Chapter 88: Tension Of War

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Mass Release 4 chapters

Sloane wasn't expecting to wake up to the sight of Nathan's wet, muscular and toned back as he squat down to wake Mackenzie who was sleeping on the sofa.
'This is so embarrassing' Sloane thought with a blush as she used the blanket to cover up her head and shut her eyes
"Kenzie, go take a bath" Nathan said while Mackenzie got up and gave him a hug, gaining his surprise
"Okay. Morning dad" Mackenzie said before pulling away, getting off the sofa and leaving the room
'That girl still surprises me everyday' Nathan thought as he stood up straight before turning to Sloane and noticing the blanket covering her head. The same shadowy black substance covered his upper half and as it disappeared, he was wearing a casual bluish grey shirt as he approached her. He reached for the blanket before slowly pulling it away from her face and was stunned when he noticed those eyes of hers staring back at him
 The current gunmetal blue colour of her eyes matched so well with her current appearance. Contrasting well with her supple skin and the whites in her hair.
Sloane covered his eyes with her hand "Stop staring so much. It's embarrassing" she said as she sat up while Nathan gave way for her as she dropped her hands
"You've changed" Nathan said as she got up from the bed
"Really?" Sloane asked with a smile as she pushed all her hair away from her face "Well, I don't feel like that. Other than appearance, knowledge and magic power, everything still seems same to me"
"You'll change your mind after meeting the others" Nathan said as he took a seat on the bed
"Did something happen?" Sloane asked as she turned to face Nathan "You can't hide it from me you know. Whenever you use that tone of voice, something bad seems to have happened or it's about to happen" there was silence for a while before Nathan opened his mouth
"The part two of the civil war has already started...and we're losing" Nathan said as he lowered his head "The East and South are being bombarded with attacks while the West has recently started facing trouble. There are several casualties on our side...some dead, some injured...and among the casualties, is Louisa who died in battle" he said with a sigh "None of us could leave without you. However, waiting these three days for you to come back, along with knowing that there's a war going on right now...and our loved ones could be dying anytime soon...hasn't been easy for anyone of us" Sloane's hands tightly gripped his and as he raised up his head, he could see the look on her face
"I'm sorry" Sloane said "If only my body had been a little bit stronger..." her voice faded after feeling his forehead bump on hers
"It's not right for the queen of three clans to be apologising like this" Nathan said "Especially for things that aren't your fault" she smiled when he said this. However, when they both noticed how close they were, Sloane let go of his hands and moved away
"I'll...take a quick bath so I can join you and Kenzie to meet with the others before we leave" she said as she quickly retreated to the bathroom and all Nathan could see was the door shutting
"I knew it" Nathan caught a tiny voice and looked around before noticing the six spirits he was familiar with, hovering close to the ceiling
"What did I tell you about eavesdropping?" Nathan asked
"It wasn't intensional. We swear" Jab said in quick defense
"We just happened to wake up two minutes ago" Fox added
"Now that I think of it, will you six be returning to the human world?" Nathan asked
"Unfortunately, no" Pint said "The ritual performed on the Princess left some of her demon powers in us. The Spirit King removed it last night however, our bodies will need to bask in spirit energy before we can even think of heading to the human world"
"We merely came to say our goodbyes" River said "And wish you all luck in battle"
Sloane's bedroom door opened up and Mackenzie walked in while dressed in a navy blue polka dot shirt, pink shorts and black boots
"You know...we aren't going to a kids' beauty pageant" Nathan said "We're heading into war" Mackenzie puffed her cheeks
"But I look cute in it" Mackenzie grumbled and he sighed
"You ready to go?" Nathan asked
"I've already put my stuff in my spatial void" Mackenzie said with a smile "Plus, I'm not really worried about the war. My parents are the strongest and that's what I believe"
"Really?" Sloane asked as she walked out of the bathroom fully dressed
"Of course" Mackenzie said
"Then we must be lucky to have a daughter like you, who trusts us" Sloane said with a smile but it faded instantly "Priya seems to have woken up and everyone is gathered in one place. We're good to set out" she said
"And you said you weren't different" Nathan said while staring at her outfit "I've never seen you in black before. It looks good on you" he added before standing up
"My mother might have terrible interests in color but the clothes she chooses when going to battle are perfect" Sloane agreed. She was dressed in a white tank top, with a black leather jacket and black treggings with boots. "I don't feel like my movements will be hindered"
"Princess..." Pint said as she and the others spirits floated between her and Nathan "....good luck. We'll join you after some time"
"Thank you" Sloane said warmly
"Mum, Dad, let's go" Mackenzie said as she opened the door and the three of them left
"I hope things go in their favour" Jab said
Great room
The air was quite heavy from all the tension and the people in the room. Kathy laid comfortably on the sofa while Xavier sat on the armrest and took a look at the small team of young demons.
"I can see you can't keep up your fake human appearance anymore" Zoe said spitefully as she stared at Kathy "It probably couldn't contain those large horns of yours and that tail sticking out from your butt"
"Well, I am out of magic. The ritual drained a lot from me" Kathy said "But, I can see your personality is still as ugly as a horse's ass" she smiled
"You tried to kill me" Zoe said
"If you had spoken to me kindly like your sister, I would've listened to you about the permission to enter here. But you attacked me first" Kathy said "It was self-defense. And I apologised to you for that...yet, you still refuse to apologise for attacking me without understanding the situation"
"Says the lady who opens her legs for any guy who comes her way" Zoe scoffed and Kathy looked at her before sneering
"At least, I have the needed goods to reproduce" Kathy said "Last I remember, your perfect control of wind, really affected you down there. Now, you have an illness which would kill any chance of you having kids...that is, unless you lose your magic" her eyes glowedand she frowned "I'm in mourning right now and don't have time for your shit. Respect yourself and let me be, or I'll keep hitting you where it hurts"
After Kathy said that, Zoe instantly went mute and the tension in the room reduced. Soon, the doors opened and Priya walked in. She was pale and rather skinny, she also barely had any presence but other than that, there was a light in her eyes
"You're awake" Timothy said and she bowed her head to him
"Tim, Lady Rielle, it seems like I've caused you both a lot of trouble. I'm sorry" Priya said
"It's not a problem" Rielle said and Priya raised her head
'So that's the one human? I feel nothing from her. How can she be on par with one of us?' Xavier wondered and Kathy groaned "You alright?" he asked
"It's a side effect from the ritual. A large part of the Princess's spirit power is trapped inside of me" Kathy said
"It's not only in you, but also in the guy next to you" Priya said while looking at Xavier "Although, he's not feeling it probably because of his resistance"
"How does she know that?" Xavier asked
"Priya has one of the best senses in this group" Clark said
"Here" Timothy said as he handed Priya a brown pill bottle
"How did you know?" Priya asked as she took it from him
"It didn't add or remove anything when I took it. It also smelt normal so, I guessed you probably made it for yourself" Timothy said as Priya popped one pill in her mouth
Her skin immediately began to regain it's colour and her body also began to fill out as she was brimming with magic power. Xavier who was staring at her for a while, was so surprised from the amount of magic power leaking out from her body
'It seems the younger generation is catching up to us' Kathy thought as Priya walked over and stood in front of the two of them
"Can I please have your hands?" Priya asked, which they did without hesitation. Priya only held their hands for five seconds before taking her hands off theirs.

