Chapter 73: Favoured By The King II

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Priya blinked a couple of times before sighing "Alright, you lost me there on the supreme being part" she said "But, that place leads to a library with the help of a key"
"There's no library in this whole world that has that much knowledge about stuff other than the Spirit King's personal library" Tilly said
"Or are you trying to tell us, denizens of the spirit world, that the Beginning And End Library was opened up for you and Sloane?" Tory asked
"Actually, that is what I'm trying to say" Priya said "One day I found this key...and a whole lot of blah, blah, blah shit happened and I suddenly found myself in a library. It happened on the day I got here and you see....the library didn't allow me to read some stuff but after I brought Sloane, many of the contents that were hidden just began to open up. It was as though the library was welcoming her" she explained
Rielle picked up the book on the table behind Priya
"Did you get this book from the library?" Rielle asked and Priya took a glance at the book before nodding
"Yeah. Sloane found it for me while I was sleeping" Priya said "She said the main reason I'm here is to help out Tim in his research"
"And the ingredients on the table?" Rielle asked
"Those are the ingredients for the vampire food substitute" Priya said "When mixed with just a drop of my blood, it becomes really effective"
"You can read this book?" Rielle asked
"We gave Mackenzie one like it from the library and she could read it perfectly" Priya said "Why wouldn't I be able to read it?"
"Sister, she isn't lying" Virginia said as she gazed at the book "The Spirit King's crest is even on the book"
"What's so special-"
"You might not know this Priya, but there's a rule the king set up on his library" Tilly said "Unless the king permits it, you can't read a book from his library"
"For instance, right now" Tory said "Only you, Mackenzie and Sloane can read that book....because the king favours the three of you. If Zoe heard this...I wonder what type of face she'd make" she said the last part with a mischievous grin and Dante pat her head
"Stop whatever you're scheming" Dante warned
"No wonder I couldn't read a thing" Nathan said "Everything I saw was encrypted text"
"The demon seed has a strong presence of the Demon King" Rielle said while dropping the book "The Spirit King would never allow a demon with that much of a presence, or any demon at all, to read a book from his personal library"
"Sloane can read it" Christian said
"She isn't a demon as far as she has the spirit seed and is in the spirit world" Allen said "As confusing as it might sound, the Spirit King favours her because she has a part of him"
"That's weird. But having gotten all the answers I wanted, I'm gonna take an afternoon nap" Jerald said
"Really?" Dante asked "If I remember correctly, if Priya were to master what I've been teaching you guys before you, then it means you're all pathetic"
What Dante said had hit all of the others sore spots except Mackenzie
"This has nothing to do with me" Mackenzie said "If you need me, I'll be in my room" she said before leaving
"You know, that girl is becoming more and more like you, when you were her age" Virginia said with a smile and Nathan lowered his head
"She's being forced to mature faster than normal...I can't blame her" Nathan said "However, the rest of us can't fall behind. We need to mature faster too"
"I think the best thing to do is divide our forces with the data we have right now" Dante said "Rielle"
"I understand" Rielle said as she swiped her hand and a single screen appeared "I'll now divide the forces based on abilities. Is that fine with you guys?"
"It depends on who we get placed with" Rosco mumbled as Lilith nudged him on the side and he glanced at her
"I really hope all of us kids, end up on the same team" Lilith said
"I agree" Giselle and Kayden said
"There will be six teams" Rielle explained "Team Rielle, Zoe, Tilly, Tory, Virginia and Dante. These are the team leaders...and now for the team members. For my team, Timothy, Fernanda and Clark"
Fernanda's eyes had a sparkle to them as she smiled sheepishly 'At long last' she thought
"So we're still sticking to somewhat of the old?" Priya mumbled
"Seems like it" Timothy said
"I didn't mention Priya because she, Sloane and Mackenzie have been doing whatever they wanted" Rielle said
"She does make a big point" Clark said and Priya stuck out her tongue
"Team Zoe will consist of Lilith, Josey and Brianna" Rielle said
"Why?" the three in question asked
"Lilith, your bloodline magic allows you to control space. That type of magic is difficult to control and requires you to simultaneously switch from aggressiveness to gentleness. Zoe's wind magic is the same" Rielle explained "Josey, according to Priya, your bloodline magic is separation. You can't use it multiple times because you're a weapon that was created to serve a specific purpose. Zoe and you are a good match... I don't need to say anything about Brianna because it's the same thing"
"Ugh" the three girls let out as Christian started laughing
"Shut it. Team Tilly will consist of Kayden who specializes in barriers, Cassandra and Natasha" Rielle said
"What luck" the twins sighed
"I don't go easy on kids. Especially boys" Tilly said
"Why am I the only boy on the team?" Kayden mumbled and Rosco gave him a reassuring pat on the back
"Team Tory will consist of Giselle and Rosco" Rielle said "I would've put Mackenzie there, but, as she's among the people favoured by the Spirit King, it's her choice on what she wants to do"
'I could have been in the same team as her' Rosco thought as he let out a sigh
"I'll join the team" Mackenzie said as she came out from a portal "It sounds fun. Right, Rosco?" she asked with a smile which made Rosco lower his head and nod
'On the same team. I'm happy' Rosco thought as he raised up his head
"Team Virginia will consist of Mary, Christian and Alexa" Rielle said
"Huh?" Christian asked "Why?"
