Chapter 89: They're Back I

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"I did what I could. It's good to have you back" Priya said but everyone was confused
"Sloane? When did you get back?" Alexa asked "You seem different"
"I got back last night. You probably couldn't tell thanks to Nathan" Sloane said
"I had to contain your magic power. If they knew you were back, you wouldn't have slept as peacefully as you did last night" Nathan said which made her giggle
"Wait...I don't get what's going on" Christian said
"I thought you said he changed" Sloane said while looking at Nathan
"He still acts like an idiot at times. Even two years couldn't change that" Josey replied "Back to the explanation"
"I'll explain" Timothy said "Due to the stress and negative emotions we had accumulated in our heads, we somewhat lost control over our magic power and it was leaking around the room subconsciously. Her Highness asked Priya and I to help release the stress no matter what, so we'd have control again"
"So that's why the air was so heavy" Natasha said
"Princess, what are you going to do now?" Kathy asked while sitting up "I'm sure Nathan has informed you of what's going on outside"
"I can't make decisions based on what I've heard. I'll see the situation with my own two eyes and then I'll make a decision" Sloane said "For now, we'll reduce their numbers significantly and tend to the injured. Tim, I'll need you to give me every spot in the Northern forest that hold captives and the few safe zones you know. The elders will inform me of the numbers they each have in their settlements; fighters and non fighters included...I'll explain the rest later. For now, we're going get moving" she ordered and they all started rushing out the door. Even Xavier and Kathy didn't ignore the order
"I thought you said you didn't change" Nathan said with a smirk
"Maybe a slight change, but I'm still the Sloane you know" Sloane said as she, Nathan and Mackenzie jogged out of the room but then they stopped and went back to the room
"Dante, thanks for everything" Nathan said
"We'll come visit when the madness back home is over" Mackenzie said
"Take good care of Zel, Lady Virginia. I wish you well" Sloane said before they left again
"So, when will they visit us?" Dante asked
"If I'm calculating correctly, maybe a few hundred years from now" Rielle said
"I'll pray for their success" Virginia said as she clasped her hands together
"We all will" Tilly said
Human World
Spirit world gate
As the door of the shabby house opened, the others quickly ran out while Nathan, Sloane and Mackenzie were the last to come out.
Instantly, Sloane's zone began to spread out from her body and cover her surroundings before spreading further. It covered the whole southern, eastern and western territories while also covering Greenwood Springs. It was on a massive scale that those who had felt her zone as a light breeze, had no idea it was something else.
"Your zone is still as large as ever" Nathan said
"You're one to talk. I wonder how you have such perfect control of yours" Sloane resorted before sighing and looking at Mackenzie "Kenzie, I'm gonna need to borrow your eyes for this"
"Okay" Mackenzie said as she held Sloane's hand
"What are you going to do?" Kathy asked
"Counterattack" Sloane replied simply before looking at Mackenzie "Listen carefully. When you activate your ability, send it through me and keep your eyes closed. Don't try to see with my own eyes too or you won't like the sight. You promise?"
"O-okay" Mackenzie said as her grip tightened on Sloane's hand while she closed her eyes and poured her magic into Sloane. Sloane's eyes instantly started glowing and at a fast rate, it was moving in different directions before suddenly stopping in one place
"How horrible. Just the sight wants to make me vomit" Sloane mumbled but tried to stay focused "Let's see, the West has the weaker ones where their strength lies in their overwhelming numbers. On a scale of one to ten, their danger level should be five....down East, are a large army of the medium tier ones with one very strong one on a demon general level. Allen, is there something I should know about the East?" she questioned and Allen thought about it for a while
"The only thing in the East that could be valuable to your uncle, is being kept underground and heavily guarded" Allen said which made the others look at hi. "It's the body of Demon General Melissa, the gorgon princess" he said
"How did my wife's body get in your hands?" Xavier asked in surprise
"During the civil war, all the elders had rushed to the capital as soon as they saw the fire. The mission was to move the direct descendant of King Reese to a safe place but nobody knew the gender of the child and as such nobody knew where the child could be and thought it wasn't there. The mission changed to helping evacuate the civilians and aid the demon generals" Allen said "The evacuation was pretty much impossible due to all the mess happening around and many of the nobles who died started rising up and attacking. At that point, my father saw when Demon General Melissa's soul was taken out from her body. Before we'd have to go through more problems facing another overpowered demon general, my father took her body away from Leon and escaped with it. Thankfully, she's still alive but in her place, another demon general was sacrificed"
'Edward' Kathy thought as she lowered her head
"I see. Well, that stronger one is the one after the body and it has quite the nasty aura" Sloane said "The East's danger level is at six. The bigger problem is the South, all the dangerous ones just cluster up there and the danger level is at eleven. Having to protect the children and civilians while fighting isn't easy on them despite how long they've lasted"
Without even knowing it, Mackenzie began to peer into Sloane's dreams and she could see the torture Sloane went through in the body of Hailey. Mackenzie started trembling on the outside and was sweating
"Kenzie" Nathan shouted as he grabbed her other hand and Mackenzie seemed to calm down "Stop snooping through Sloane's dreams...understood?" he asked and she nodded
"That was a close call" Sloane let out a sigh "You alright?" she asked and Mackenzie nodded "The South is steadily moving those in the underground safe house to the school. And there are some being controlled on the enemy side. There's a purple disturbance in their bodies"
"This sounds like a huge problem. If possible, it would be best to avoid killing the innocent" Alexa said "They could still be of help to us in the war"
"I'll burn the control spell" Nathan said "Kenzie, can you do the same with me as you've done with Sloane?" as he asked her, Mackenzie opened her eyes and Sloane let go of her hand
"Sure, dad" Mackenzie said as she started pouring her magic into Nathan while Nathan spread out his zone on the same level as Sloane's
"Found them" Nathan said as he snapped his fingers and all it took was a single spark
On different areas of the war zones, certain members of the enemy forces were engulfed in flames and began to scream as black smoke was being released from their bodies and they collapsed as it went out.
"What's going on?"
"I don't know but those flames look just like that of the southern prince"
"These guys are still alive. Which means they must have been controlled"
"The enemy forces have reduced. Attack!!!"
"Take these guys away from the battlefield!!! They're in the way and since they were just controlled, I wouldn't want any of them to get hurt"
Orders were being dished out from side to side and the ones Nathan had dealt with, were being carried away.
Nathan could feel his demon seed getting stronger and he could barely hear the screams in his head as his magic power grew.
"That problem's been solved" Nathan said as he called back his zone before letting go of Mackenzie's hand "You've done well"
"Kids, Brianna, you'll divide yourselves into two groups. One group will head to the school and aid the commanders currently stationed there, in battle. While the other group will safely lead those in the underground safe house to the school, with the help of Natasha and Cassandra" Sloane said
"Makes sense" Natasha said
"Those headed to the East are Allen, Alexa, Christian and Josey" Sloane said "To the West are Priya, Timothy, Jerald, and Fernanda. The rest of us will handle the South. As for Kathy and Xavier, you're both currently vulnerable to any type of attacks. It would be best if you evacuate with the kids or you'll just be in the way"
"As harsh as it might sound, I can understand it's for our safety" Kathy said and Sloane smiled
"Thank you" Sloane said "Clark will mark you guys so we can move the injured and dead, from the frontlines down to the South. The East and West are too close to the North and we need to reduce our casualties as much as possible. Everyone, please be safe"
After Clark marked them all, they scattered in different directions and Kathy sighed
"She seems to have gotten her mother's attitude along the way" Kathy said
"Let's go" Natasha said
"We don't have time to dilly dally around" Cassandra said and they also left the area

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