  However, as she did that, a clear thick fluid came out too, following all of Priya's hand movements "I'm surprised how non-Michelles can survive with this much spirit energy in them" Priya said while holding two circular orbs that moved and shook every now and then "I suggest the demons in the room should give a little way. If this touches you guys, you'll burn like paper"
   In accordance with the warning, everyone fled to the two sides of the room and Priya tossed the two orbs at the wall opposite her. As they touched the wall, it was like a water balloon her bursted and water was splashed on the wall. The stain that was made on the wall, began to release steam and a sizzling sound was heard.
"Good thing it didn't touch us" Christian said
"Priya's aim isn't like yours" Josey said
"I've removed it" Priya said while clapping her hands "The effects it has on your bodies should be disappearing soon. However, you won't be able to use magic for a while"
"Thanks" Kathy said
"How did they even find you?" Xavier asked
"Tim kidnapped me" Priya said while pointing at Timothy
"I kidnapped you?" Timothy asked "You followed me on the back of my van, you heard too much, and saw too much. And to top things all off, you're a blabbermouth and love to gossip. Do you really think I'd let you go back into town with just a threat?"
"He does have a very good reason to drag you along" Alexa sighed
"So, you still kidnapped her" Xavier said
"What was I meant to do? We demons can't erase memories without causing lots of brain damage" Timothy said "Plus, Prince Nathan could smell her from a mile away. If we had entered the settlement without her-"
"Nathan would've done a lot of bad things to you" Allen said "He wasn't in a good mood that day. One thing would've pissed him off and you'd be dead"
"I know that. But Priya still doesn't know the meaning of the word mercy...or pity" Timothy said "I thought you went to church"
"I didn't always go. Church at Greenwood Springs was like a group of witch hunters having a meeting" Priya said with a shiver which made Kathy and every other demon laugh
"How can they be this calm when their homes are under attack?" Rielle asked and Dante shrugged when, the door suddenly opened and Sloane, Nathan and Mackenzie walked in. Everyone immediately went silent
"Everyone's calmer now" Sloane said before looking at Priya and Timothy "Well done you two"

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