60.2: three's company.

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continuation of series 60: ( 1. babe (m). ) 


Taylor walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, startled to see her best friend, Selena, sitting at the kitchen island, drinking a bottle of water. "Well, good morning," Selena said, a devilish grin on her face.

"Good morning," Taylor replied back, giving her friend a funny look. "What's that grin for?"

"You forgot I was here, didn't you?" Taylor burst out laughing, nodding. 

"I did." She admitted. Selena got into a fight with her boyfriend, Benny, and ended up at the house with Travis and Taylor. It wasn't too often that it occurred, but apparently, the fight they had was bad enough to make Selena want to leave because she needed space. She occupied the guest room over night. Luckily, but the time she arrived, Taylor and Travis were already half way to being asleep. But this morning was another story. "Sorry." She apologized.

"This is your house. I'm just a guest in it. It's good to know someone is in love again," Selena joked. She may have been joking, but it was true. Taylor and Travis had their fair share of rough patches in their relationship, but lately they had been happier than ever. The sex had been phenomenal. The fighting had been near none.

"Still rude, since you were here." She told her best friend, as she walked over to the fridge. She got out everything she needed to make Travis his lunch for the day. She brought everything in her hands over to the kitchen island, where Selena was sitting and spread it out. She ran her hand over her face, and started to take everything out of its packaging. 

"You do know its breakfast time right?" Selena asked, looking at what was laid out on the counter top. 

"Yeah, this is his lunch." Taylor replied. She grabbed a knife from a drawer and started to assemble a turkey, cheese, and lettuce wrap. 

"You make his lunch?" Selena asked. Taylor laughed a little at the shocked look on her friends face. 

"Yeah." Taylor answered with a shrug. "The day he told me I could be a stay-at-home wife and I quit my job, I told myself I would make him every meal he ever wanted. It's the least I can do if he's providing. Cook and clean. Sounds very cliche, but I'm happy, so that's all that matters" While she loved being independent and being a boss-ass bitch, she loved being taken care of and not having to worry about anything even more. 

"What about breakfast?" Selena asked. 

"His breakfast was sex. He either gets one or the other in the morning and lately, it's been sex. As you clearly heard." Taylor blushed just thinking about this morning. She had no idea what had gotten into him this morning, but if he didn't have to go to work for a specific time, she was sure it would have lasted longer. 

"I'm happy that you two aren't fighting anymore. We all thought y'all were headed for divorce." Not only did her friends thing that, she thought that as well. A lot of it stemmed from stress with their jobs. They would both come home cranky. They would both take their anger out on each other. They were using each other as verbal punching bags to destress, and it was hurting them. It was part of the reason she stayed at home now. That job was taking such a mental toll on her, she didn't even know if she would have made it out alive. Once she was out of that hell, Travis was able to relax more. He was able to get his work done at work instead of bringing it home with him. They were able to spend their nights together, and it mended them. It brought them back together. 

Did she miss going to work every day? Yes. Sometimes. But did she miss the mental strain? Absolutely not. She and Selena talked as she made Travis' lunch for the day. She packed it up all nicely into his lunch bag. She wrote him a cute little note on his napkin and placed it on top. 

'I can't wait to be wrapped in your arms tonight.' The note read. She checked to make sure he had everything he needed for his lunch. His wrap, his drinks, chips, and other snacks, and she zipped it all up. 

Travis emerged into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Taylor waist. A smile instantly appeared on her face as he placed kisses on her neck. "Hey, Sel, good morning. Forgot you were here." He told his wife's best friend, between kisses to Taylor's neck. 

"I know," Selena said with a laugh. "Your breakfast session woke me up."

"Sorry about that." Travis laughed as Taylor turned around in his arms, with her lunch in her hands. Her free hand rubbed lightly against his neck as their lips met. His hands went to either side of her hips.  "Thank you, pretty girl," Travis told her, taking his lunch from her hands. He pulled her into him, wrapping his free arm around her tightly,  and gave her another kiss, a kiss that was longer than his usual goodbye kisses since he knew she wouldn't be making a pit stop at his office today since Selena was there. "Will you be home when I get home?" he asked her, knowing she had plans to go out with Blake tonight for dinner. 

"I don't know. I have to ask." She responded, her lips still against his as she spoke. "I'll let you know." She stopped talking and the kiss resumed. Selena cleared her throat, trying to make them aware that she was still there, but Taylor responded by shooting her the meanest middle finger. Selena laughed as Taylor wrapped her arms around Travis' neck. 

"Alright." Kiss. "Let me." Kiss. "Go." Kiss. "Before I." Kiss. "Take you." Kiss. "Back upstairs."

Taylor let out a happy sigh. "Fine. I guess you can go to work."

"Maybe I'll come home for lunch." He placed another kiss to her lips. He could not get enough of her this morning. 

"Nope. Lunch is my time. Thank you very much, lover boy." Selena interrupted. She got up from where she was sitting and walked around the kitchen island. She started to push Travis towards the door. 

Taylor let out a giggle. "I love you." She told him as she watched Selena continue to guide him to the door. 

"I love you too, beautiful!" Travis yelled back, having already left the kitchen. The next sound Taylor heard was Travis and Selena both laughing and then the front door closing. 

"Give me advice. How do I get Benny back to that." Selena asked once she was back in the kitchen.

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