Chapter 5

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*Y/N's POV*

I entered the university and directly went to the library there was the old lady
Mrs. Shin Woo Young

She's a gentle lady. Always smiling. Honestly I love her as my own mother she used to tell me stories about her daughter but sadly she passed away a few years back with cancer. It was sad for her but you know time is greatest healer... After some years everything got back to normal.

It's true that she sometimes gets emotional and cry a little but now it's like she accepted it.

"Ohh hello Y/N!" She greeted me with enthusiasm in her voice...

"Mrs. Shin you are breaking the law of the library! Keep quite" I said with a fake strict tone and then we laughed...

"So what type of books you want to read now?" She asked as it's normal for me to visit library and then take books from here. You know I don't think anyone else come here... Some nerds do come here for course related books but me... I take some novels from here... Actually I don't think anyone know about thise spicy books in the corner shelves top most corner.

Only I know about that and now I feel like I'm the queen of books here. I can even tell which is where in this big as fuck library.

"Umm lemme think... What about a thrill romance book?" I asked and she just sighed looking at me... What did I said something wrong?

"Y/N don't you think you should find someone for you? You can feel this things that you read!" She said making me roll my eyes

I mean which man on the earth can we compare with the fictional mans huh?
It's a total waste of time!

"No mrs. Shin no man on this earth can be compared by fictional mans. Did you ever read any book like that?" I asked and then a name of a book came in my mind that I wanted to read so  I waited for her answer then quickly ran to the book corner where I last saw it.

"No I don't read that type of books... I just read biographies or autobiographies... I know I'm boring but I like to read them... But which book are you taking Daughter? I don't even remember putting any book there" She said I quickly take out the books and placed them on the counter...

"Yah! What type of books are these... 'Haunting Adeline' and 'Hunting Adeline'... Is this Horror genre books or what... The names and cover page are just" she asked and I quickly said that they are horror books and have ghosts in it.

(If you know the books and even have read these... Then congratulations we are gonna share a mansion in the hell!)

I took the books and went to put my cap in my locker whereas to take my books for the first class...

With a deep sigh I entered and sat on my desk...
Not long after someone sat beside me... I very well know who it was.

"Hey dumbo!" He said smiling cheek to cheek...

"Hello crackhead and dare to say that word again!" I playfully hit him on his shoulder. He yelped  dramatically... And we both laughed after that someone else entered the class...

It's hyena...ohh sorry I mean Hyuna.

"Hello Eunwoo oppa!" She said clinging on Eunwoo's shoulder meanwhile Eunwoo faked a smile at her before taking her hands off him...

"Hyuna the class is about to start can you please sit on your seat" I said as gently as I can because Eunwoo signaled me to shu this bitch away... He must be uncomfortable because she being a actuall whore was clinging on him.
Her dressing was just awful as her...
Tight shirt with two upper buttons undone. A short skirt barely reaching her mid thighs... That too very tight... It occasionally rode up when she move or walk.

"Who are you to order me?! I'm talking to Eunwoo not you!" She said making it hard for me to stop myself from writing her name on my diary... I guess I need a new diary but first I have to finish my buisness with the first diary.

"No it's not like that Hyuna. I just want to discuss something with him" I said faking a concern on my face. She was about to say something but our director entered in the class.

We all stood up in respect. He motioned us to sit

"So good morning students. With sadness I have to announce that Mr. Yan is not able to continue his services anymore in the University due to some unknown reasons" He said making everyone in the class sad specially Hyuna... As I said before she hate me for no reason...
Well I guess that's the reason being a slut that she is have agreed to mr. Yan's offer that he tried to give me yesterday...

Aww poor Hyuna!

"So no need to stress about your studies kids as a new and youngest teacher will be teaching you... With due respect and happiness I would like to introduce you to mr.-"

"Kim Taehyung" I didn't even let the director complete his sentence...

Wait a minute Taehyung... It's the same Taehyung who helped me yesterday... Wait how can he

"Well good to know you know him Y/N... Maintain you topper position... I will go now hope you have a happy and studious day!" He said and marched out the room.i was shocked to see him here he smiled at me. Everyone were looking at me in confusion and I can feel the disgusting gaze of that Hyena in me.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Kim Taehyung your new Business Law teacher... Hope we get along well. You can all call me Mr. Kim" He said in his usual cheerful tone but today somewhat his tone was different.


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