Chapter 36

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Hey guys I am on my iPod so sorry for the mistakes and short chapter, this is the last chapter but book 2 will be out shortly.... omg thank god!!! ITs fixed i can upload! on my laptop....

Matthews POV-

  I stood at the back of the school on an early Saturday morning. Why am I standing here at 8 am on Saturday especially since its summer break.. well I will be happy to tell you. My boyfriend is taking a bus to football camp for a few weeks. Yeah him being gone will suck but hey, I have to trust him and this makes him happy.

   Sadly he will be gone and I will just be alone with Dj. Kyle and Caleb are going to Florida to visit their grandparents and Seth well hes going to have his last moment of freedom before he has to hit the books at college. Many people I still don't really trust so I don't have any friends really.

   As the coaches did their last call for buses Trey and I held eachother tight and kissed before he was hauled by his buddies to the awaiting bus.

"I love you angel!" He called out as he stepped on the bus.

"Love you" I awkwardly said as his bus slowly took off.

   After standing there for a few moments I walked away when the stares by the parents and old folks seeing their athlete go off became unbareable. I hoofed it back to the house I grew up in. Seeing it from the outside with new paint made it seem cheery even though the inside was scarred with painful memories.

  "Hey" I stopped and turned around to see Daniel looking laid back

"What do you want?" I said defeated.

"nothing much, just wanted to drop by and say your looking glum"

"You didn't come by just to say that" I said skeptically and crossed my arms in front of me.

"Ok you got me...I just wanted to say 'hi neighbor'" He said chuckling.

"What!" I shrieked.

   Sure the house next door had been for sale since...well forever but I didn't actually think anybody would buy it especially my stalker.

"Yeah well my dad got a raise and we moved into a bigger to yours aparently."

"This can't be happening" I whispered to myself as I rubbed my hand down my face

"Believe it baby. Oh an B.T.W. nice undies. I just love the view from my window" He said walking back toward his house.

   I looked up and of course his room was across from mine. Our windows looked out at eachother. I just shuddered at the thought of him staring at me through the window in the comfort of his room. Yep, I was definately going to have to buy blinds.

 I rubbed my temple and walked into the house to take a nap on the couch. Hopefully when I awoke it would all have been a nightmare.

Dj's POV-

  Going back to work in an actual office was frustrating. I was a field agent, not some desk temp. But I guess I couldn't complain considering I had something to look up to like I could go home to my brother on "normal" hours, I could get a full nights sleep, and I could talk to the cute coffee server girl across the street at lunch hour.

   I smiled thinking this job might not be as bad as I thought. Though my shoulder was killing me. I had my shoulder disslocated out in the field on a case. A few weeks shouldn't be too much of a pain I guess, but I still miss my team.

 I looked over the files of new cases and saw another missing child case. That was one thing I hate about this job, most of the time we find a missing child their dead. It could have been Matthew. Hell it almost was. I sighed and called it.

  "Alright, that's lunch" I mumbled to myself and rubbed my eyes from staring at paper and crime scene photos all day.

Trey's POV-

 "Touch down!" Cayden yelled as he did a victory dance.

  I laughed at him as he did the Harlem Shake. We were all pumped after getting settled in. We had a great work out and were finally allowed some free time. Cayden and I were just messing around throwing passes and kicking.

 I loved coming to this camp. It was all out fun, but physically demanding. At the end of the year a star athlete was chosen and would recieve a glowing recommendation to the ivy leagues. I so badly wanted to be that athlete. So I decided it was best to focus on football.

  I of course missed my little cheerleader. I really missed my little guy, he was always laughing and had a fast tongue ready to snap a quick taunt at me.

     I really didn't mind, I've lived with guys my entire life and that doesn't make you a marshmellow, heck it made me stronger. I won't cry if somebody punches me let alone says crap about me.

  The only thing I miss about home was my little angel....that and momma's home cookin'. I really miss her sloppy joes and my angel hitting me upside the head calling me a slob.

   Smiling at the thought I ran back to Cayden and we headed in for dinner time.

Kyle's POV-

  I couldn't believe him! He was my brother and he left me alone in the amusement park. My mom told him not to leave me alone and what does he do? He left me for some girls in short skirts. But I followed because im a smart boy.

   The only problem with that was I  was following somebody else. I found that out when we both went into the bathrooms. I did a double take at the dudes face and quickly realized it wasn't my big brother.

  I started panicking so I ran to security. After a few minutes of crying and him seeing that I was sincere about being lost he lead me back to the found children place and let me use the phone to call my mom. She was furious with Caleb but glad I was okay.

   After we found Caleb coming off a ride I punched him, and my mother yelled at him in public. It was a pretty great day considering I wasn't kidnapped and he got in trouble for disobeying our parents.

 Though this vacation would be better if Seth was here.

Seth's POV-

Heading to the Jersey shore was awesome...not so awesome that we've been in a mini van for hours but still we got to the boardwalk. I loved it! This is just the place to have one last hoorah before college and "adulthood" as my father said  I didn't want to grow up though. I wanted to be a kid who can drive and party. I also wanted to be a kid who had a funnel cake.

    After buying out funnel cakes we kind of just grouped in with the other tourists and walked along the pier. Seeing all the shops and the white sand underneath all the super tan bodies of people with big hair.

  We were getting a lot of stares, not because were good looking but because were not tanned. Compared to them we were white as a sheet.

  We all laughed at this and walked some more before deciding to check in at the hotel and hit a club. It would all be so much better if my boy was here. Gosh I really miss him.

Kt's POV-

  After getting out of south america I was given a new identity and was able to board a plane to Germany. There I would wait it out for a few months and then send to get my boy back. I had already set up a surgery with the worlds finest surgeons in Switzerland for him and would have him even if I had to go get him myself.

  For now though I would just have my agents watch him until the time was right.

  Im not going away that easy...

To be continued.....


Sorry I know y'all probably hate me for the end chapter but let me remind you, there will be a book 2 soon. Like in a few weeks most likely. it is

Life of a Highschool Liar.

  More details to come...

  comment for any suggestions you may have for the next book and to my fans... A great big thank you!

xoxo, Chelsea.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now