Chapter 87: Sloane Returns

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Beginning And End Library
Underground training room
After the orb completely disappeared into Sloane's chest, the magic power being released into the room, began to surge like a wave and everyone, and everything was being hit by it. Several cracks began to appear on the barrier and Xavier had a look of panic on his face as he tried to keep the barrier from falling apart.
Suddenly, everything paused and all the magic power immediately went back into Sloane's body. The circle and the square lit up brightly and burned away while Xavier, Kathy, Hyacinth and the spirits collapsed as the barrier shattered and everything became dead calm.
Xavier and the others were breathing heavily as the tips of Sloane's hair, up to her shoulders, had turned white. Kathy turned her head slightly to look at Sloane who was sleeping peacefully
'Reese...Hailey...we did it. Your daughter is alive' Kathy thought as tears streamed down her eyes
"This feeling..." Pint said as she sat up weakly "...the ritual was a success"
"My arms hurt" Wood said
"Same here" Jab agreed
"Who would have thought the Princess would have drained everything from me" Hyacinth said as he struggled to sit up "I can barely sit up. How are you two?"
"I think...I'd like to stay like this a little while longer" Xavier said before coughing while Kathy also struggled to sit up
"It hurts" Kathy mumbled as she grabbed her arm and let out a whimper
"Try to be a bit more careful" Hyacinth said and she nodded
"Lord Hyacinth, can you send me back?" Pam asked as she sat on his shoulder "I need to share the good news with Princess Kenzie"
"Princess Kenzie?" Xavier repeated as he suddenly sat up but regretted it afterwards "You've been mentioning that name for quite some now. And the name sounds very familiar"
"Because that's the nickname the Princess used to call Mickey Mouse when they were younger" Kathy said
"Mackenzie's alive? I thought she and Laura died" Xavier said
"Princess Kenzie is very much alive" Pam said "But the woman known as Laura..." she went quiet afterwards
"I see" Kathy said "And here I was, hoping that Laura would be fine too"
"Currently, Princess Kenzie has been adopted by Prince Nathan and the Princess" Pint said
"Anyways, I need to inform Princess Kenzie" Pam said
"I'm completely drained" Hyacinth said "I can't teleport us back"
"That means we'll either have to wait for the Princess to wake up or for the key bearer to open the library" Jab said with a sigh
"What a dilemma" Wood said
"Nathan...Kenzie...I miss you" Sloane mumbled in her sleep and everyone turned towards her
"I've been wondering about this for a while now but have chosen to keep it to myself" Hyacinth said "However, what is the relationship between the Princess and the demon seed holder?"
"Their relationship?" River repeated and Hyacinth nodded "Well, it's quite complicated"
"Complicated?" Kathy asked "How is it complicated?"
"They look at each other like long lost lovers" Pint said "However, they tend to deny that fact"
"Sometimes they act like friends while other times, it looks like something is going on, that we don't know about" River said "It's really complicated"
Sloane groaned and turned a couple of times which made Kathy to crawl towards her
"Princess...are you awake?" Kathy asked as she was now by Sloane's body and rested Sloane's head on her laps "Princess Sloane...are you awake?"
