0.1: author's note.

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Hi guys!

I just want to say thank you so much for reading this book. I did not think it would blow up as fast as it did. I am honored that you guys are enjoying, leaving comments, and voting on this book. 

I'm just posting this to show my appreciation to you guys and to also note a few things. when TW is in the title of a one-shot, there will be some sorry of triggering content mentioned within the one-shot. I am always going to try my best to tag everything that could be triggering. If something happens in a one-shot and I did not tag it as a trigger, PLEASE let me know so that I can put an accurate title and warning. Also, M just means some type of mature content is within the one-shot. I tend to keep smut to a minimum. Last thing, please remember that all these one-shots are just my imagination doing its thing. Everything is fiction, if anything in my one-shots imitates real life it is a coincidence unless I say that it was inspired by a certain event. 

If you have any requests, please feel free to message them to me and I will try to work it into what I have in my drafts. 

Lastly, updates may be slow. I am a second-grade teacher and working on my master's degree. We are coming up on the end of the semester and things are starting to get a bit hectic. I'm still going to be posting as much as I can. My muse is really high for little one offs, so don't get too worried!

Thank you again. I will be updating soon.

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