Chapter 34: Do You Like Me?

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"Sloane...." Nathan called out and she looked at him. They were both sitting on the bed, opposite each other. Nathan sat with his legs crossed and his back slightly slouched as he rested his head on his right hand while, Sloane had her back rested on the headboard with her knees to her chest and her head lowered; but due to Nathan's call, she had raised up her head to look him in the eyes.
"What is it?" Sloane asked innocently
" you like me?" He asked and her face instantly turned red
"Wh-wh-why are you asking?" Sloane asked nervously
"Because the seeds act on what we want. If we don't want or desire it, the seed won't act" Nathan said "From my observations, you're not really the social type" he said and she chuckled lightly
"That's true" Sloane said "I easily get uncomfortable when too many people try to talk to me, or when they stare at me. I'm already used to observing things"
"You have a lot of things you want to say and a lot of things you want to do. But due to your personality, you leave them at only wants and desires that you wish you could do" Nathan said "You've given your seed too many wants and desires. The time you fought me, when you told me to touch you, and lastly, the kiss" he said and she gulped
"But why would you ask me if I like you?" Sloane asked with a blush
"The time you wanted me to touch you and this time, when we kissed, they were all things done by your seed. However, whatever we want, is what out seeds want" Nathan stated sitting up "Sloane, do you like me?" he asked
"I-I think so" she said nervously "I don't think so. I'm not sure" she said looking away from him. His eyes were just too captivating for her to concentrate. "This whole seed thing, is really messing up my brain. I'm not sure if it's like or just lust from the seed. I honestly don't understand myself anymore" she said and Nathan had held her hand and raised it up to meet his lips. He kissed her hand and looked at her
"It's really funny how we're both in the same situation" Nathan said with a smile and the atmosphere between them had gotten warmer. Noticing this, Nathan had let go of her hand and got off the bed with his face becoming neutral. "We have training tomorrow. We should probably get some rest" he said and without looking back, walked towards the door
"Goodnight, Nathan" Sloane said
"Goodnight" He said and as though on response to his words, the barrier fell and Nathan opened the door and left the room.
   Sloane sighed and placed her other hand on her chest while she stared at the hand he kissed. Her face had a tinge of pink
"Why does he have to always be like that?" Sloane murmured as she remembered all the times Nathan had kissed her. Be it her lips, her hand or her foot, he was always gentle.
"Why does who, have to always be like what?" She heard someone ask and she dropped her hand to see River and the other spirits staring at her. She froze without thinking when River asked that question
"What are you talking about?" Sloane asked a bit flustered
"Princess, you mentioned someone always being somehow" Pam reminded
"We just wanted to know who you were referring to" Jab said and the others nodded which made her panic as she made up an excuse
"I was talking about Kenzie" Sloane said "I have this strong feeling she talked to Nathan and scolded him to come here" she said not knowing how right she was
"Well, that's because Princess Kenzie, actually did that" Pam said
"The girl is such a sweetheart" Pint said
"And the Prince acts like a doting father to her" Fox said
"She really knows how to make him limit his anger when he's around her" Wood said "He also does the same thing when he's around you, Princess Sloane" he added
"I guess so" Sloane said as she got comfortable on the bed and covered herself with a duvet "Where's Kenzie right now? Isn't she coming to sleep?" She asked but the spirits just looked at each other
"The little princess....said she'd be sleeping with her dad tonight" Pint explained
"I bet Nathan isn't even aware of this" Sloane said "He'll probably enter his room and meet Kenzie waiting for him on the bed" she sighed before yawning and switching the lights off "Goodnight"
"Goodnight, princess" The spirits said as they turned into small balls of light while Sloane shut her eyes
Just like Sloane had proclaimed, the exact same thing was happening in Nathan's room. He had only just entered to meet Mackenzie on his bed, patiently staring at the door as though waiting for him.
"Dad, you're finally done talking to Sloane" Mackenzie said "I've been waiting a while for you"
"What are you doing here, Mackenzie?" Nathan asked lazily "It's passed your bedtime and-"
"What are you talking about?" Mackenzie asked with a frown "It isn't even passed seven yet. And I plan on sleeping here so, no complaints" she said and Nathan didn't say anymore as he laid on the bed next to Mackenzie
"We're leaving early tomorrow and aren't coming back until late in the evening" Nathan said "I just wanted you to rest up early, so you would be able to join us in training tomorrow" he said
"Oh" she let out before getting comfortable
"You're really sleeping here tonight?" Nathan asked and she smiled
"I wanted to spend time with you" Mackenzie said
"Macken-.....Mickey...." Nathan said changing the way he used to call her which made her smile
"You're no longer using my full name" Mackenzie said
"I just came to the realisation that you love it when everyone calls you by your nicknames. So, I thought about trying it" Nathan said
"You can call me anything you like. My names always sound nice when you say them" Mackenzie said with a smile
"Then, I'll start calling you Bunny" Nathan said
"You're cute like one and when you get mad, it's adorable" Nathan teased
"I'd prefer Mickey, Kenzie and Mackenzie to that" Mackenzie said with a frown
"Sure, Kenzie" Nathan said in a relaxed tone and she stopped frowning
"Sometimes, I feel like you like messing around with people's feelings" Mackenzie said
"I'm a demon. It's a part of our nature which we got from devils" Nathan said "There are many demons that love to mess with people"
"I see" Mackenzie let out
"Kenzie, what you did earlier with Sloane did you even do that?" Nathan asked

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