Chapter 14

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*Author's POV*

Looking at his cute shy princess Taehyung slowly and steadily approached her.

She was mumbling some cursings but not long after said out loud...

"Don't kill the princess you motherfucking monster!" She screamed... Was Taehyung shocked by hearing her swear? Hell yes he was! The first time he heard her use a abusive language that too on something that doesn't exist! Shaking his head and proceeding on his evil plan he walked a little more closer just mere steps away from the couch where Y/N was sitting...

"Don't eat her!!" She screamed again

"Then can I eat you?" Taehyung slowly said

"Hell no you can't ea– wait" she turned her head but then Taehyung growled like a monster

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" Y/n screamed

Jungkook who was in the kitchen kneeling down the kitchen drawers getting some snacks immediately peeked from the kitchen counter resulting him to hit his head hard in the upper shelves. He too growled in pain.

A man with pink-ish cream hair was walking in jumped in surprise and fall back. He too screamed with our great Y/n.

Whereas a mint haired man holding a pillow... Who was peacefully walking down the stairs got so shocked that he rolled down the stairs before getting up and saying

"WHO THE FUCK DIED?!!" Y/n looked at the man and again screamed before saying

"WHO ARE YOU TWO?!!" Y/n also countered back...

"It's my FUCKING HOUSE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'What are you doing here?" The mint haired man growled... The pillow he was holding was now gript in a tight hold.

"Noway it's yours... It's Mr. Kim's house you cat looking man!" Y/n said before glaring at the person.

"WHAT! WHAT THE FUCK A CAT LOOKING MAN?!!" he said in disbelief and glared at her once more.

You maybe thinking where is Taehyung?

So our great mastermind is rolling on the ground laughing his ass off.

"Yah you two stop shouting help me up!" The pink haired man said

Y/n slowly processed everything and stood there whereas another black haired man entered in and helped the pink man up...

"Ohh my God! What happened to you Jiminaa why are you laying here?" The black haired man enquired.

"Do you think I'm enjoying laying here in the most awkward position hobi hyung?" The pink haired man said sarcastically.

Y/n figured out the names of the two stranger males but the name of the cat looking man was still a mystery to her.

Everyone... Every single one in the place surrounded the laughing man rolling on the ground and glared at him.

The most feared mafia boss gulped hard seeing the glares of his two hyungs. One soulmate. One maknae. And one his oh-so sweet love.

He stood up before awkwardly clearing his throat

"Care to explain Mr. Kim?" The mint haired man said sarcastically throwing the most fake and sarcastic smile... The pillow still in his arms clutched tight due to the anger.

"So you are saying that this mannerless girl is the girl you are wipped for?" The mint haired man slowly whispered in Taehyung's ears. Taehyung glared at his hyung and soon stopped when he earned a 'show me this glare again and die' look from his hyung.

"Fore God's sake Hyung don't talk like this... She may hear us and get the wrong idea" The younger whispered back and earned a 'hmm' in response

"So as the first meeting of you all was not like what I expected... Let's introduce eachother again" Taehyung said calmly hiding the fact that he wants to laugh very hard remembering the faces of all the weird creatures present in this house

"Hello I'm your hope you're my hope I'm j-hope!" The black haired man said enthusiastically "You can call me hobi or hope or oppa!" Y/n smiled warmly at the welcoming nature of j-hope.

"Wh-what's your real na-name?" She asked shyly...

"Ohh don't be shy sweet heart I'm Jung Hoseok!" He said again with bright smile on.

"Ok Hobi oppa" she said again a bit more comfortably.

"Hello beautiful I'm Jimin. Park Jimin" the pink haired man winked in her direction and she looked down... They may think she shyly looked down but eventually she cringed hard on the words.

Not knowing that because of that wink someone got a hard smack on there head.

"Oh ok Jimin oppa" honestly she  was comfortable around these not so familiar handsome mans.

Y/n looked at the mint haired man for him to introduce himself and he just rolled his eyes on her before starting.

"I'm Suga" he said straightly earing a glare from Hobi.

"Yah I've introduced myself what now?!" He said looking at the black haired man who was glaring at him with a not so known dangerous strict face.

"Ok ok My real name is Min Yoongi" He rolled his eyes again

"It-It's ok hobi oppa I've behaved a little too manner lessly with him. By the way I'm Y/n. Park–" she stopped herself before smiling sadly "Just Y/N" she sighed after completing.

Taehyung noticed and patted her back as he was the one sitting beside her.

'It will be Mrs. Kim Y/N soon'
He thought smiling at her.

"Well Can I ask you something?" She asked looking at Yoongi.

"What is it?" He asked a tad boringly getting a smack on his forehead by the one and only Hobi.

"Jeez! Hajima Hoseok!! I'm older than you!" He said looking at the glaring black haired man.

"I was in this mansion from the morning but I can't find you. I mean where were you all the time?" She asked

"He would have been sleeping in his room no doubt. Look he's holding the pillow" Jimin said and the cat boy looked dangerously at him like he's his prey.

Y/n laughed it off.


Hey bish!

Hope you liked this chapter!!
Do tell me if you want me to make The Yoongi and The Jimin a couple in this book?

Like if you want Yoonmin to be there in the book?

Do vote!!

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