40.1: the moment i knew.

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'My flight got canceled. I'm sorry, babe. I'll make it up to you.'

Reading the text instantly sent tears streaming down her face. It was her birthday, and he wasn't going to be there. All she wanted for her birthday was to spend time with him and her friends, and now the most important person was going to be absent. She hated that he had to go on a last minute business trip. She hated that his flight was getting canceled. She hated everything about today and it had just started. She wanted to text her friends and just cancel everything. She didn't even want to be bothered anymore. All she wanted was him and he wouldn't be there. She crawled back into the bed and buried herself in the covers as the sobs escaped her. Why could she never have a good birthday? 


Sending the text message made Travis feel terrible. He wanted to be there for her. He didn't want to miss her birthday. They had only been together 7 months, and this would be the first of her birthdays to spend with her. Everything was set up nicely for him to be able to spend the entire day catering to her until his boss sent him on a last minute business trip across the country. Telling her he was going was hard. The look on her face when he broke the news to her made him want to quit his job and just find a new one. Disappointing her was not something he wanted to do, especially on a day she held so dear to her heart. He didn't know why birthdays meant so much to her, he didn't care, he just knew he had to be there for hers because that's what she wanted. 

He looked at his phone. His message was marked as "read" but she hadn't responded. It wasn't like Taylor to read his texts and not answer or react to them. His heart dropped. She was upset. As she should be. 

He debated on sending her another text. Telling her Happy Birthday. Telling her he hoped she had fun with her friends. Telling her again that he was going to make it up to her when he got back in town. He decided against it. Decided that it might hurt too much. 

He needed a plan. He was going to figure out how he could get to her, and get to her before the day was over. 


"C'mon Tay, it's not the end of the world. He's not missing your birthday on purpose like Jake. His flight was canceled." Blake, one of Taylor's best friends, told her. Sitting on the side of the bed, her group of friends had been trying their best to get her to move for the better part of the day. She hadn't gotten up since she got his text message, not even to go to the bathroom. If they hadn't had keys to her apartment, they would still be standing on the other side of the door. 

"I don't care." She mumbled, still under the covers. She didn't care the reason. It didn't stop the fact that she was upset, and she didn't want to do anything anymore. 

"Taylor." Selena said, in a gentle voice. 

"Please, leave me alone," Taylor told them. Nothing was going to make her remove herself from her bed. Well... Travis could.

She heard the two of them sigh before the bed shifted and she heard their feet leaving the room and closing the door behind them. 


It was almost 5:30 PM and Travis had just landed. He had found one flight that was going out that would get him back to Taylor before the day was over, and it hopped on it. He didn't even care about the cost. He knew today was important to her and that was all that mattered. Once he landed he checked his phone. He still hadn't heard from Taylor since his text saying his flight was canceled. He tried to call but got no answer. 

He was thankfully he decided to drive himself to the airport. He left out of the airport and went straight for his car. He needed to pick up a couple of things before he headed to Taylor's place to surprise her. 

After going to multiple stores to get flowers, balloons, a teddy bear, and a cute necklace that he thought she would love he headed to her place. He got there and used his key to open the door. 


Hearing the sound of her apartment door opening didn't faze her. Her friends had been in and out of her apartment for the majority of the day. They had tried to make her feel better, but nothing worked. She wanted one person, and one person only. It was crazy how quickly she had become attached to Travis in only a matter of months. She felt like he could be the one that she grew old with and had kids with, but it had to be too soon to tell right? She had always heard the term "when you know you knew" and couldn't decipher if this was the one that she should have been looking for a future with. 

She heard the door of her bedroom open. "Happy Birthday, beautiful." She heard voice, and without a second thought, she set up in record time and looked over to the door, seeing his face, with a smile on it. He was holding balloons and flowers and other gifts. 

She jumped out of bed and flew into his arms. He wrapped his arm that wasn't holding so much stuff around her. "I thought you weren't coming."

"I had to get here. I couldn't let you down like that. I got the only flight out that would land today, just to be with you. Sorry, I couldn't get here sooner." He placed a kiss on her lips. Something about this girl made him feel like he couldn't live without her. He was willing to do anything and everything to make her happy. 

"Thank you." She told him as tears started to flow from her eyes again. This was so much different than her last relationship. Her ex wouldn't have even tried to make it. Just left it at his flight was canceled and got there whenever he got there. He wouldn't have even tried to make a point to buy her anything. Just thought his presence was enough. And that was the moment she knew, he would do anything to make sure she was happy and felt loved. She kissed him again.

a/n: this was trash. i don't even like it that much, it could have been way better. the next one will be better. lmao

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