Chapter 5

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Monday Morning-

      I woke up at five fourty five a.m. on the dot as I do every morning now because K.T. got tired of yelling, So now when my alarm on the bedside table goes off in a annoying buzzing I wake up to avoid the wrath of his leather belt.

    It was Monday morning and I had to go to school. My two days off had been uneventful as K.T. would not let me out of the house nor let me go on the internet. Don't get me wrong I do have a laptop it actually is a Lap book pro which is around a thousand dollars. But I can only get things by asking K.T. and being a good boy.

     While I make most of our money K.T. holds onto all of it which doesn't seem fair but he has this idea that I may runaway if he gives me allowance... he's not wrong. I would but there are three problems. One, I have no money and that is my leash to keep me here. Two, I don't have anywhere to go I'd be lucky if I could find a cardboard box around here. Three, i'm jailbait, I'd get raped and murdered. K.T. is my protecter and provider.

     I hit the alarm clock and groaned as I got out of bed as I mulled over the idea to work on the streets to get money to leave..idiot idea.

  I went into the bathroom and did my routine. Next I went to my closet and grabbed my normal black skinny jeans, white band t-shirt, and purple converse all the while jamming out to The Last Night by Skillet on my ipod placed on my ihome.

  I looked in the mirror at my finished result and noticed the red cuts on my wrist. Hmmm, that will not do I thought as I searched for my wrist bands and Kandi jewlery cuffs I made myself.

"Boy!" K.T. yelled from his bedroom

"Yes?" I said timidly while walking towards his room carrying my books

"Don't talk to anybody about the scars and shit, Understand me?" He said fixing his tie with a suit he wears on his day job.

"I understand" I walked up to him and fixed his tie for him. He looked down at me and gave a simple "uh-huh"

"Get in the car we're leaving" He said grabbing his keys.

 I had wanted to ask him why so early seeing that it was still only six thirty, but I knew much better than to question him.

   Ten minutes later we arrived in the parking lot at school. I looked at him as he started getting out of the car with me but he gave me a look that made me take intrest on the pattern of my shoes.

 We walked up to the front doors of the school and kids who came for breakfast looked at me and started whispering right away.

  'He used to be a drug lords whore'  'I heard his parents gave him the scars because he was caught kissing a boy IN THEIR ROOM ON THEIR BED'  'I heard he has a crazy brother who was in love with him but when they took him away his brother came after him and tried to kill him, he got away with scars after his brother raped him'

   I cringed at all the whispered rumors the kids said as we walked by. K.T. didn't even seem to notice because he was on his blackberry talking about new furniture and appliances for the two story ranch house along with a 1.2 acre field.

   I turned on my ipod and played Awake and Alive by Skillet hoping to drown out the whispers and stares by the students and faculty of the school. I was walking and bumped into somebody I quickly looked up and saw the principal.

"Oh sorry Ms.Delaine" I mumbled while taking my ear buds out, I looked at K.T. and the look in his eyes said I was going to get it when we were alone. I swallowed hard at the thought of what he was going to do as a thousand scenerios played thorugh my mind.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now