Chapter 9

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*Y/N's POV*

I just smiled and waited for the car to hit me hard... Making me bleed to death but as always it never happened.
The car driver pulled the breaks just in time and the car took a 360° turn... It drifted just past me.

I was disappointed.
Yes I was.

I was still standing like that staring the thin air... I can hear the people whispering... They are thinking I'm insane. Well yes I am...

I fucking am a whole insane bitch! Do you fucking have any fucking problem with that shitt! Just mind your own fucking buisness!

The guilt of trusting someone was still there. It was making me crazy... Turning me into a whole mad bitch.

Not long after I heard the car door slam open and someone rushing towards me... The person asked me if I was ok.

The voice was familiar. I know him.
Kim Taehyung
My professor as well as friend.

"Hey Y/N are you- are you ok?! You should be carefull on roads! Don't you have your fucking eyes?! Are you out of your mind?! What if something might have happened to you?!" He asked and shook me... When I didn't answered.

"Are you deaf?! Y/N Are you ok? You should be carefull on roads?! What if—"

"Why didn't you just killed me?" I cutted him off.

"What? What do you—"

"Why didn't you just hit me?"

"Hey Y/N Y/N Y/N what happened? Tell—"

"JUST WHY THE HELL YOU DIDN'T HIT ME?! KILLED ME?! FREED ME FROM THIS SHITT?!" I screamed and burst in to tears.

He quickly held me in his embrace... Something in me turned and I sobbed and sobbed.

After a minute or so he picked me up from the road and went towards the car. He sat in the back seat with me still in his embrace.

After a few moments of me pouring my heart out... I heaved out a heavy sigh. I pulled away and immediately felt desperate for the warmth of his embrace.

"I'm sorry" I whispered out even I was questioning my self that I heard it or not.

"Hey Y/N it's ok Hmm... now tell me what happened?" He asked I wanted to tell him everything...
My heart was telling me to just let out Everything in front of him tell him all my misery. All about my dead and broken self. Everything. But my mind asked me a question
Am I or Is he... Really close enough to know each other's misery?

I wanted to say
My parents whom I lost my rights to call them as my parents broke me; my trust and everything. They used me. I was abandoned by my real parents and someone in this world have given me 75% shares of their company and is finding me. The person I can call my Brother. My parents just used me.

But all came out my mouth is
"It's nothing..."

His face twitched a little I fiddled with my fingers and looked down not wanting to meet his questioning gaze.

But he...

He held me by my waist pulled me closer and I ended up on his lap... My eyes wide as saucers.

"I said tell me Y/N" He asked unexpectedly calm.

*Taehyung's POV*

"Wh-what are y-you doing?" She asked struggling to got out of my grip. She stoped struggling when I tightened the grip on her waist.

"Don't move Y/N. Just tell me what happened to you" I asked... The moment she broke down in front of me repeated and once again stabbed my heart. She can't cry... I can't let that happen.

"I- it's jus-just... It's nothing" she said... eyes down. Hands fidgeting. She herself shivering...

"Y/N?" I asked sternly and she looked up... A look of guilt and hurt along with disappointment clearly visible on her face.
She sobbed silently and nodded. Then after exhaling a deep breath she started.
Everything. Every fucking thing she told me made my blood boil. How can those bastards do that?! Y/N is so precious to be broken. She's too soft to be crushed. She's too sensitive to be hurt. She's so kind and beautiful to be ruined... And that too by her own parents.

The girl in my arms... The girl pouring her broken heart out in front of me. Clutching on my shirt... Soaking it with her hurt emotions... This girl I'm embracing and keeping warm is... Is my life. Holding her it means holding my life.
And I'll never let those bastards go easly who tried to mess with anything that's mine. Well she's my everything so those sick idiots messed with me. They'll feel the fucking hell here on this earth... They'll feel the heat of the hell on this earth and that's my promise!

I know it's her birthday a day after tomorrow... You know what I know every single thing about her. I'll gift her... Her favourite books. Heck I can gift her a whole library but you know she don't know who I'm yet so gifting a library for a teacher would be a little too much and suspecting. Leave it I can gift her some memberships to the libraries. Yes that's fine. I'll gift her the memberships of the libraries I own

You're a Jinious Taehyung.

I looked at her... Actually I've been looking at her from the moment I went in my thoughts of her birthday. Her breath so calm eyes closed. Strains of tears on her fair cheeks. Few strands of hair falling freely on her face.

She's looking ethereal. She's looking mine.

I kissed her cheeks and let her sleep in my arms. Honestly I love this feeling of her in my embrace. My princess' happiness is what I want to see on her face but My little fairy is upset, Sad well depressed and it hurts to see her like this... I'll free you from these things love... I promise I will.


I'm here well you know this chapter is a little depressed. I don't wanted to hurt someone but if it did please move on don't be sad have some slice of life...

Do vote if you liked it so far.
Love ya guys

"Professor" Kim Where stories live. Discover now