Chapter 97: No More Regrets II

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Connor Residence
"And where's that?" Nathan asked but Sloane's mind wasn't there as she stared at the framed pictures on the wall. "You miss them...don't you?" he asked
"I was a really annoying brat who didn't understand anything because of my the way I remembered my memories" Sloane said as she touched the framed picture "I finally understand that the Connor family were just doing their jobs as my knights. They were both my sword and my shield, and were willing to die that way too"
"Kenzie is still here" Nathan said "Now, we can protect her. You're no longer alone, Sloane" he hugged her from behind and rested his chin on her head
Sloane sighed as she took in his scent 'I wish things never change between us' she thought as she pushed away from him "Let's find what we're looking for and get out of here. If we stay any longer, I'm afraid I won't want to leave"
"Lead the way, your majesty" Nathan said and Sloane pulled him by his hand with a smile on her face
They both went behind the staircase and Nathan noticed the trapdoor underneath
"It reminds me of children's fairy tales" Nathan said with a shiver
"You read fairy tales?" Sloane asked
"Lady Virginia read them to me when I was a kid" Nathan said "As a demon, you can only imagine how much torture it was for me" he said which made Sloane giggle
She opened the trapdoor and followed the wooden stairs, down. Nathan followed after her and when his feet touched the leveled wooden floor, Sloane switched on the lights. The lightbulb in the basement came on and the room was suddenly flooded with light
"So, where did they put the chest?" Nathan asked while looking around. The basement had lots of stuff; ranging from stacks upon stacks of cardboard boxes, different types of papers, kids toys and some old furniture.
"Let's see" Sloane mumbled as her eyes began to glow while she looked around the room. 'It isn't anywhere in the basement' she looked down and spotted something 'Bingo'
Her eyes stopped glowing and she walked around in a certain area until she stepped on a loose floorboard. "I found it" she said
"I know" Nathan said "The area under my foot, right?"
"If you're planing on breaking the floorboard, I'm gonna have to beg you not to" Sloane said seriously and Nathan picked up a candle from the floor
"I'm going to swap the chest with this" he said and just as the candle disappeared from his hand, a small chest appeared in its place "Now you don't have to get your hands dirty by moving the floorboard and you also won't have to use magic to do it"
"You're rather dominant. Did you know that?"
"Isn't that why I'm an alpha?" he said with a smirk
Rodik Residence
"You're both not attending the university today?" Dian asked
"Nope" Jake replied back
"The professors are too spooked by the snow to even give a normal lecture" Sarah said "It'd be a waste of time"
A knock came from the front door and Sarah groaned
"Who could it be?" Irene asked
"How I wish Priya were here. She would have answered the door and I wouldn't need to move a muscle" Sarah said but the knock turned into constant banging
"Do you want to break the door down?" Jake yelled as he got up to open the door. However, to his surprise, the door was suddenly opened and Priya entered inside the house with Timothy right beside her
"Who knows, I would have broken the door down if I wanted" Priya said as she took off her coat and walked passed him, straight into the sitting room
"Priya?" Irene let out
"Well, look what the cat dragged in" Sarah said "Did you come back to beg? I knew you would"
"Priya, I hope you've learnt your lesson and seen that the world doesn't revolve around you" Dian said "Now, head back to your room and son, never step into my house again"
"I think you're misunderstanding something here, Dian Rodik. I didn't come to beg any of you nor am I ever returning to this house to become your maid again" Priya said
"Young lady, you do know who you're talking to, right?" Irene asked as Jake joined them in the sitting room "This is your father. How dare you talk to him like that. Are you really that ungrateful that you-"
"I'm sick and tired of listening to you spouting nonsense" Priya said "This man, isn't my father...I never had one. Ungrateful? If being grateful is having to be treated like a slave everyday of my life, I'd rather be ungrateful. I have never been humiliated or treated like trash, other than by the members of this family"
"And where are you going to go?" Jake said "That guy behind you doesn't even have the funds to-"
"I don't need to do anything but Priya will be living with me from now on" Timothy said "If you're looking down on Priya's talent then that just goes to show how blinded you all are by your own stupidity. Technically speaking, we don't really give a damn what you think. Once we get what we want, we'll leave"
"What you want?" Dian repeated as he got off his seat and glared at Priya "If you think of asking for child support from me, I refuse!!! I will not allow for my money to be spent on your boyfriend when your mother and siblings have been worried about you"
"I don't need your money, I've been enjoying three square meals where I'm staying and none of them are leftovers. You-"
"Mother?" Timothy repeated as he pulled Priya behind him "Last I remember, her mother is dead. How dare you force that woman's position as her mother, on her"
"You have no right to put your mouth in our family matters" Sarah said
"Says the illegitimate daughter of a mistress. Your father is scum and doesn't even deserve a child like Priya" Timothy said "Priya's mother didn't force you to marry her, the woman didn't have that type of married her of your own accord. And you had a mistress right before then....children, right before Priya. And after Priya's mother died, you didn't even consider how much psychological damage it would cause to Priya when you brought your whore and her kids into the house and introduced them"
