19.3: field trip.

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continuation of hope you do (tw) and always be my baby


"Hazel's field trip is 15 dollars for her and 15 for a chaperone," Taylor told Travis over the phone. They had been getting along quite well over the last few months. Their communication had been improving, and things were going well. He had broken up with his girlfriend since she discovered he was still sleeping with Taylor regularly. Even after all these years, they were still holding on to the idea that being together wasn't the right move for them.

"So you need 45 dollars, is what you're saying," Travis said, making Taylor laugh a bit. She put the phone on speaker and set it down on the counter while she continued to make dinner for herself and Hazel. 

"Oh, you're going to go with her and bring Bear?" Taylor asked, stirring a pot of mac and cheese. 

"No, me and you and Tiger." Travis corrected. Taylor rolled her eyes. He couldn't see her, but he knew her so well, he could almost hear her eye roll through the phone. "Don't roll your eyes at me." he told her, making her laugh and shake her head. "She can have both of her parents with her first her field trip. I'm sure she would love for us to be there. Kind if like  family thing." He defended. Hazel was now 5 years old, and was well aware that her family dynamic wasn't exactly typical. A lot of her other friends had both their mom and dad in the household, while she bounced between homes or her dad was at his place at night sometimes. 

"Travis, I feel like this is one of your schemes to get us back together." She told him, transferring a pot from one stove burner to another. 

"It's not." He laughed. It was, but she didn't need to know that. 

"It is because we could take her and Bear to the zoo as a family, and it would not be around her friends and teachers." She had a point, but Travis could not admit that she was right. 

"You saying Bear is your son now?" Taylor could hear the smile on his face. She tried her best to not acknowledge Bear as her own. He had a mother that was very much presence, even if Travis did have full custody of the little boy. 

"I'm not." She replied. "But I'm also not going to treat him like an unwanted stepchild."

"So he's your step son now?"

"Ugh. Bye!" She said, hanging up the phone. he was wearing her down. He was making it more and more difficult for her to come up with excuses on why they couldn't try again. Why couldn't they settle whatever differences they had and just be the family that they both knew they wanted? The family that Hazel (and Bear) needed. 


Travis wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. "Travis... we are around kindergarteners." Taylor warned. The field trip was coming to an end and they were at their last exhibit for the afternoon. Taylor and Travis were in charge of Hazel and three of her friends that she picked to come along with her. The girls had a great time, skipping around and looking at all the different animals. They also enjoyed that Taylor and Travis allowed them to play in the play area for "a long time." It wasn't really all that long, but to a group of 5 and 6-year-olds, it felt like forever. "Ok, girls, I think it's time to head back to the front so that we can all get back on the bus and go back to school."

"Awww, do we have to? I want to stay!" Hazel said with the cutest little pout on her face. 

"How about we come back this weekend, and then we can go to the Cool Zoo as well. Maybe we can get your friend's parents' numbers, and they can come along with you and Bear. How's that sound?" Travis asked his daughter. The little girl's face lit up instantly. 

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