32.0: a happy dive.

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only a month we've been apart, you look happier. [...] ain't nobody hurt you like i hurt you. but ain't nobody need you you like i do. i know that there's others that deserve you, but my darling i am still in love with you. but i guess you look happier, you do.

Joe sat in the corner of the bar that he frequented now that he and the woman he thought he would marry one day broke up. He knew from the beginning that their personalities had a tendency to clash, but he never knew that would be the reason they ended things. He had seen the look in her eyes change over the last few months of their relationship, but by the time he tried to fix it, she was already gone. Once her heart wasn't in it anymore, he knew he wouldn't get her back.

He glanced up when he heard a laugh, a laugh that he knew all too well. A laugh that had once put the biggest smile on his face. A laugh that made him happier than anything in this world. His eyes found her face. Her face held the biggest smile he had ever seen on her and it sent a pain to his chest. She had never seen her smile as wide as it was right now as she laughed at the guy she was cuddled up with at the bar.

The stinging feeling in his chest from seeing her so happy with someone else only upset him. It upset him because the love he had for her was unmatched. No one could or ever would love her the way he loved her. He hated himself for letting his controlling personality take her from him. As he watched the two of them interact from across the room, he just got angrier. He watched her hands go to his beard, gently massaging the hairs. He wanted to slam the glass he was drinking out of on the table, but quickly decided that causing a scene would never get her back, even though he knew that was most likely never going to be an option for her.

He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, pulling one out and placing it between his lips. He needed to get out of here before she spotted him, or more so before he did something he'd later regret. His eyes focused in on the two of them, the smile on her face still not fading as the two new lovers began to inch closer and closer into each other. He watched as their lips met. The rage that built up in him at that very moment caused him to stand from his seat, knocking over the table he was sitting at and shattering the glasses that lined it from the number of drinks he had throughout the night.


you're a mystery, [...] there's no other girl like you, no one. what's your history? do you have a tendency to lead some people on? cause i heard you do.

Taylor's eyes darted up as she heard the loud crashes from the corner of the bar that Travis had taken her to after their dinner date. "Joe?" She whispered as she watched the figure of a man leaving the establishment. It had to be Joe, she knew his walk, she knew his choice of clothing, and she knew how angry he could get. There was no doubt in her mind that him seeing her with someone knew would cause a 2 year old tantrum style reaction. It was one of the many reasons she wasn't happy in her relationship with him anymore. Anything little thing could and would set him off. She refused to stay in a situation that could escalate so quickly because of the smallest thing. While things never went above shouting and him throwing a couple of things around the apartment that they shared, she never knew if or when him damaging property would turn into him harming her physically. She didn't believe he was the type of person to put his hands on her, but after their last fight, she didn't know how much she still believed it. She shook off the thoughts of her past and focused on the guy who was sitting in front of her. Someone that she thought she wanted in her present and possibly her future.

"What was that about?" Travis asked. She had been talking to Travis for a couple of weeks now in a romantic sense, but she had known him for a couple of months. The transition from friends to something more was never a difficult process for her. It was more natural and made more sense than just jumping right into something new with a person she had never talked to before in her life. Travis had already proven himself to be way more fun than Joe, and he didn't care when she went out with her girls for nights out, while Joe tried to limit the time she spent outside of their apartment by claiming that he was lonely and being neglected.

"I don't know." She told him, truthfully. She didn't know what it was about 100%, but she was almost sure it had to do with the fact that she was here with someone else. "What did you bring me here to ask me?" She asked, changing the subject, her fingers running along his beard once again. She didn't want to think about Joe and his little outburst. She only wanted to focus on Travis.

"I don't know how to say this." She looked into his green eyes, the smile on her face that Joe had caused to vanish reappeared.

"Just say it, babe." She told him, a concerned look replacing her smile yet again. There was a silence between the two of them that lasted a couple of seconds before his lips started to release words again.

"It has to do with that." He let out a little laugh, confusing her. Why was he laughing? What was funny. Before she could ask him what he meant, he started to explain himself. "You're a gorgeous girl, Taylor. A mysteriously gorgeous girl, that scares me. You've just gotten out of a relationship and I don't want to be your rebound. I don't want to give you my all, like I'm apparently known for doing, just I want to make sure you're serious about us going forward as something."

"Of course I'm serious." She knew she had a bit of a reputation of breaking guys' hearts, but it was never her intention. She never went into something for the sole purpose of breaking them. Every relationship she left was because she felt as if she was being mistreated.

"Word around town is you're a little heartbreaker." He told her, his voice lowered a bit.

"I'm not trying to be." She told him honestly, a smile creeping onto her face again as she watched his face inch closer and closer to her own. "If you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you." She could tell he was hanging on every word that escaped from her pretty little lips.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He told her. She was looking into his eyes, reading every bit of emotion he was showing. He was being honest, unlike some guys in the past she had dated. She wasn't seeing in him what she saw in them.

"You promise?"

"I promise." He replied, placing a kiss to her lips for the second time since they had walked into the bar. Taylor broke their kiss when she felt her phone go off in her pocket. She took it out and looked down at the text message she had gotten from a number she was familiar with.

'You'll never find anyone that loves you more than I do.'

She let out a sigh. She had already deleted Joe's contact information from her phone, promising herself she would never go back to him, but it was clear that simply deleting it wasn't enough. "Is it your ex?" She heard Travis' voice ask. She looked up at him, gave him a nod before unlocking her phone and opening the text message. She stared at it for a second before going through the steps to block the number from contacting her again.

"Done." She said more to herself than to Travis.

"Let's get you home, yeah?" Travis stood from the stool he had been sitting on during their duration of being here. He reached his hand out to her, and she took it, sliding off of the bar stool herself.

"Do you think you could stay with me tonight?" She asked, looking up into his eyes. She didn't want to be alone after having such a great night out with him. She had just moved herself into a new place and the nights were far more quiet than she liked them to be.

"Whatever you want." He told her, kissing the top of her head. She smiled at him and held on tight to his hand and they walked out of the bar and made their way to her place.

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