Chapter 47: Problems

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West part of the southern wolf estate
Timothy was sitting in a large chair overlooking some documents. Due to the troubles at the mansion, Timothy and the others had been quickly sent out after a few orders had been dished out to them. He was currently looking at an alliance contract that had been bound by magic.
"The contract you, an ambassador of the Fallens, holds, is an agreement to work together with the werewolves of the southern, eastern and western tribes to take down the northern werewolf tribe and bring peace to the three demonic races" Timothy murmured "By signing this contract, we have agreed to lend you any resource you need. From food, to residence, experimental facilities, education, health and magic apparatus. However, you will have to agree to loyalty to all three tribes. In no way will your betrayal go unpunished if you side with the northerners. Your group is to turn in any information collected and lend aids by participating actively both off and on the battlefield, alongside us" he flipped to the next page "Failure to do as promised on both sides, will break the contract and a curse of magic paralysis will be enacted on the failing party" his eyes widened and he had to drop the contract and comb his hand through his hair
He had on a baby blue long sleeved tee and black joggers. He was in a large fully furnished study with large windows behind him. Judging by the decor, it was clear that this was a noble's residence.
'To think that I, the son of a Marquis who lived comfortable in the capital. Would become an ambassador of Fallens' Timothy thought 'If the rest of my family members found out after all this, I'd be hailed as a disgrace to nobility. Not to mention the fact I was seen by a human and had to be punished by the Grand Duke in charge of the southern tribe' he rested his head on the glass window "Mother, your son has made a mistake" he murmured
Just then, the door to the study was opened and in walked Zuri with a bunch of paperwork. She slammed it on the table and sat in an empty seat
"Report" Zuri started while picking up one of the paperwork "All of the Fallens are accounted for. We need clothes, food, medicine, and learning materials. At most, ninety of the women are pregnant, there are about sixty people who are seriously injured and have problems healing from the last attack. And lastly, these people are dumdums. The unborn children of the ninety women can't grow up with any magic, historical or demonic knowledge at this rate. And morale is really low. What are we gonna do?" she dropped the paperwork back on the table
Timothy had continually opened and closed his mouth. He didn't know what to say on the matter. The door to the study opened once again and Lilith walked in, with Priya following behind her.
"Brother, the human has something to say" Lilith said as she sat adjacent Zuri and Timothy sat back on his seat
"What do you have to say?" Timothy asked "I'm pretty busy right now. So if it's not important, you can bring it up another day"
"Mackenzie and Sloane" Priya said
"Please don't address them casually here" Timothy said while massaging his brows "The reaction at the mansion clearly states that they're very important people and-"
"You don't understand" Priya cut him off "Greenwood Springs is a small town and everyone knows everyone. In Greenwood Springs, there is only one Sloane and Mackenzie. And they're both humans"
"Prince Nathan had also brought humans here and was punished to watch over them" Lilith reminded her
"Look, I just want to know what they're doing here" Priya said
"We're really busy right now and if you're curious, then go ask the royal family" Timothy said as he picked up the contract "We're at crossroads and are thinking of how to feed everyone because we can't freeload off the southern tribe. They've already provided residence for us but we lack supplies and don't have means of income. We're currently plagued with numerous problems that need urgent attention"
"No buts, Priya" Timothy said "You've just entered the world of demons. And I can't make random decisions without meeting up with one of the heads of the organization" he finally looked up and could see she was still wearing her uniform from last night "Go take a relaxing shower while I handle this"
"Fine" Priya shouted "But I'm not taking the shower!!! I'm gonna ask the royal family about it. Since they seem more inclined to listen to my problems" she slammed the door shut and was off
"She didn't take a shower, she's barefooted, injured, hasn't eaten anything and is still wearing clothes from last night. If she meets the royal family like that, not just her, but we'll also be doomed" Zuri said
