26.1: humbled.

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"Shut the fuck up." she was caught off guard by his tone. She had never been talked to like this before, and if she was being honest, it was a major turn-on. She had always been the dominant one in her relationships. "I'm not any of your exes. I'm not scared of you, and I'm not going to let you talk to me like I'm a child."

"O...okay" She replied, feeling defeated for the first time in years, but in a good way. This was something she had been hoping for for a while, and she was finally getting it. She was finally with someone that wasn't going to let her walk all over them.

"Now, what are you actually pissed about." Truth of the matter was, she wasn't upset about anything. She just attempted to start a fight with him to get some type of reaction out of him, the way she had always done in relationship. Her silence proved to him instantly that she wasn't angered by anything. "You just picking a fight for nothing?" She had never had someone read her so quickly, and something happened that rarely happened; she was speechless. She didn't know what to say. "Come here." He said, patting his lap. She walked over to him, and sat down on his lap. A bit of shyness running over her. "What's your problem?" He asked, running his hand up and down her thigh.

"Nothing." She told him with a shrug.

"Why are you acting crazy then? What did I do for you to be screaming and trying to start a fight with me?" The look on her face gave him all he needed to know. She didn't know what the cause of her actions were. Travis could pinpoint her actions to one thing only, her needing and wanting his attention. He didn't understand why she didn't just tell him directly that she wanted his attention. He would have much rathered that than her being loud for nothing.

His hands crept up her thigh. invading the parts that were covered by his oversize t-shirt she had been wearing the majority of the day. It had been a lazy day for the two of them. They had been in the house all day, and maybe cabin fever was one of the sources of Taylor's random outburst, but Travis doubted it. "Nothing." She told him again. With her answer, he laid her down on the couch and hovered over her, looking down into her eyes.

"Next time you want my attention, just say that's what you want. Alright?"

"Yes, daddy." His lips formed a smirk at her response. There was nothing sexier to him than her calling him 'daddy'. She had just gotten herself into something that she wasn't going to be able to escape. A small smile arose on her own lips.

"You know what you did didn't you?" She responded with a nod."You know what I want you to do?" She asked him, the stare they were giving each other only intensifying as the seconds passed.

"What do you want me to do, pretty girl?"

"I want you to fuck me." His smirk turned devilish. She didn't have to tell him twice. She didn't even have to tell him once, her body language beneath his touch was enough to let him know and what she wanted was exactly what she was going to get.

to be continued (part 2 is titled 'it's a party (m)')

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