Chapter 53: End Of Me

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"We finally got through only to hear this" the white haired woman said coldly with an open book
"But that exquisitely handsome face, you must be Nathan's father" the other woman said
"And you are?" Rebecca asked and the woman turned and looked at her
"Crown princess, Rielle, of the Elfen Empire" Rielle introduced "I'm one of Dante's wives"
"I'm fifth princess, Virginia, of the Elfen Empire" Virginia said "I'm Dante's first wife"
"I see. So that bastard is married to numerous women" Marcus said
"Spare us your humor, King Marcus" Rielle said "We've actually called to inform you of something.....or some things"
"But first of all, we'd like to confirm if you've met up with your son and Sloane" Virginia said
"They're back?" Marcus asked, surprised
"They've currently separated and gone to explore" Louisa said
"So Nathan hasn't informed you of him and Sloane performing bloodline succession on Mackenzie?" Virginia said
"Up until you mentioned it, I have no idea of what you're talking" Marcus said and then, a man joined the two women on the screen. "Dante" Marcus grumbled
"Bloodline succession is when a person succeeds another person's will and bloodline" Dante said "It's kind of like bloodline inheritance except, both sides must agree to it. It's much safer than bloodline inheritance"
"Funny. We were just talking about devil bloodline inheritance and mutation, when you showed up" Marcus said through grinded teeth "You made my son and Sloane go through such a forbidden act on Mackenzie. Have you gone mad?"
"I didn't make him do it. He made the decision by himself" Dante said
"It's true" Virginia said "When Mackenzie and Sloane were brought to us a few months ago, they were both on their dying breaths. Mackenzie was experiencing her bloodline's awakening but, because of how her parents' genes were at war with each other, her body was going through extreme pain and she would have died"
"Is Mackenzie alright now?" Rebecca asked worriedly
"She's fine and it's thanks to the bloodline succession. In a way, you could say that she is now Nathan and Sloane's official daughter" Dante said
"What?" everyone let out
"Oh. There's more of you in the room" Dante said with a bit is surprise before continuing "Either ways, there's more than one news I'm bringing to you"
"For staters, Sloane isn't able to use magic" Rielle said while looking at her book "Her body is that of a demon yet, there's a spirit seed inside her. The two are seriously clashing and the more she uses magic, or even tries to use it, the more it destroys her body. She almost died here, but it's a miracle Nathan was able to keep her alive. At most, she has fifty years to live" she sighed "I've never seen a mere branch demon's bloodline, collide this badly with the spirit seed. No matter how much she uses the spirit seed, it shouldn't have caused this much damage. So I wonder, is there anything I'm missing?"
"Did you know that she has a devil's bloodline?" Kayden pointed out
"That explains a lot" Rielle said expressionlessly
"Does she know about this?" Marcus asked
"She knows. I made sure I informed her of what's happening to her" Virginia said
"How did she take it?" Rebecca asked
"She was shocked at first but, she took it well" Virginia said "According to her, living a life of hundreds of years, is too stressful"
"There's also something you need to know before you continue this whole question and answer fun" Louisa said as she went on to explain everything that happened in the room so far
"It's no wonder they refused to show me their bloodline magic" Rielle sighed "They probably don't even have control of it. It seems like I'll have to make adjustments to the training field I just finished making adjustments to" she mumbled "As for the people that want to come over for research, they can come. I've actually been looking for an apprentice"
"Now I feel jealous of the boy" Louisa joked "You rejected me when I asked"
"You're from the magic association. You're always interested in research" Virginia said "Werewolves and Vampires are rare cases. They focus mainly on strength"
"Moving on to the rest of our news, Sloane and Nathan won't be able to mate another person" Dante said "Bloodline succession carried out between two people, indirectly makes those two married. If they try to mate with anyone....the end results are bad"
"Why didn't you tell those two about this, before they did it?" Marcus asked angrily
"I forgot. I brought neither my heart nor my brain that day" Dante said
Although others thought he was crazy, Marcus actually knew what he was talking about
"I've got problems to solve" Marcus said before looking at the background "By the way, how the hell are you even able to communicate with us? Doesn't time run differently?"
"We're currently in a part of the spirit world called the Null Realm" Virginia said "It's where the Spirit tree and Spirit king reside"
"Over the past few months, we've been trying to get an audience with the spirit king" Dante said "Knowing more about the spirit seed, is the only way to help Sloane. I still can't understand why he'd give such a powerful spirit to a demon"
"By the way, the kids are coming over to stay for two years and two days. I hope you don't mind" Virginia said
"It's only a day, Marcus" Rebecca said "It couldn't be that bad" she added when he was still gritting his teeth
"Fine" Marcus let out and the screen turned into magic particles. "Louisa, contact that difficult son of mine"
"King Marcus, please don't give me such an impossible task" Louisa said as the blindfold went back on her eyes "After the Prince came back, he looked really angry"
"Tell me...." Marcus started as he turned his head and looked at her "....Whose anger are you more afraid of? His or mine?" he asked.
The whites of Marcus's eyes had already turned black and his irises looked like lava.
"Honestly speaking, I prefer neither" Louisa answered as she tapped her staff on the ground and in front of Marcus, was a crystal ball. Mist gathered inside the crystal ball and when it cleared, Nathan's face was visible
"What do you want from me?" Nathan asked without even looking at them
"Where are you? We need to talk" Marcus said and after that, there was an explosion beside Nathan and the last thing Marcus saw, was a flaming serpent "And what the hell are you doing?"
"I'm not telling you my location. We'll talk when we get home" Nathan said sternly "Also, I'm playing with my sisters"
"You're playing after what you've done?" Marcus shouted. Although his eyes had already reverted back to normal, there was a sign it could change again
"I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions" Nathan said with a frown before finally looking at the screen "And since when were we so close, that I had to tell you about the decisions I make in life?"
"I'm busy right now. We'll talk at home" Nathan said and the crystal ball shattered
"He actually destroyed the crystal ball" Louisa said
"Ever since that boy turned eighteen and I banded him from ever meeting with Dante, he's turned cold towards me" Marcus said with a frown
"What were you expecting, your majesty? He was born with your ability to keep grudges" Louisa said "When he was destructive as a kid, you locked him up. Instead of making him use up that destructiveness, like Dante. He's holding a grudge against you for that"
"And who do you think you are, to continue rubbing salt on wounds?" Marcus said
"I'm your royal advisor" Louisa said as a matter of factly and the room went silent
"Do all the witches that stay with the royal families of the different tribes, have rights to talk like this?" Kayden asked through telepathy
"It seems like it" Giselle replied "We've really seen a lot of things and heard a lot of things today"
"But if we tell anyone, we're dead" Kayden shivered
Marcus sighed which alerted everyone in the room "Teleport us to where that kid is" he said
"Your majesty, we'll be taking our leave-"
"If he really wants to bond that badly, I'll beat the shit out him as a sign that I accept the challenge" Marcus said, interrupting Timothy
"As you wish" Louisa said as she tapped her staff on the ground and a magic circle appeared under everyone's feet
Before Timothy and the others could complain, they found themselves in a forest and explosions were going off everywhere. There were many felled trees with scorch marks on them.
"This boy will be the end of me" Marcus mumbled as he stared at the destroyed forests

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