"Tim" Priya called out behind him
"Were you expecting her to accept it like nothing happened? She suffered like a slave under your mistress and her bastard children right after her mother died. Did you expect her to be okay?" Timothy asked "Let me tell you how your so called role as a father, affected her. Did you know that she used to have breakdowns every now and then? When she gets into a state of panic, she needs to be knocked out, so she can calm down. I bet you don't even know her allergies or any of her hobbies or even the stuff she likes doing"
"Tim, let's go" Priya mumbled
"I'm not going anywhere" Timothy said "We've come to get back what belongs to your mother. That one thing that your father took from the manager. Once we get that, then we'll leave"
"That's all you want?" Jake asked "You came and insulted my family just for that?" He knelt down in front of a cupboard and opened one of the drawers before pulling out an fat envelope. It was still wrapped tightly and had Priya's mother's name on it. He slammed the drawer shut and gave the envelope to Timothy
Timothy took it and smiled warmly "It was nice to finally meet you, Rodik family. I curse your existence" he said before grabbing Priya's coat and draping it over her shoulders "Let's go"
"Priya!!! If you walk out of that door, don't even come back" Dian shouted
"She wasn't planning to. Thanks for giving me your daughter...her existence is wasted here" Timothy said and the both of them left through the door
"How infuriating" Irene said with a huff
"What a horrible family" Timothy said as he walked Priya away from the house "I don't know who is worse. My dad or yours?"
"What is it?"
"Why did you do that?"
"You hate them don't you?" he asked "Their shamelessness was on another level. It was so bad, you didn't know what to say. Now, you're free from them"
"You know, you can be quite the scary guy when you are in an argument with someone. You looked pretty cool" Priya said before pulling him down by the shoulder and giving him a peck. Timothy's whole body went rigid and a blush appeared on his face as Priya moved away like nothing happened. "The Connor residence isn't too far from here. Let's meet up with Sloane and Nathan"
As she walked ahead of him, she put her coat on properly and adjusted her hair. If Timothy hadn't noticed it before, he could tell now that, a huge burden had been lifted off of her
'I just hope you don't regret this after you're within my reach' Timothy thought as he followed her 'Cause, I think I've started getting attached'
Connor Residence
Nathan and Sloane had already taken the chest up the stairs and set it down in the living room. Sloane placed her hand on the lock and magic flowed into the keyhole. As the chest unlocked, Sloane opened it and spotted several aged but neatly kept papers, arranged and kept untouched
"Is this what you're looking for?" Nathan asked and she reached into the chest and took out the first neatly folded paper, and opened it
The once small paper, turned into a large map. And on the map were several spots marked with a red marker, along with names of different locations. When touching one of the locations with her finger dabbed in magic, the map would zoom in on the location
"James really thought ahead" Sloane said as she took her hand off the map, folded it, and put it back in the chest "With this, the playing cards are in our field"
"Henry has almost recovered. I'll have him start prepping the soldiers after the headcount tomorrow" Nathan said "When everyone has been well diverse in training, we can move out whenever you're ready"
Sloane shut the chest and locket it before putting it away in her spatial void. "Are Tim and Priya done with their business?" she asked "I've used too much magic today so I can't check"
Nathan sniffed the air and got up "They just made the turn on this street. We'll meet them when as soon as we leave the house" he said "Let's get going"
Sloane also stood up and left the Connor residence with Nathan.
As she locked the door, the neighbour across the street, watched her every move. Priya and Timothy hurried to meet up with Sloane and Nathan
"Did you find it?" Priya asked
"Yeah. How are things on your end?" Sloane asked and Priya and Timothy looked at each other
"It went better than expected" Priya said
"Then we can head home" Nathan said as he walked up to the car and took out the car keys. Sloane and Priya walked to the other side of the car while Timothy stood by the backseat door beside the driver seat, and after Nathan unlocked it, everyone got into the car at the same time and shut the doors.
Nathan brought the car to life and made a U-turn before heading back the way they came at full speed.
"I wonder who that aunt of hers is" the woman mumbled "Each time she gets left alone, someone always comes to take her into their home and treat her so well, it's almost as if she's royalty"
"Hey, ma'am" the woman heard someone call her and when she turned around, she saw Sarah
"What do you want?"
"Did you see Priya around here? My dad asked me to tail her"
"Priya? Oh. So that was the identity of the other woman" the woman let out
"Huh?" Sarah let out
"Sloane was just here and she came in a luxurious car with a guy named Nathan. Priya came later with another handsome guy, and the four of them got into that luxury car and drove off. They said they were heading home"
'So that guy was actually rich? No wonder she didn't mind leaving us and no wonder the guy talked down to us' Sarah thought as she stared in the path the car followed. She frowned, turned around, and left.

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