As Sloane slowly opened her eyes, Kathy became stunned. The gunmetal blue color of Sloane's eyes, reminded her a lot of Reese
"Kathy" Sloane managed to say
"You know my name?" Kathy asked but Sloane tried to sit up "You shouldn't be moving around like that. You'll hurt yourself"
"Sorry for worrying you" Sloane said but the smaller spirits rushed and hugged any part of her body they could reach
"Princess...we were so worried" Pint said
"I'm sorry for worrying you guys too" Sloane said with a light smile
"It seems like I've been forgotten" Hyacinth said and Sloane turned her head to face him
"Sorry, Hyacinth. It must have been difficult for you" Sloane said
"It was" Hyacinth said bluntly "You drained everything from me"
"Princess. It's good to see you again" Xavier said "You know I-"
"It's good to see you too, Xavier" Sloane said as she sat up "Thank you for everything you've done" she stood up steadily on her feet and the spirits moved to her shoulders
"Are you sure you should be moving around like that?" Xavier asked worriedly while Sloane thought of her bedroom back at the Elven palace
"I'm a hundred percent fine. All my body parts are even performing better than last time" Sloane said as she snapped her fingers and in a matter of seconds, all of them were in Sloane's bedroom in the Elven Palace. They were all on top of the bed and everyone else couldn't believe how they were instantly teleported
"You're already better than me at this" Hyacinth said as he and the smaller spirits began to disappear "The Spirit King has called me and the others back, it seems" he said as he was gone from the room and Sloane chuckled as she jumped off the bed
However, just as her feet touched the ground, her bedroom door opened wide and she turned to see who it was. Only for her to notice Mackenzie at the door with Nathan behind her, a look of surprise plastered on his face
"M-mum?" Mackenzie let out as tears streamed down her face
"Kenzie" Sloane let out while staring at Mackenzie 'She looks so different now...she's grown so much while I haven't seen her these passed two years' she thought as her body remained rooted however, Mackenzie ran and hugged her
"I missed you so much. I thought you'd forgotten about me" Mackenzie said with teary eyes "What kind of mother abandons her child with a bunch of strangers?" she shouted before blabbering on "Old man Dante separated us into groups when you didn't come back again. We all endured hellish training and I didn't get to see dad as much as usual. I was lonely and you weren't there...I tried writing to you but you never answered and Priya refused to tell us anything. I went through two years of my life worried...and thinking you'd leave me just like everyone else-"
"Since when did you start talking like Priya?" Sloane said as she hugged Mackenzie back "I'm sorry. You grew up so much while I was gone"
"It would have been better, if you had been there to watch her grow" Nathan said from the side and Sloane looked at him
"Nathan" Sloane mumbled but he was already hugging her and Mackenzie
"At least let me worry about you" Nathan said before remembering the pain he felt from her "You've done enough. Rest" he said and Sloane cried on his shirt until she passed out before looking at those who were watching from the bed like they were a movie. "Kenzie...can you move?" he asked
"Mm" Mackenzie let out as she moved out from between Nathan and Sloane. As soon as she did that, Nathan picked Sloane up in his arms
"When did she faint?" Xavier asked
"It seems like she's been moving through pure will" Kathy said but when she blinked, Nathan was directly opposite her
"If you two don't mind, I'd like to tuck her in so she can sleep properly" Nathan said
'This guy is far more arrogant than his father' Xavier thought as he stared at Nathan 'I bet he's far stronger than Marcus' he got off the bed from one side and Kathy did the same from the other side while Nathan gently dropped Sloane on the bed and covered her with the blanket
"Nathan we-"
"We'll talk outside" Nathan said with only a glance at them "Kenzie, stay here"
"Okay, dad" Mackenzie said as Nathan led the other two outside. As soon as Nathan shut the door behind him, he turned to look towards them with a frown
"What do you have to say?" Nathan asked
'Did we offend this guy in anyway?' Xavier asked through telepathy 'You delivered him, Kathy. Is he always as grumpy as Marcus?'
