plopped on her bed thinking about the things that happened a few minutes ago. Her thoughts were not about the way Jungkook snapped at her nor she was thinking the way he shoved her aside. She was thinking about the Diary and the album those two things were a little too familiar to her. Shrugging off her thoughts she got up and started playing on her phone.

*Time skip*

It was already dinner time... Y/n walked down every one was chitt chatting. She was furious on Jungkook the way he humiliated her. He was guilty too and wanted to apologise to her but whenever he initiated a conversation she cut him off by talking to the other males. Everyone noticed that but didn't asked about it. All knew very well that the maknae can't stay quiet without attention. They knew that the maknae crave for attention.

"Hey Y/n can you–" he was again cutted off by Y/n.

"Hey Taehyung can you tell me who are this Jin and Namjoon? Like few days ago someone told me there names telling me that he added their number in my phone" she sid refusing herself from uttering Jungkook's name.

"Ohh who this someone is by the way?" Jungkook asked slightly glaring at Y/n but who cares.

"Taehyung please tell me" She said totally ignoring the youngest males words.

Hobi locked his lips tightly trying hard to not burst out in laughter seeing the maknae pouting and cursing under his breath.

"Hmm so Jin hyung means Seokjin is a doctor and my elder brother and Namjoon hyung he–" He thought for a while before answering quietly "He's my teacher or you can say mentor" Y/n made a 'o' face before nodding.

"Where are they... I mean if some cat like creatures can live here why can't they?" Y/n said out loud and smiled sheepishly looking at a fuming Yoongi who glared at her.

"They live here too but are out for some uhh work yeah some work" Y/n again nodded and smiled.

It's true that they both are out for some mafia mission related work but he can't tell this to Y/n.

"Y/n what happened between you and this baby?" Jimin asked looking at a pouting Jungkook.

"Hyung I'm not a baby!" Jungkook blurted out loud.

"Yah yah whatever now care to explain?" Jimin said rolling his eyes

"Y/n I'm sorry ok... I didn't mean to snap out on you like that" Jungkook said softly but Y/n glared at him

"I too didn't mean to touch your things without your permission" she snapped back

"What things?" Hobi asked but these two creatures were not in the mood to listen

"See they are something that I can't really want to share with anyone and are related to something–" he said "I'm sorry ok... Please forgive me" Jungkook said holding his ears like a kid

She thought for a few seconds before smirking and saying

"On one condition" she said earning a hopeful stare from Jungkook "if you'll do my assignments of HR management and Finance accounting!" She said out loud earning a 'wtf are you kidding me' look from Jungkook.

"I've not even completed mine and you want me to complete your assignments!!! Are you kidding me you cracked wooden spatula!" He said making the laughing hobi laugh even hard.

"What?! A cracked spatula is that even make sense you piece of holly banana's used facemask!" She too said making the rock faced yoongi laugh out loud. Jimin who was trying hard to sit back on his chair laughed even hard and fell back. And Hobi? Well he have tears in his eyes and is laughing so much whereas Taehyung is looking at them with a done face.

Y/n and Jungkook glared at each other before turning their back at each other but not so long after they too burst out laughing.

"it's my normal life from now on"


Hey bish!!!

I know I know that the story is getting boring... But don't worry a twist is on the way. Some of you might have figured it out so clip your hairs make your self comfortable and wait for the roller coaster to roll down!!!

Do vote!!!

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