5.1: reconnection.

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Taylor let out a long sigh as she melted into Travis' hug. Today had been a long day and all she needed was a break and to reconnect with her husband. The two of them snuck away from their 5 and 3-year-olds and hid away in their closet as the kids played on their iPads. 

Travis rocked Taylor in his arms. He knew being a stay-at-home mother wasn't the easiest job, and he tried his best to help out as much as he could when he got home. He could tell today had taken a lot out of her. He felt his wife's hug tighten. "I'm sorry you had a hard day." He whispered, placing a kiss on the top of her head. 

"I don't know how your mom did it." Taylor said, remembering that his mom dealt with two boys who were two years apart just like she was. Her sons were so active. It was as if not a second went by when they just sat down and didn't get into anything. Even now, they were meant to be on their iPads watching a show or playing games, but she could hear that they were running around and doing something they had no business doing. She almost couldn't wait until the school year started and she was able to send their oldest off to school. Maybe their 3-year-old would be a bit calmer with his brother not around. 

Travis laughed. "I don't know." He remembered being young and being into everything just like his boys were. He and his brother were always doing something they shouldn't have. He knew he and his brother gave both of their parents the hardest time growing up, and it seemed like his two boys were payback for all he and his brother did growing up. "We might need to find some sport or activity to put them in. Maybe that will tire them out a bit." He said. His mom put him in football when he was around 5 years old. From that day forward he was in love with it. Without football, there was no telling where he would actually be in life. 

"Yeah." She said, resting her head on his chest. Even if this was going to be a short-lived break, it was one she needed. The two of them fell silent, only the sound of the calming music coming from Travis' phone could be heard. 

"How about this," Travis finally broke the silence between the two of them. "You go take a shower or do something you want to do for yourself, and I take the boys for the rest of the night."

"Are you sure?" Taylor asked. She knew he probably had a hard day at work, and there were still some things around the house that she needed to get done. Even if she was home all day, that didn't mean she got everything done the way she thought she was supposed to.

"Yeah." He told her. "Once I put them to bed, we can have some us time." She knew Travis was fully capable of taking care of the boys and getting them ready for bed, but something in her always felt it was her responsibility to do so since she was home all day while he worked. 

"Ok." She responded. Travis kissed the top of her head and slowly let her go. They had been standing here in their hug for at least ten minutes, which was a perfect amount of time for Taylor to reset and be ready to go back into the war that was taking care of two boys. "Thank you." 


Travis walked into their bedroom, holding a tray with dinner and flowers. Taylor looked over to the door when she heard it open and squealed with glee. "Oh my God." She said as he walked over to their bed. She had been up in their room, hiding away from the boys for the better part of the last three hours. She knew the boys were now in bed, but she had no idea what Travis had been up to since he put the boys to sleep. 

"Where did you get this?" Taylor asked, sitting up in the bed, and pushing her back to the headboard for support. 

"DoorDash baby." Travis replied, a smile on his face. 

"I thought you ordered the boys pizza for dinner!" Taylor replied, remembering that she did hear the doorbell ring when she was soaking in the bathtub. 

"Surprise." When he realized just how hard of a day she had, Travis decided she needed a little pick me up. He advised her to not leave their bedroom no matter how much she wanted to, or how much she heard the boys cry and call for her. Both of their sons where very attached to their mother, so of course they wanted to see her and be under her. "Do you know how hard it was for me to keep those two from coming up here to bother you?" Travis said. He was sure one of them snuck up the stairs at one point, but for the most part he kept them occupied with their toys and their iPads. "They love their mommy, but not as much as I do." Travis placed the tray of food down on the bed, and leaned into Taylor to kiss her. 

"I love you, more." She told him with a smile. "Thank you for dinner and flowers."

"You deserve it. You do so much for me and the boys. You're a great mom and a perfect wife." He told her. "Us boys appreciate the hell out of you."

"Thank you, babe. Thank you for saying that." Taylor replied a tears threatening to escape. Sometimes all she needed was to hear she was doing a good job. There were times when she felt like she wasn't doing enough. Hearing him say she was perfect made her feel like maybe things weren't as terrible as they seemed to her. 

"Stop pushing yourself to the limits. If you need a break, let me know so I can help you. You're superwoman, but even superwoman needs a little help sometimes." Taylor could do nothing but nod her head in response. The tears were already streaming down her face. Travis wiped the tears from her face. "I love you. I'm proud of you. I'd do anything for you and to make you happy. But sometimes, I don't catch when you're struggling. You gotta let me know." Travis was still trying to his best as a man and a husband to see when Taylor needed extra help with things around the house or the boys. Of course he knew she couldn't do everything on her own, but it was when she was still trying to put on a brave face that he didn't always see what needed to be seen. 

"Ok. I'll try to be more open." She told him. 

"Alright, now let's eat this food before I have to go back downstairs and put it in the microwave." His words caused Taylor to laugh. She was so in love with him, she was happy that he was hers. 

to be continued (part 2 is called 'good cop, bad cop')

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