44.2: making the right decisions

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continuation of 'tis the damn season (tw)

Travis had been making this 3 hour drive back and forth from the city to his small town every weekend since Christmas. He was still trying to find a happy medium of being there for Taylor, Trinity, and his family, and living his life in the city. He was working with his bosses so that he could possibly move back home so that he could be close to family, but his bosses were not trying to hear anything he was saying. At least, that's how he was picturing it. He knew his job could be done remotely, he just didn't understand why they weren't letting him choose to do it. 

Today was the day of Trinity's 1st birthday party, and the traffic was stopping Travis from already being at the place to help Taylor, her mom, and his mom set up. As usual, Jason and Kylie were also coming into town to help celebrate. As he sat in traffic his phone rang. He looked at the console of his car, seeing Taylor's name pop up. He hit the button on his steering wheel to answer. 

"What's up, Tay." He said, inching forward in his car, before hitting the brake once again. 

"Where are you?" She asked. She sounded overwhelmed, and a little annoyed. 

"I'm in traffic. There was a wreck or something. I'm going to try to get off at the next exit and take another way, but I have to get to the exit first." He explained. "FUCK! I should have left last night like I intended to." He was so tired after work last night that he didn't think he was going to be able to make the drive without falling asleep behind the wheel. He made the choice to sleep and then get up this morning and head home.

"Oh, just checking. I hadn't heard from you today. I thought maybe you had overslept."

"I texted you." He defended. He picked up his phone, since he wasn't moving anyway, and looked through his text messages. The message he had tried to send earlier had failed, which now made sense why she never responded. "Oh. It failed. Sorry about that. But yeah. I'm in traffic. Trying my best to get there. Hopefully, once I make it to this exit I can be on my way again. I'm about an hour away."

"Ok, so you'll be here before it starts. Hopefully."


"Ok. Stay safe."

"Is everything going alright? How is setup going?" He asked, genuinely curious. He couldn't wait to see all the decorations. Taylor had explained that the theme for the party was "Berry First Birthday" where alot of berries would be involved in the decor. Travis had seen a few of the inspiration pictures Taylor found on Pinterest, and he was sure that it was going to be super cute once it was all done. 

"It's going fine. I'm on my way back home now to get Jax and Trin and myself ready. Everything looks so cute."

"Can't wait to see it all." He had a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see his baby girl, and Taylor. Things between them had been going pretty well. Their communication was improving, and to his surprise, in the last three months, they hadn't had an argument of any kind. After all of the conversations that took place on Christmas, after Taylor had left for the evening, he was starting to see the error of his ways. He had started to see where he was at fault in every little instant of all of his relationships, even the ones that people didn't even know existed. A lot, if not all, of the blame fell on him and his unwillingness to think of people outside of himself. He was getting better at placing himself in the shoes of others.


Taylor opened the door to her apartment and they walked in, her holding Trinity, and Travis holding Jaxon. It was nearing 7PM now, and the party had been a success. Travis made it with minutes to spare before the party started, and the rest of the day had gone smoothly. 

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