38.3: mile high club (m)

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continuation of private show and dangerous woman


Travis threw the last of his things into his suitcase, zipped it up, and placed it by his bedroom door. He didn't know exactly what this weekend would entail for the two of them, but he was glad that she chose to actually go with him. He didn't even know what to call what he had between himself and the girl who had only called herself Ty when she was around him. He had simply started to call her T, for short. She was mysterious to him. She never talked about herself, and she never answered questions that had to do much with what she did outside of her job and her time with him. And because of her vague answers, and her seductive responses, he found her intriguing. He wanted to know more about her, he wanted her to open up more than she was. He was definitely infatuated by her existence and her presence, and he was sure he was feeling a bit more for her than he should have been. He had spent a number of nights thinking about her once she had left. He didn't know if it was her, or the thought of her that had him so awestruck, but he needed to dig deeper, and this trip where they were together was the perfect way to do it in his eyes.

He picked up his phone, deciding to text her, about nothing in particular. He just wanted to make sure she was still in for their trip, given that she was hesitant to tell him if she would or not.

TRAVIS: You can either meet me at my place or the airport. Which would you rather do?

TAYLOR: Are you going to try something if I meet you at your place?

TRAVIS: No. We're going to get in the car and go to the airport.

TAYLOR: Then I'll meet you at your place.

TRAVIS: See you in an hour or so then.

Travis placed his phone down and sat on the side of his bed. Sometimes he dreaded living in such a big place with no one else. It felt lonely and he wasn't good with being alone. It was one of the many reasons he continued with "Ty." She filled the gap in his life that was once filled by his ex. Kayla Brown was the woman he had once shared this place with, but because of her ever growing trust issues, things between them went south. He wasn't the type of man to cheat on girlfriends, but something about Kayla drove him to that point. The fight they had on the March night that landed him in the strip club was the last straw for him. Between the words she said and the continuous accusations of him cheating, he was over her shit, so he left. He left and ended up having sex with a girl he hadn't seen before a day in his life, and now he was taking that same girl on a trip. Cheating was out of his character, but that night it was worth it. It was worth being able to meet this girl, and being able to spend time with her that he would normally spend with a girlfriend, without all of the commitment. But he also had to admit that he was starting to want her around more than just for their routine sexual encounters. He was beginning to want to see her throughout the day, he was beginning to want to text her throughout the day, and he was beginning to simply want to know her outside of this arrangement they had come up with.

After laying in his bed for a bit, thinking about his life and the decisions he had made throughout it, he got up. He went over to his suitcase and picked it up. "Ty" would most likely be there any time now, and he needed to just go ahead and call for the car that would be taking them to the airport. He walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs, placing his suitcase near the front door. As he was making his way to his kitchen, he noticed a car pull into his driveway as he passed the window. He raised an eyebrow, stopping in his tracks to look at whatever was going on in his yard.

He watched closely as the girl he had been dealing with over the last six months got out of the car and immediately went to the back of the car and opened the door. He watched as she leaned in for what felt like five minutes before she removed herself and closed the door again. He watched her wipe at her eyes before she walked back to the trunk to get out a suitcase.

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