37.2: the firing.

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continuation of "right now"

Travis groaned as he reached for his phone, which somehow ended up on the bedside table. "Make it stop," Taylor whined as his phone continued to ring, waking her up. He silenced the phone, looked at the screen, and saw it was his brother. He pressed the ignore button and sat the phone down.

"Ok," he said, getting back in his position. His phone started ringing again almost instantly, causing Taylor to let out another whine. He groaned again as he reached for his phone again. He shook his head, seeing that Jason was calling him again. He pressed ignore once again and kissed the top of her head. "Hopefully, he gets the hint and doesn't call again."

She snuggled into him more and pulled the covers over them. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers up and down her back as he tried to fall back asleep. Once he felt himself drifting back into dreamland, his phone began to ring again. His eyes popped open, and he reached for his phone, only this time answering it. "What, Jason?" He listened to his brother's words carefully before he sat up in bed. "What do you mean?" Travis's sudden movement caused Taylor to open her eyes and look at him, concerned. She didn't like the tone of his voice.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sitting up a little. She watched him get up from the bed and walk over to his bag, grabbing his laptop. "Trav?" Travis opened his laptop, put in his password, he opened his internet browser before going to Google and typing in his and Taylor's name. Not even five seconds went by, before she noticed the new articles about them.

"I'll call you back, man." Travis ended his call with his brother and threw his phone onto the bed, where he began to click articles.

"Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce? Back together?" Taylor read the headline of the article that he had pulled up. She leaned over and hit the arrows on his computer to scroll down to read more, noticing the pictures of them arriving at her hotel last night. "Are Kelce and Swift back together? Or was this a one-night ordeal? " Taylor put her hand over her mouth as she continued to read the article. "Last night, Kelce and Swift were spotted at a nightclub out in Hollywood. Sources say the two arrived separately, yet left together. Both parties spent their night up in VIP with their respective groups until they called it a night. Party goers took to twitter to comment on seeing the pair together." Taylor scrolled down to a few tweets that had been embedded into the article. "OMG, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are here." Taylor read aloud as she clicked the link that was attached to the tweet, revealing a picture of the two of them dancing together. She let out sigh before going back to the article. "Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce just kissed. I thought they hated each other. My Tayvis feels. I can't." Taylor let out a little laugh as someone began to knock on the door. Taylor looked up at Travis, and he got up from the bed, grabbing his boxer briefs from the floor and pulling them on as he made his way to the door. Taylor picked up his shirt from the floor and slipped it on before clicking on another article.

Travis walked out of the bedroom and to the hotel room door, opening it to reveal Taylor's best friends, who doubled as members of her touring crew. "Gosh, Kelce, put some clothes on" Melanie, the short, curly headed woman said with a laugh, as she and Kamilah, the taller woman walked into the hotel room and headed to the bedroom of the suite. "Tay, you decent?" Melanie asked with a knock on the door before she peeked in to see Taylor fanning herself and basically hyperventilating.

"Taylor, what's wrong?" Kamilah asked as they all walked into the room.

"There's ... a ... video ... of ..." Taylor tried to breathe while finding the words to explain her freakout session. Travis raised his eyebrow and walked over to her, taking the laptop from her to see what she was referring to.

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