Chapter 3

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I was walking with my head back and when I turned my head to the front I saw a car coming in my way with full speed...
I let out a scream

Why the hell all the cars have a problem with me! My eyes shut close...

I was waiting for the car to hit me hard and then me flying in the air then sharply hitting the ground so hard... Totally covered in blood. Everyone gathering around me... Photographing me Taking videos. Then the noise of ambulance coming... The helpers picking me up from the ground taking me to the hospital... Then eventually calling my parents that there one and only daughter died leaving Everything behind in this world... Then my parents and brother rushing to the hospital...Mommy crying at my one side whereas Jaehyun Oppa crying holding my hands at other side...
My Dad cursing the doctor and crying screaming on them to wake me up and eventually me meeting God where my future would be decided... If I'll go to hell or heaven.

All I felt was...

A pair of arms pulling me to them and we falling on the cold pavement.

"Oh my dramatic ass! What was I even thinking... I'm safe!"

My eyes were still closed but I can feel this 'someone' was holding me gently... Their one hand was on my waist whereas another was on my head preventing it to hit the ground. My hands were on their shoulder... What even more shocking was


I can smell their cologne... It means it's a 'he'...

What else can be more embarrassing... Agh why don't just earth swallow me inside...

I slowly opened my eyes to see this 'someone' already staring at me.
He's so handsome... His face is just like a greek god himself decided walk down on earth...
His dark brown orbs looking straight into my soul... Chubby cheeks... Dark brown locks just like his eyes falling on his forehead carelessly... Then cute nose... Then my eyes fell on his plumpy pink lips which looks like cherry blossoms...

"Are you ok?" He asked making me come out of my thoughts and just then I realised that I've staring at him shamelessly from a long time.

He looked at me worriedly and then I managed to say a small 'yes' after fighting the urge to just touch his face for just once.

I quickly got up and turned around to go... but then turned again and offered my hand to this 'someone' to stand up. He smiled before taking my hand and getting up.

"You should be carefull while walking on the road" He said like a old grandpa

I wanted to say:
" Yah! What do you mean you old grandpa I mean dude I'm not a kid!"

But all I could say was:
"U-Umm Y-Yeah Sure. Tha-Thankyou for saving me" And then my head hung low as always. I do this whenever I'm nervous or Overwhelmed.

And I don't know whether I'm nervous or Overwhelmed...

"No No it's ok. It's my duty to save you" He said

"Eh?" I can't help it what does he mean by duty to save me...

"Aa nothing by the way what's your name?" He asked making me stutter again... I mean should I tell him my name...
What if...

He take my name and start stalking me... Take out all my personal information and start haunting me following me around... Worst he Get obsessed with me and then eventually start stalking me... Then he'll kidnap me and will force me to marry him... Then I'll have to marry him and one day his obsession will fade away and he will start torturing me... Then after making my life whole damn hell he'll kill me while choking me with a Luise Vuitton belt or will stab me with a long sharp knife worst will leave me to rotten in his basement with-

"Hey! Are you here?" He again said making me come out of my thoughts
Ohh my dramatic overthinking will never let me live peacefully. I mean what can he do to me with just a mere name as my identity!?

"I'm Ok and here too" I said "A-and my name is Y-Y/N" I finally answered

"Nice name! Won't you ask mine?" He said cheerfully and I can't help it... I chuckled lightly

"You ask or not I'm Kim Taehyung" He said giving me a cute boxy smile... I don't know why but I just want to squeeze his cheeks...

"U-Umm Thankyou Taehyung for helping me Now I should go... Bye" I waved my hand before turning around but he stopped me saying

"Let me walk you home then?" He asked. Sorry but I can't let you walk me home too...

What if...
He walk me home then note my address and come back with thugs at night when we all are sleeping and robe our house worst what if he kill us... Super Worst try to ra-

Shut it! Just Shut this shit Y/N look at him how cute he is... Also looking from a good family. He helped you when you were about to run in an accident!

"Uhh I-Its ok... I'll be carefull and thankyou f-for the offer" He immediately get saddened but not for too long he quickly smiled and held my hand to shook...

"It's Ok... Then bye!... Hope we meet again and soon!" He cheerfully said making a light tint of red on my cheeks...
Urghhh why the hell I'm blushing

I quickly shook his hand... turned around and ran away in the direction of my house.

She didn't know that someone was looking at her with heart eyes and smilling ear to ear like a idiotic love struck boy...


Hey bish I'm back!

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