8.4: running away. (m)

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continuation of series 8: ( 1. is it over now?, 2. vigilante shit, and 3. he is in love )

"Where are you?" Travis asked when she finally answered the phone. He had been home from practice all five minutes, and she was nowhere to be found. After screaming her name a couple of times, she decided to call her. Her location in her phone had been turned off, which he absolutely hated. She knew he worried about her, and needed to know she was safe at all times. Her location being off was her way of being petty. of not letting him be able to track her movements.

"I left," she told him, trying to hide the fact that she was still crying all these hours later. She was still hurt by his words. She didn't even want to answer his phone call, but when he kept calling, she figured something may have been wrong.

"And went where, Taylor?" He asked, trying to remain calm.

"New York," she replied, trying to sound as emotionless as possible, even though she was feeling all of the things.

"Taylor, be serious," he told her as he put his phone on speaker so that he could navigate his phone while still hearing her.

"I am serious."

"So you got on your fucking jet and went to New York because we got in a fight?!" He asked, a bit frustrated as he went through his text messages and opened Tree's text thread.



"I'm giving you space."

"I didn't need space. I needed you to be here when I got home from practice so we could talk about this shit." He told her as he texted her publicist. He needed a flight out of Kansas City to New York this very second. He wasn't about to let her run away just because they got into their first argument in months. She was the one who wanted them to have open lines of communication, but the second thing didn't go exactly her way: she got on her jet and flew to a state three hours away. 

"I don't care." Taylor huffed into the phone. 

"Taylor." He said, reading the text Tree sent back to him. 

"I don't want to talk," Taylor said and hung up before he could even get another word out. He shook his head, knowing that calling her back would be pointless. She either wasn't going to answer, or she had blocked his number just so he would go straight to voicemail. 


Travis walked into her apartment, using his key. He followed the smell of food into the kitchen. She had no idea he was there; she hadn't even heard him come into the door. As she reached into the cabinet above the stove, he grabbed her, spinning her around to face him. He pulled her into him, and she let out a loud gasp of surprise. "Do you want to talk first or fuck first?"

"Fuck," she said as more of a reaction than an answer to his question. He pushed her sweatpants and panties down as he leaned in to kiss her roughly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving in to his kiss instantly. She loved this man way too much to be mad at him for too long when he was in her presence. Her arms dropped from his neck, her hands going to the button of his jeans. She fiddled with the button, trying to unbutton his pants quickly. Finally, she got it undone and pushed his jeans and boxers down.

Travis stepped out of his jeans and boxers, kicking them to the side as he lifted her up, sitting her on the edge of the counter. "I'm not going to be chasing you all over the fucking world when you get pissed off, Taylor Kelce. Do you understand?" Travis asked, using the name she would go by in a matter of months as he pushed into her roughly. She let out a scream of pleasure.

"Yes." She answered, moaning loudly. The feel of his hands gripping her thighs to hold her up aided to the bliss she felt. "I'm sorry, baby." He looked her in her eyes as he thrusted in and out of her at a quickened pace. He watched as her eyes slowly started to roll into the back of her head. "I love you." She breathed, her eyes starting to focus on him again. 

"I love you, too, baby." He told her, keeping his eyes focused on hers. A smirk crossed his face as he fucked her. "You can't run every time we get into a fight, baby," he told her. This is how he lost her the first time. Her ability to go wherever the fuck she wanted at the snap of her fingers and his inability to stay committed to her back then was a problem. Now, however, all he wanted was her. All he needed was her, and losing her wasn't about to happen. He felt her muscles start to clutch around him; he picked up his pace as she threw her head back. "Cum for me, Tay." He told her, steadying his pace. Before he knew it, she was coming undone, and so was he. "Fuck." He said, connecting their lips again. "Are you ready to talk?" Instead of answering his question, she pulled him into her, kissing him again. She still didn't want to talk about their argument. She was almost hoping that it would just go away. "We have to talk about it, babe." He told her, between their kisses. Their bodies were still connected, and he lifted her up from the countertop. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. 

"I don't want to," she told him as he started to walk from the kitchen to her bedroom. If she hadn't finished cooking and turned the stove off moments before he walked in, this whole apartment would have been filled with smoke by now. "It was silly. I'm sorry for starting a fight." She told him. He walked into her bedroom and over to her bed. He laid her down on the bed and climbed on top of her. "I trust you. I do. I love you." He slowly pushed into her as she moaned. His strokes were slow but forceful. "I don't think you're seeing her again. The article was dumb." She told him. 

"You're the only one I want, baby." He whispered, leaning down and burying his face into the side of her neck. He placed kisses there as he fucked her slowly. "I'm marrying you for a reason, baby." 

"I know. I'm sorry. I love you."

"You're the love of my life." He told her, kissing her again. "You're going to be the mother of my children. Only you, baby."

"I know." She whispered. 

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