(25) memories

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n pov

Everything was perfect. I was relaxing at my nest upon the Ruined pinnacle, enjoying the cool, fresh air as I gazed out to the seemingly endless expanse of blue ocean. As I looked out upon the ocean my stomach rumbled and so I got up and drew air into my chest vent before rocketing off above the ocean. Looking down I spot a pack of young ludroth, the perfect meal. Diving towards the ocean I braced for impact as I went through the water grabbing the ludroth in my talons and killing it instantly. Overclocking my jets I created a controlled explosion that launches me out of the water before flying up into the sky with a sonic boom. As I fly higher and higher into the sky I see a human airship.

y/n : "oh wonderful. More humans..."

As I watched them I didn't realize that there were two more ships right in front of me! They attempted to dodge me but I clipped one of the ships, feeling the wood splinter as I broke through as well as popping the balloon that kept it aloft in the process making it rapidly fall towards the ocean as the other airship tries to fly down to presumably help if they can. With a slight chuckle I watch as the ship plummets to the ocean and splitters on impact.

y/n : "whoops~ serves those pests right for trying to fly as well as for everything else they tried."

As I flew past them I went to my nest and dropped my catch and began to eat it. While ludroth wasn't my favorite, I didn't want to go seek out something farther out especially when hunters were there. As I ate a part of the ludroth broke off of the main portion and began to move on its own, floating in the air before it disappeared into thin air, or that's what it seemed like at first.

y/n : "i know it's you cham... what do you want?"

After I said that, a purple chameleon like dragon slowly faded into view with a big smile on his face.

Cham : "oh come now y/n, cant i check in on an old friend?"

At his statement I give him a deadpan look as he chuckles lightly before his smile gives way to a somber expression.

Cham : "they... they got the four..."

As he says this I look at him surprised. The four weren't elder dragon level but they were fairly strong monsters in their own right being a glavenus, mizutsune, gammoth, and an astalos each being very adept at combat even compared to others of their species.

y/n : "what?! How did humans of all creatures manage to defeat them!?"

Cham : "i do not know but i thought i overheard some hunters in the jungle talking about hunting a valfalk... I think they mean you."

I simply scoff at what he said.

y/n : "So the humans believe themselves worthy to battle me?! Let them come! I will put them in the dirt where they belong."

Cham : "ok... just please be careful, they seem to gain power practically by the day."

y/n : "thank you for your concern my friend but i will be fine. What can a human do against me?"

Cham : "..."

y/n : "are you just going to stand there or do you want some more food?"

At that charming happy demeanor returned as he began eating which brought a smile to my face. Cham was always the kindest of our little group, even allowing humans into his territory freely so long as they didnt cause any trouble much to my and the others' surprise. Eventually we finished our meal and said our goodbyes. Looking out to the sea I spotted the airship I nearly crashed through beginning to fly towards my nest.

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now