67.2: realizations.

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continuation to series 67: ( 1. i notice everything you do or don't do.)

"TRAVIS!" She screamed as laughter erupted from her body. "PUT ME DOWN!" He had lifted her off of the ground and onto his shoulder, ready to throw her into the swimming pool of her Rhode Island home. She had invited a great deal of her friends over for a small get-together, and the afternoon had been filled with such joy and laughter. The best part of the afternoon was that Joe had excused himself early in the afternoon, claiming he had something to do outside of the house. With all of her friends over, she hadn't even noticed he was gone.

Over the last few weeks, she has been talking to Travis more and more outside of their friendship group. She had learned so much about him and how many of their values lined up with each other. He loved his family, he valued time with his friends, and he was so fucking work-orientated that she was surprised he even was able to be at the party. "Oh, I'll put you down," he said, laughing. Before she knew it, he had thrown her into the pool. He doubled over in laughter, seeing her flop like a fish into the pool. 

OH MY GOD!" She screamed while also laughing. "I hate you!" 

"No, you don't. You love me," he replied. He took a step back and then cannonballed into the pool right next to where she was wading. She let out a scream as he landed, the water displacing into other sections of the pool. He pulled her into him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Take it back," he told her. 

"I don't hate you, Trav," she replied. She didn't hate him. If she was being honest, she felt as if she was starting to love him. Love him as more than just a friend. Every time he went out of his way to talk to her or show up for her, a little piece of her loved him more.  A part of her wanted him more. 

"So you love me?" Travis asked. It was as if everyone around them had disappeared. They weren't standing in the middle of her swimming pool with all of her friends around. It was just the two of them, gazing at each other, in each other's embrace. He knew she had a boyfriend, but something inside of him didn't care about that. He didn't care about that man that obviously wasn't treating her right. If he could get rid of him himself, he would. 

"I..." she hesitated. She didn't know how to answer that question. Because she did love him, but she wasn't sure if it was in a friendly way or a romantic way. 

"It's not a trick question, Tay," he told her, looking into her eyes. "You can say no. You're not going to hurt my feelings."

"I'm not sure," she finally whispered.   

"Taylor," she heard the voice of Blake calling her name from the deck. She looked over at her, the smile she once held on her face fading. "Joe's back." 

"Oh, shit," Taylor said, pushing Travis away from her.  He took the hint and started swimming to the other side of the pool, away from her. He watched her as she got out of the pool and grabbed a towel. She wrapped it around herself and went to sit with some of her friends just as Joe walked into the backyard area. 

Joe walked over to the table where Taylor was sitting, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "How's your little party been?" he asked, a forced smile on his face. 

"It's been really fun, you really missing out," Taylor told him, her face expressionless. 

"Well, I'm going to miss the end of it as well. I just came back to grab something really quick," Joe informed; Travis just listened from where he stood in the pool. Something was going on there that he needed to figure out what it was. There was no way Joe had a woman like Taylor, and he refused to spend time with her. Meanwhile, Travis was breaking his neck for just a few minutes of her time. He had to convince Coach Reid to let him out of practice today just so he could be here. He had to convince Coach Reid that some of the calls he was getting during practice were from his mother just so he could talk to her for even five minutes. He wanted her to take up his time. He wanted her in his space, while Joe didn't want her at all. He was the man she needed. He was the man who fit the lyrics of every single one of her love songs that weren't filled with questions and anxiety. 

He watched with a pissed look on his face as Joe gave her yet another kiss on the cheek and retreated into the house. 


"So, what's going on with you and Travis?" Blake asked as they cleaned up after the party. All the guest had gone their separate ways, including Travis, but Blake had some questions for her best friend. 

"Nothing, we're just friends," Taylor responded. She looked at Blake, who was now standing with a hand on her hip and looking at her as if she was lying. "I'm not lying. We're just friends."

"I know you too well, girl. Spill the beans." Blake demanded, 

"Blake. There is nothing to tell. Me and Travis are friends." Taylor said. She couldn't believe that Blake didn't believe her. 

"But..." Blake knew there was a 'but.' There was usually a 'but' when it came to Taylor and situations like this. She remember when the same happened with Matty, Tom, Calvin, hell, even Harry. 

"But I think Joe is cheating on me," Taylor told her. 

"Not the but that I wanted, but we're getting somewhere," Blake told her. She picked up some of the items that were still laid out on the back deck table. 

"I just can't prove it," Taylor told her. "He's always running off to be somewhere else. He comes home after he says he will be back. Sometimes, he smells like other women. I just can't use any of that as hard evidence." She let out a sigh. 

"Ok, but back to Travis," Blake said. 

"We're just friends," Taylor repeated for what felt like the fifth time.

"You keep saying this, but I know better," Blake told her. 

"What do you want me to say?" Taylor asked. 

"You have feelings for him, don't you?" Taylor paused, looking at her friend. This was similar to the question Travis asked her earlier. Did she have feelings for him? Did she love him? Was it time for her to break things off with Joe, who was showing all the signs of being a cheater and falling out of love with her? Was it time for her to move on to someone who seemed as if he wanted her and no one else but her?

"Yea, I think I do..."

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