35.5: family nap.

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continuation of call it what you want, what are we going to do (m), move-in day, cranky nights


Taylor laid on the inside of Noah's giant playpen that took up the whole living room and closed her eyes. Today was the last day of the semester, and she had spent a good chunk of her morning finishing a paper that was due. Travis was taking his final exam of the semester on campus and would be back sometime soon. Noah was crawling around his playpen, playing with his toys. Noah was now nine months old and getting into everything. This giant playpen had been one of the best investments she and Travis made. They could get into it with Noah while he crawled around and played. It kept him contained, and if they needed a nap, they could take one without a problem.

When with her eyes closed, she heard the door open and knew it was Travis coming in the door. She could tell by the way his keys rattled and by the way the door opened and closed. She heard as he kicked his shoes off and dropped his backpack to the floor over the sound of Noah banging on his toys. Not only was Noah active, he could be extremely loud. She listened as Travis walked over to the playpen and climbed in. In no time, she felt his arms embrace her and pull her into him. He could tell by her breathing that she wasn't asleep. That her eyes were just closed and she was resting. "Hey, baby." He whispered into her ear.

"Hey, how was your exam?" she asked him, her eyes still closed as she melted into him. The feeling of being in his arms after a long day felt so good, so comforting.

"I don't even know." He told her, chuckling. "Some of it was easy; some of it was a bitch." He admitted. He had been having trouble in that class all semester. He felt like no matter how hard he tried, he just could not grasp anything that was happening in that class to his fullest ability. He was hoping that he somehow ended up with a C in the class. He was mostly just thankful that it was done. It was over, and he had some time off to spend with his girlfriend and son. "Did you finish your paper?" He asked her. He had been gone most of the day and had little time to check in with her.

"Yeah, I finished it about thirty minutes ago and turned it in." By now, Noah had crawled over to his parents, wanting their attention. He whined and tried to crawl on them both. Taylor finally opened her eyes and saw Noah in front of them. She pulled him into her and cuddled him.

"Maybe we all need to take a nap," Travis suggested. Taylor couldn't say she disagreed.

"A family nap to end the semester sounds really good," Taylor agreed. They had both been working so hard, and this had to be a success to the end of their second year of college. They were almost 21 years old with a healthy nine-month-old baby boy. Taylor laid the little one down on his tummy, rubbing his back lightly. To her shock, he didn't fight her. He just laid there, accepting his back rubs while sucking on his fingers. Seeing this, Travis other the two of them and grabbed Noah's pacifier. While the pacifier was bad enough, his sucking his fingers was something they would never be able to take away if he got into the habit now.

"The whining must have been tiredness. I understand, little man." Travis said with a laugh as he removed Noah's fingers from his mouth and replaced them with his pacifier. Taylor and Travis both watched as his little eyes slowly started to close and open. He was fighting it, but he was surely going to lose quickly. Soon his eyes were closed for good and his breathing started to shift slightly. He was out. After the first couple of months, he went from such a fussy and crying baby to a chill one. Taylor had benefited the most from the switch. While Noah clearly loved his daddy, he was a momma's boy and only wanted his mommy when he was crying or upset. Taylor knew exactly where he got that trait from. Donna, Travis's mother, had explained to her once that Tracis was the same way. He wanted nothing to do with his father, and only wanted her. Only looked for comfort in her. While it was a great honor to be the favorite, sometimes Taylor just needed a break and for her son to be with his father.

Taylor rolled over, facing Travis now that the baby was asleep. "Hey."

"Hey, gorgeous. We did it." He told her. They had made it a full school year with a baby. It was a rough couple of months in the beginning, but they got their routines together and were able to get everything they needed to get done. Taylor was working now in a retail store part-time to help bring in money for their expansions, along with a work-from-home job for an insurance company when she had the time. Travis was still playing football. He had a couple of NIL deals that helped him bring in money, and soon, he would be making enough from that alone that Taylor wouldn't have to work. His football ability was taking him places he never knew possible already, and he couldn't be happier to be able to provide for himself, his son, and his wife (even though they were nowhere near ready actually to get married).

"We did it." She repeated, placing a kiss on his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too. Doing life with you is my favorite thing in the world." He replied, kissing her once more.

"More than football?" She asked, her eyes lighting up at his statement. Never did she ever think she would hear him say that he loved anything more than football.

"Of course. Can't have sex with a ball." She let out one of the loudest laughs and immediately covered her mouth, hoping that she hadn't woken up Noah. She knew he meant no harm in his statement; he was just trying to be funny. He had successfully succeeded in being funny and making her laugh. He smiled at her laughing. There was nothing in this world he would ever love more than her. She was everything to him, and he hoped, he prayed, that that would never change.

She kissed him one last time and cuddled into him. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in as close as he could. He planted a kiss on her forehead as she slowly started to close her eyes. A nap was the best suggestion ever. 

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