"What are we going to do, Tim?" Lilith asked
"We can't even freeload off the southern tribe. They won't allow it, just because we're from the capital" Timothy said
"But don't you have more authority?" Zuri asked
"Your brother's a vampire knight to the vampire queen, right?" Timothy asked
"He is" Zuri said "He has as much rights as a Vice Duke. Alexa is also a council member and has as much rights as a Grand Duke. Prince Clark is even royalty. And yet they treat us this way"
"Have you even heard of the southern prince?" Timothy asked "Or, have you ever heard of a demon king of war?" he asked again and she nodded
"We'll have you know, that the titles are only given to the Princes of the southern tribe" Lilith said "The princes here are always cruel before marriage. But none of them, not even King Marcus matched up to his son, Southern Prince Nathan"
"How dangerous is this guy?" Zuri asked
"He's as dangerous as they come. Speculations are, he's going to be the first southern prince to reach a level on par with a king alpha" Timothy said "But meeting him this morning, made me realize the rumors were wrong. The guy already reached that level and didn't even know it"
"And that girl, Priya, went to cause trouble there? Has she gotten tired of living?" Zuri asked before jumping out of her seat and moving towards the door
"I'll come along" Lilith said while following her "Brother, take care of everything until we're back"
The door was shut after they left and Timothy picked up the contract again and read through it.
'The contract is beneficial for everyone but that punishment at the last part, is the problem' Timothy thought as he stood up and headed towards the door 'I need to show this to one of the heads before signing my name on it' he left the room and left the building.
The building was the only mansion there and was grand. But when compared to the the King's mansion, it was all chicken feed. As he walked down the street, the people greeted him and he was able to catch up with Zuri and Lilith.
"Sorry. I forgot I need to talk to the higher ups" Timothy said
The one hour journey had finally come to an end. The gloomy air could be felt as Nathan and the others entered the settlement.
In Nathan's arms, Mackenzie was sound asleep and tightly clinging to him like a koala. To his side, Sloane was frowning.... which was a rare sight for him. She looked so deep in thought and hadn't said anything the whole way back, ever since she heard what Alexa and the others had to say.
"How about we take a walk around town" Nathan suggested when he felt the uncomfortable air
"Y-yeah. It could really do everyone some good" Allen asked while glancing at Alexa who had her head down and an unnoted expression on her face
"I'm not in the mood" Sloane said straightforwardly
"I don't think I also want to participate in this" Alexa murmured
"Sloane, I'm not going to allow you into the mansion when you're in this state" Nathan said sternly "You're going to worry Kenzie and my parents" he added and there was silence for a while
Sloane took a deep breath and relaxed before turning around to look at Alexa. Three unexpected words slipped out from her mouth
"I forgive you"
Alexa was shocked when she heard it and looked up. Sloane wasn't frowning anymore and she even smiled at her
"I'm sorry" Alexa said through a croaked voice and Sloane scratched the back of her head before walking over and giving Alexa a hug
"I probably went a bit to far with punishing you" Sloane said as Alexa hugged her back tightly "Also, I suggest you don't cry on the street. We're in the middle of town"
Alexa chuckled "It's rare for you to make a joke"
"Just trying to lighten the mood" Sloane said and Alexa chuckled again "Your bad girl character's going to shatter at this point"
"Like I care" Alexa said "My friend is more important"
Sloane pulled away "No more lies?" she questioned
"I already promised you, silly" Alexa frowned
"Good to know" Sloane said
"Sloane" someone shouted. It was an unfamiliar voice to Sloane and as such, she turned around to see a young lady.
The lady had hazel hair and eyes. She wore a type of uniform that had an eatery logo on the breast pocket and was barefooted while wearing a pair of ripped socks and bleeding knees. Her hair was messy and the uniform was slightly dirty. Put together, she looked like a survivor of a safari trip, gone wrong.
"It really is you. I was sure I made no mistake" the lady said with a sigh of relief
"Who are you?" Sloane asked "How do you know me? And what are you, a human, doing here?"

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