4.0: renegade.

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is it insensitive for me to say get your shit together?

"You can't hit sissy, ok?" Taylor told her almost 3 year old son as she wiped the remnants of his lunch from his hands. The little boy gave her a nod. "Say, ok mommy." she told him.

"Otay, mommy." He repeated the words back to her as she kissed the top of his head and put him down from the countertop and onto the floor. He ran from the kitchen and into the living room just as she heard a knock on her apartment door. She raised an eyebrow, wondering who it could possibly be. She wasn't expecting anyone, and the babysitter wasn't due to be over for another thirty minutes or so, so she could run to the grocery store child-free. She cleaned off her hands, and headed to the door, opening it immediately, instead of looking through the peephole like she should have done. She was surprised at the person that was standing before her. "How did you get my address?" she asked, not bothering with a hello. They didn't have that type of relationship. Their relationship consisted of her going to his place, them handling their 'business' and her leaving to go back home to her kids.

"I went by your job... and Taylor I really wanted to talk, face to face." He was fumbling over his words, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes a bit. The last conversation they had over text hadn't gone the best, and she was almost certain they were both done with each other.

"I see they haven't learned that giving the girls addresses out is dangerous yet..." She muttered more to herself than to him. Her line of work was seemingly putting her and her co-workers in danger a lot more recently. A few months back, one of the other girls she worked with had been seriously injured by a clubgoer who had become a little bit too obsessed with her. Taylor pushed a curl back out of her face and stepped aside. There was no need for her to start any type of conversation, let alone an argument, with him outside of her door. "Get in before my neighbors see you." Her neighbors were nosy, and if they even heard a voice that didn't sound like one they knew, they would be at their doors and windows, trying to figure out who had a newcomer in their building.

"Yeah..." He replied, stepping into the door. She closed it behind him, locking it. As he walked in, he looked around, taking in the scenery. This was nothing like what he had imagined all the times he had thought of her place. Then again, he hadn't thought about it much until recently. Between the look of her apartment and the look of the neighborhood she was living in, he couldn't help but be in shock.

"Find a spot that's not covered in this morning's toys and have a seat. I wasn't expecting anyone but Abigail, so it's kind of chaotic." She told him, naming her babysitter as the only guest she was expecting. She didn't even really know why she was apologizing for the mess, he had come here unexpectedly, he wasn't even supposed to know where she lived. Whatever he got was honestly on him in her opinion. In her mind, her apartment belonged to her children. If they wanted toys everywhere, she let them have it. Of course, she would have to clean it eventually, but that never happened while they were awake. "I'll be right back." She told him, taking her phone from the small table that sat in front of the couch and disappeared off into the kitchen.

"Hii!!!" The sound of her daughter's voice rang out, speaking to the man that was slowly making his way over to the couch, that was covered in toys.

"Hi." He responded, clearing a seat for himself. He sat down and took a look at the small girl in front of him. "What's your name?" He asked her.

"Izabewwa!!" The little one said, proudly. Behind him, a small smile had appeared on Taylor's face as she watched her little girl be 100% herself, even with a stranger. She was a friendly child, and Taylor always found her talking to someone. She was a bit more advanced for her age than her twin brother. "What's you name?" Isabella asked, looking up at the man.

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