55.0: there is nothing i do better than revenge (m)

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"Go fuck him then." Those were the last words Taylor heard her boyfriend say before he stormed out of the apartment. All she could do was fall out in a fit of laughter and call up his best friend. If that's what he wanted, she was going to do it. She was known to be rather petty when it came to Joe telling her to do things. She would purposely take things literally, even when he wanted the complete opposite of what he told her to do. Today, she had done exactly what he said. "Fuck him", him being Joe's best friend Travis. Once Joe had left the apartment, she texted Travis. She knew Travis liked her as more than just his best friend's girl. He was always dropping hints that he was better than Joe or he could treat Taylor better than Joe did. In all honesty, Travis was probably Joe's worst enemy, but that wasn't for Taylor to decide.

"Oh my God!" She moaned, loving every second of Travis being inside of her. "You feel so fucking good." She told him as he thrusted in and out of her roughly. Not only was she enjoying this moment, so was he. He had been trying to steal her away from Joe for the longest. The way talked about her when she wasn't around was disrespectful. The way Joe felt like everything about her was a burden or annoying pissed Travis off. From where Travis stood, Taylor was nothing more than a sweetheart who yearned for attention. Attention that Joe wasn't giving her. Him in the other hand was more than willing to give it to her, in more ways than one.

"Better than Joe?" Travis asked. He already knew the answer to that. This wasn't the first time he was able to talk the pants off of one of Joe's girlfriends. He loved being the one to show them that they could do way better than the bland man.

"Yes, so much better." She answered. The smirk that was already on his face grew wider. He stopped the recording he was doing on his phone and threw it to the side. His strokes only went deeper now that his phone wasn't in his hand. Her muscles started to contract around him, an indication that he should increase his speed and his roughness. Obeying his own body and hers, it didn't take long for both of them to reach the brink. "I picked the wrong friend," Taylor said, breathing heavily as Travis pulled out of her finally. A smile was on her face.

"I'm willing to be a rebound." He told her, plopping down beside her. He picked up his phone, opened the album where his videos were stored and looked at the one he recorded of her. A smirk on his face. "Looks good even when rewatching it." He said. 

"Let me see!" Taylor exclaimed, almost excited. She moved over a bit, cuddling into him so she could get a look at his phone. Hearing and seeing herself having sex wasn't on her bingo card for the year, but she was fascinated by it. 

"I'm sending it to him, piss him off a bit." Travis let out a laugh that was almost sinister, but Taylor found it to be attractive as hell. 

"Do it. I want to see what he does." She told him. Travis didn't need to be told twice. Taylor watched his phone as he navigated to his messages and to the text thread he had with Joe. Travis attached the video to the message and wrote. 'Can't believe you gave your girl permission. Hopefully, you let her do it more often.'

Taylor couldn't help but laugh. "What?" He asked. 

"Just want you said was funny." As soon as the message sent, Taylor heard the sounds of her phone vibrating on the other side of the room. She got out of the bed, where she had become so comfortable in Travis' slight hold, and went over to her phone to get it. "Surprise, surprise. It's Joe." She said, she walked back over to the bed and got it, positioning herself back the way she was under Travis' arm. "Hello..." She said as she answered the phone, putting it on speaker so Travis could hear. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" She heard her angry boyfriend say on the other end of the phone. 

"I did what you told me to do. I fucked Travis. That's what you wanted right?" She asked, trying to seem more innocent than she was. 

"Why the fuck would I want you to go fuck my friend." 

"That's what you yelled before you walked out of the door. You told me to go fuck him because I said that he seems to treat women better than you do. Is that not what you told me?"

"That is not what the fuck I meant. You can be a stupid bitch at times, I swear." Taylor and Travis both busted out laughing. Hearing the sounds of their laughter made Joe hang up the phone. 

"Oh that was great." Taylor said, laughter still escaping her. "It makes it even better because he thinks I don't know that he's cheating on me with  someone he works with." Taylor let out.

"I didn't know he was cheating." That was something Joe never mentioned to their friend group. Maybe he knew that somehow one of the guys would say something and it got back to Taylor. He always mentioned how he had Taylor on a string that he would never let go of. 

"I found some text in his phone from some guy... sending him dick pictures and him sending dick pictures back." Travis head almost spun off of his shoulders hearing the words fall from the blonde's lips. That would explain why he and the others had never heard of this. "That's probably where he is right now. With that guy."

"Damn, Tay. That's fucked up." Travis told her, running his hand up and down her back to comfort her. 

"It's fine. I've already processed it. Which made having sex with you a whole lot easier, even though I've been wanting to do it for a while now."

"You've been wanting to have sex ith me? For a while now?" Travis asked her.

"Yeah." The tone of her voice was so matter of fact. 

"Well just know, I'm here whenever you need a dick to ride, or when you want more. Because, I got some feelings for you that I've been keeping to myself. But being able to be with you in a more intimate way really solidified it for me." Travis told her. He wasn't meaning to get all sentimental with her, but it was the truth. Every since Joe brought her around for the first time, he had his eye on her. Waiting for Joe to do something foolish so he could dive in and scoop her up. 

"Maybe we can make this more than a one night then." She replied, looking up at him from where she laid. 

"Maybe we can." Travis told her. Fuck Joe. Joe didn't deserve her, he deserved her, and he was going to have one. 

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