Nathan for the first time ever, had a sorry expression as he gave Christian a pat on the shoulder "I wish you luck. You're going to need it" he said
"Huh?" Christian let out
"It must be nice to be ignorant. However, Lady Virginia's healing magic is so advanced, not even the powers of a high ranking devil can affect her. Also, trust me when I say, if she strikes you once with all her might, you might die" Nathan explained
"In other words..." Alexa said while her voice trailed off
"Yep. Virginia is the strongest woman in the Elven Empire" Dante said "Even in combat, she's quite skilled with a sword"
'We're dead' the three thought to themselves
"As for the remaining three, you're with Dante" Rielle said
"Remaining three?" Cassandra mumbled
"It will be just like old times" Dante smiled "Hope you three are ready....Nathan, Allen, Jerald?"
The goofy look on Jerald's face completely disappeared as he nodded "Sure thing"
"Alright everyone, disband" Dante said
In one of the prison cells near Rielle's underground lab, a woman had her hands chained as far away from each other as they could go. She looked human except for her pinkish eyes that had a forever glow to them and two long horns. That along with a body that was created to tempt men into sinful acts, pink lips and medium length black hair, where enough to make one know she was a devil called a succubus.
She licked her lips and raised her head up before a smile plastered on her face
"This amazing smell...without a's Reese's daughter" the woman said as she suddenly yanked on the chains and they shattered "To think the princess was still alive. James did well protecting her up to this level"
The woman stood up straight and stretched 'How many years have I spent in this place? Most likely hundreds of thousands of years if two years here is equal to one day in the human world' she thought 'All of the bloodlines belonging to the Princess are mixing at an amazing speed. When she reaches the final stages of her final evolution, I, as one of the twelve demon generals who served under her mother and father, will help her get through those stages safely'
"But first, I need to get out of this woman filled world and meet with a man in the human world just so I can replenish my lost power" the woman said as she began to pour magic into one of her fingers before drawing a magic circle on the floor. Pink mist filled the prison cell and when it disappeared, so did the woman.
Beginning And End Library
Sloane was staring at a flat paper map of the entire Greenwood springs however, with the little knowledge she had on geography, it was a little difficult to understand the entire map.
"Princess, is that you?" a voice called out to her and when she looked back, there were a couple of floating balls of light
There was a look of surprise on Sloane's face as the balls of light turned into the familiar spirits; Pint, Jab, Wood, Fox, River and Pam
"How?" Sloane asked "How did you get here without the key?"
"Huh?" Pam let out and Jab pat her head
"The Spirit King summoned us" Jab said
"The Spirit King?" Sloane repeated "Why would the Spirit King summon you here?"
"The king had called back all the spirits currently in the human world" Fox explained
"This library is the Spirit King's personal library" Pint said while sitting on Sloane's shoulder "And the Spirit world was created by the Spirit King. When the king found out you had made some progress with the spirit seed, he had decided it was best to send some general level spirits to stabilise your spirit seed so that, a devil will come stabilise your demons"
"What are you talking about?" Sloane asked "Stabilise....can you explain what you mean by stabilise?"
The spirits flew over and sat on the map in front of Sloane
"Before, you asked us why the Spirit King had decided to give the spirit seed to a demon despite the spirit seed being the second strongest spirit" Fox said "You then insinuated that the king hated you and you had demanded an audience with him. However, it was never like that because the king always favored you"
"The reason you and every other person who tried were denied an audience with him, was simply because he had no solution to the problem at the time" Pam said "It wasn't until recently, after what happened with Princess Mackenzie, that the king had an idea"
"It was to let the spirit seed begin to purify the demon bloodlines in your body and become one with them" Pint said "The process is going to be painful for you at first but, reaching the final stages where they were to become one, spirits and a single high ranking devil were to be called in"
"That's where we come in; to slow the spirit seed's progress with the help of the third strongest spirit while a high ranking devil will come in to raise the demon bloodlines that have been purified, up to the level of the spirit seed" River said
"Then, at the same time, both sides were to slowly and carefully merge the two sides so your body could stabilise them" Wood said "It requires gentleness, a steady hand and a whole lot of concentration. It's easier said than done"
As they explained, Sloane was slowly wrapping her head around it while snapping her head back to each of them
"So, I won't die?" Sloane finally asked and Pint shook her head
"We don't know about that" Pint said "Whether you die or not, depends on your body's reaction to the treatment"
"But Princess, you've been building up quiet the resistance" Jab said
"If you could continue with that, your body might just accept it" Wood said
"So I was on the right track after all?" Sloane mumbled "So, why are you here currently?"
"The king told us to observe the three people he had chosen" River said
"Jab and I will keep watch of Princess Kenzie" Pam said
"Pint and I will watch you" Fox said
"River and I will watch Priya" Wood said
"I see" Sloane let out with a small smile
"Well then...we'll be off" River said as she, Wood, Jab and Pam disappeared
"Princess, what would you like to do now?" Fox asked and Sloane grazed her hand over the map before continuously tapping her finger on it
"Build up my resistance" Sloane said "I'll be busy with this for a while. Try not to disturb me"
"As you wish" Pint said before she and Fox turned into balls of light
'I'm not about ready to be left behind'
End Of Volume One
Been a while since I posted something like this. Bad luck has been following me for a while since I finished my exams 😭😭. Sickness even caught up to me recently 😑.
Well, if you liked this chapter, you know what to do🤗

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