Chapter 7

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Double update!!

*Y/N's POV*

It was last class of today which honestly I was waiting to end fast... I want to go home early today.

But this very beautiful teacher of mine will not let me go anywhere anytime soon.
It's Finance accounting class and the teacher have some personal problems from me...
She just you know ask me only, make me answer...

She asked again, urgh! I don't know the answer!...
I was saved by mr. Kim Taehyung

"Hey mrs. Doo Can I please announce something..." He asked and started after receiving a 'sure' from mrs. Doo

"So students as you know that your previous Buisness law teacher mr. Yan cheol had given you some files so hope you all have them with you now. Please make a pile of them here after the class ends... One more thing the student who don't have them... Please stay after the class" He said and left after saying a 'thankyou' and bowing to mrs. Doo.

Well, guess what my homework is complete. I just have to take it from my locker and put it on the table then I'm free...

Not long after the bell rang indicating we are free... Mrs. Doo just said something to the class and left. I quickly got up and went go my locker...

Eunwoo? Well he's nowhere to be seen in the campus. I think he's bunking again. I shook my head and grinned at my own thought

I unlocked my locker and my eyes went wide seeing everything there ruined...
Torn up papers of my project file... My jacket was attacked by scissors... My books were destroyed. Water spilled in there.
And something else was there too...
I removed some papers and it was...
A dead pigeon...

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa" I screamed loudly making the students look at me.
"Aww little Y/n is scared of pigeons..." I heard someone say.
It was... Hyuna!

"Wh-Why would you do that" I asked her trying to control the tears forming in my eyes.

"I thought a snake like you will love to have a pigeon" she shrugged and moved past me slightly hitting my shoulder.

I can't control now... I burst into tears. I mean the scene in front of me made me cry. I quickly pulled out my diary and noted her name on it...
It's a therepy for me... Whenever I feel low or someone disturb me make me hate them I note there name on this diary.

Lee Hyuna

I put it back in my pocket and went to the class again.
I sat on my seat... No one was there guess what I'm the only one who don't have any homework with me.

I sat there with my low hung head... Like a zombie.
After a while Mr. Kim came in the class and looked at the class empty and just me sitting there..
He glanced at me and then the pile of files...

"Are you the only one who don't have homework?" He asked a little softness in his voice.

"Umm... S-sorry sir. I- I can't... I don't have it with me" I said my head still down...

"Sorry to say but you have to get a punishment for that" He said making me sigh

"Yes sir I-I know" I looked up and immediately looked down because I just had a direct eye contact with him.

"So please go in my cabin and you have to help me in setting everything!" He said and smiled.

I looked at him and smiled lightly.
Well I thought that the punishment would be strict but no...

"So let's go. Friend!" He said and showed his boxy smile to me.
I can't help my smile back
We were currently in Taehyung's cabin... Honestly it looked like it's a CEO cabin...
Like more luxurious than the director's one.

I wonder why?

I smiled at my own thought.

I helped him setting the things and putting the files.

We were done after sometime
It was
4:03 p.m

I'm late
I needed to go early today!

"Umm I think I should go now" I said looking at my handsome teacher/ friend

"Sure... Let me drop you then." He said and I thought for a while but gladly accepted his offer

"Sure the-then let's go!" I said

We moved iut and here comes a luxurious black car... With a lot of modifications...

My Jaw dropped to the ground looking at it.

"I-Is it your?" I asked and he smirked and answered

"Yes it is..." He mumbled something in the last that I can't quite get...

I was about to open the passenger seat's door but he opened it first...
His hand slightly brushing with me. I controlled my smile and sat in.

He came to the driver seat and started the car.

After a while we were outside my house.

I got out and waved at him

"Drive safely!" I said and started walking towards my house... He waited till I get in the house.

*Taehyung's POV*

Today I dropped my princess to her house... Wahh! I can't believe it we were in the same car...

Oh my God!

Wait Wait Wait!

She didn't get suspicious of me.
She never told me her address but I dropped her.

Obviously I took out all her information including her likings, unlikings... Heck fittings too!

That was close. She must have found out.
Thank God she don't


Hey Bish!
I'm back!

Phew! Finally write it down.
Hope you like it.

First listen I've something important to ask...
Do you want a Yoonmin chapter or like Yoongi and Jimin to be couples in this book??? Do tell me please I'll surely write it up if you want.

Do vote
Till then bye bye

"Professor" Kim Where stories live. Discover now