Chapter 22

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*Y/n's POV*

I was walking still smiling to myself thinking about the things which just happened a little while ago... I still can feel the wild eruption of butterflies in my stomach. The way I was close to him... The way he care for me and all the things were completely fogging my mind. The smile I have on my face is the first genuine smile. I love this feeling.

I think I finally started to like him.

This thought make me sad. Will he really accept me? No right? He'll be surely disgusted by me after–

I sighed heavily. The smile I had a while ago vanished. It's true I'm smiling but this one is a sad one. It's ok my opinion. My feeling don't really matter so it's ok.

Shrugging off my thoughts were cut off when I walked in my class.

Eventually I started my classes again.

*Taehyung's POV*

Today is the best day! I held my love in my arms. It's not like it was the first time I did it but looking at her... She too was enjoying my company and that's the thing making me overwhelmed.

Nothing is more beautiful than holding your love. The person you admire the most in your arms.

She's the literal death of me... Seriously!
Me. THE Kim Taehyung never listened to anyone. Never tried to bend my self for someone but look at this 5'4 little angel ruling my mind 24/7. She rule me. She's my Queen. If she want I can bow infront of her stay like that for the rest of my life!

When I say I love her It doesn't mean that I just love her.
It means that she's my fucking obsession, my godess, my life, she's ruling me...

Maybe she's the death of me as I said before but also...she's the only thing keeping me alive. I'll die by her single touch but will crave to just die...without her in my life.

My life was just black and white blank walls before but she filled my life with colourful prints although they are a little too much messy but her every imperfections are perfect in their own way...

Smiling at my thoughts I got out of my lavish and beautiful cabin to my next class.

*Time skip*

The university just ended and I was currently waiting for those two kids in the parking lot.
Jungkook came and smiled at me softly before hugging me.

"Hyung! Let's go home quickly I just want to sleep I'm so damn exhausted!" This little bunny said clinging on me like his life depends on it.

"Yeah Yeah just let Y/n come" I said and he nodded...

We were waiting for quite a few minutes now but Y/n didn't showed up.
Where is she?

I thought to go in and check. Just then I got a call from an unknown number.



"Ohh Mr. Kim remember me?"

"Who is this?"

"So sad you forgot me so quick we just meet a day before yesterday"

"Mr. Min Young soo?"

"Ohh you remembered!"

"What is it Mr. Min?"

"You always snatched everything from me Kim. Don't you?"

"What the fuck that mean?"

"I thought to pay back and snatch something important from you!"


"Nothing much but your pretty little kitten is here with me"


"Hmm yes I winder how she'll look under me? Will she enjoy? Hell yes she will!"

"Young soo don't you dare to do something to her!"

Before I can say anything further he hung up. Yoongi hyung! I have to call him fast!

Ohh Yoongi hyung pick the call. He didn't pick.

I rushed to the car and quickly got in the car.

"What happened hyung?" Jungkook asked worried.

I explained him.

"Let's go hyung!"

"YOONGI HYUNG!" I shouted the moment I got in my mansion.

"What happened Tae? Is everything ok?" Jin hyung said coming out from god knows where.

"Where's Yoongi hyung?" I asked and he told me that he's still sleeping. I quickly ran to his room and dashed in...
Only to see...

Yoongi holding his head and stumbling here and there... He was mumbling something. He was mumbling... My name? Why?

"Hyung!" I quickly rushed to him ehen he was about to fell down. I held him and made him sit on the bed Jungkook gave him a glass of water.

"Ta-Tae save Y/n" He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Yesterday when me and Y/n were out I somehow got to know that Young soo is planning something against us... Then I tried keeping a close eye and found out that he's planning something evil against Y/n" The moment he completed and my blood boiled.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I tried hard not to show my anger to him.

"I panicked and to calm me, Y/n added something un my drink and made me unconscious" This think seem a little weird but now my angel's more important.


Hey bish!!!

What's up?! Huh! You don't comment! I'm mad at you all!

I will not post anything further if you don't show me a good response!

Ok so till then
Stay crazy and delulu!

"Professor" Kim Where stories live. Discover now