'He's been like that ever since the day he was born' Kathy replied 'He didn't let other women, other than me and his mother, to carry him. He had a horrible habit of frowning whenever someone new carried him'
"You're the one who delivered me?" Nathan asked with surprise plastered on his face
"You can infiltrate the telepathy?" Xavier let out
"You're both currently in my zone" Nathan said "Anytime magic is used in my zone, be it telepathy or not, as far as you're a demon, I can control that aspect as I please. I can also kill anyone as I please in my zone"
'This is the power of the demon seed' Kathy thought while looking into Nathan's electric blue eyes. She was lost for a while until she found her voice and said "There's a war currently-"
"I know" Nathan said "The two humans who followed you in here, told us everything and we had to clean up your mess" he said before resting against the wall and folding his arms "Do you know how much trouble you two caused? Two humans were following you and although you both knew of that fact from the very beginning, you did nothing about it. You endangered our race, the humans and the denizens of this world by allowing those two to follow you" he scolded and they both lowered their heads
'This reminds me of the time I was training with Marcus and forgot to put up a barrier. Everyone in Greenwood Springs almost learned of our existence' Xavier thought 'He scolded me a lot too'
"That isn't important" Kathy said "We came to help the Princess and aid in the war. However, we're out of magic power and there are a lot of casualties on your side...I guess it's our side now, since we're fighting with the Princess"
"What are we gonna do?" Xavier asked "We told the guys outside we'd bring them some reinforcements but, after remembering that in your group, there are kids along with a human, it's hopeless. Not to talk of the fact that you guys have no experience in war and won't be able to counterattack with the forces you have"
"That human you're talking about like that, could beat a demon general in a fight. I wonder why people look down on her, when she trained directly under Sloane and has been quite helpful" Nathan said "And I wouldn't be so worried of those kids. They can take care of themselves"
Kathy scoffed "What are you going to do about the injured? Even my magic can't heal them. It will drain a lot of magic power and healers are quite rare among our kind" she said
"I have a couple of healers on my side" Nathan said nonchalantly "And secondly, we didn't just come on a vacation and spend two years here, having fun. Put some trust in your queen...she's not an idiot"
"Nathan? Is that you?" Kathy heard from beside her and when she turned, she saw Virginia there, carrying Zel in her arms
"Sorry. Did we wake you up, Lady Virginia?" Nathan asked and she shook her head
"We woke up as a reaction to Sloane's magic power" Virginia said "Zel wouldn't stop being fussy. And I wanted to see Sloane"
"She's sleeping inside" Nathan said and a smile appeared on Virginia's face
"I'm going to see her and try to relax her body to the best of my abilities. Can you hold Zel for me? I'm afraid he'd wake her up" Virginia said as Nathan took Zel from her and she looked towards Kathy and Xavier "There's a maid down the hall. You can meet her for clothes, food and she'll lead you to a bedroom to rest right after" she said before she headed inside of Sloane's room and shut the door
"Where are we?" Kathy asked as she saw Zel play with Nathan's hair
"The Elven Empire's royal palace. Weren't you held up in their cell until recently?" Nathan asked
"Wait. You were locked up?" Xavier asked
"It was a misunderstanding" Kathy tried to defend herself "I didn't know I needed permission from the Spirit King to come to the spirit world. when I arrived, my appearance caused a lot of commotion and before I knew it, some crazy lady with a bad attitude, attacked me-"
"That was Lady Virginia's older sister, Zoe" Nathan said "If I remember correctly, you almost killed her and my master, Dante had to get involved. That's how you ended up in that cell"
"The guy with the chestnut hair who could use demon powers was your master? Wasn't he a cursed immortal human?" Kathy asked
" both of your questions" Nathan said
"Then, the child-"
"It's his son" Nathan completed Xavier's words a bit irritatedly when the door to Sloane's room opened again and Virginia walked out with a smile on her face
"Thank you" Virginia as she took Zel from him "I'm glad she's doing better than when she first came here. I only ever manage to do the littler things for her despite all the help she's given me"
"Sloane...doesn't seem to care about that kind of stuff" Nathan said and Virginia sighed before noticing that Xavier and Kathy were still there
"If you're done disturbing Nathan, shall we go?" Virginia asked "He doesn't seem like he's in the mood to talk right now"
"Please" Nathan said as he pinched between his brows "We'll talk about this in the morning"
"Let's go" Xavier said as he pat Kathy on the shoulder before they both left with Virginia
"Finally" Nathan said as he entered back inside of Sloane's room and shut the door. He found Mackenzie sound asleep on the sofa opposite Sloane so he grabbed a chair and set it by Sloane's bedside before casually sitting on it.
The moonlight pouring in through the window, the sound of light snores coming from the two girls in the room with him, and the six floating balls of light moving above head, all gave a peaceful atmosphere to him. That, accompanied by Sloane's scent made all the screams in Nathan's head disappear as he set his head down on the bed while watching Sloane's face
'How peaceful' he thought as he shut his eyes

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