70.0: simple evening.

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Taylor crawled into Travis's arms. She had had a rough day, and all she wanted was to be in his skin for the rest of the day. She had already changed out of her work clothes, took a shower, and was walking around in nothing but a pair of panties and one of Travis' shirts. He had been laid out on the couch since she got home, playing video games, which was his way of unwinding from his equally as rough days of work. Travis planted a kiss on the top of her head, his eyes never leaving the TV scene. "Bad day?" He asked her, the question coming more from his stream of consciousness than his heart. 

"Yeah." She replied, simply. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. 

"No." She buried her face into his chest, taking in his scent. "I just want to lay here with you." She let out a sigh, and not too long after, she felt his fingertips grazing her back. He paused the game he was playing, letting his attention fully focus on her. As one of his hands continued to massage her back, the other massaged her ass. She let out a long sigh.  

The sound of the apartment door opening and closing again could be heard. A few seconds passed, and Ross walked into the living room. "Damn. Booty rubs in the living room? Must have been a long ass day." He said, laughing and walking into the kitchen.

"It was," Taylor whined. 

"Aw, what happened, Princess?" Ross asked her. That was their relationship. That was her relationship with all of Travis' friends. They would all go to bat for her, die for her, kill for her—anything. She was the only girl in the group currently, and each of them treated her as if she were their little sister, even if she was older than some of them. 

"I don't want to talk about it." She mumbled again, this time into Travis' neck. 

"Alright then. I'll let you get your booty rubs in peace." Ross said, coming out of the kitchen with a plate of food and headed into his bedroom. Travis let out a little laugh as Ross disappeared into the backroom. 

Travis loved the relationship that Taylor had with all of his boys. She had slowly started to become so comfortable with them that she would walk around the way she was now, and no one would blink an eye. Hell, he didn't even think twice about it. He trusted her, and he trusted his boys. "You can play your game, babe. You don't have to stop to soothe me; lying here with you like this is enough." He continued to rub on her body for a few minutes more before he grabbed the video game controller again and unpaused the game he was playing. He kissed the top of her head once more. "How was your day, babe?" Taylor asked him.

"Not the best, but not terrible." He replied, shrugging. He kissed the top of her head again and let her lay on his body. It didn't take long before he heard her snoring softly. 

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (Tayvis) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now