Chapter 3

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     I looked around as the paramedics rushed me into the hospital. I was frantic and scared, Coach was right beside me as he waited for my guardian to come to the hospital. The paramedics put me in a exam room while a very handsome blonde doctor whose name was Dr.Ryan, he was maybe in his late twenties or early thirties. He moved around to his desk and looked through some files with tension in his face.

"Well...Matthew-' He said looking up my name on my file '- It seem's we don't have much record of you besides the exam for the...." He flipped through some more files "... Saint Jospeh's Orphanage when you were ten" He looked up at me and I gave him a weak smile.

"So Matthew looks like we have to give you a physical" He said turning back to his desk and reaching into his drawer. With a loud snap he turned around putting on a second rubber glove. I started to panic and searched the room with my eyes to try and find my clothes to get the heck out of there.

"Okay I will need you to stand up over here" He pointed to a spot underneath a measurement scale. Slowly I got up and moved under it.

"Okay so thats-" He moved the top of the slidey thing down to the top of my head "-Five feet and eight inches" He wrote my height down on his clip board and motioned me to the weight scale.

"So Matthew when will your guardian arrive?" I noticed he said "Guardian" instead of parent for fear of making me have some type of break down. I shrugged my shoulders avoiding his beautiful steel eyes.

" do you have any emergency contact numbers?" He asked looking at me again.

I shook my head no.

"Well i'm sure they'll call somebody" He wrote down my weight which was a little under average for a sixteen year old boy.

When he was about to put his hand on my manhood under my hospital gown there was a wonderful knock on the door.

I sighed in relief but choked it back up when I saw K.T. standing there with a fake look of worry on his face. I was pretty sure that by now Coach had left.

"Hello my name Is Kevin Toretto and I am the guardian of Matthew" He said taking Dr. Ryan's hand to shake

"Yes I am Dr. Ryan and I was about to give your son a physical evaluation if that is alright with you" K.t. seemed to be weighing his options but looked calm and collected while underneath I was sure he was nervous about getting caught. Suddenly he had a "concerned" look but I knew he was about to get himself out of trouble once again.

"Actually if I could talk to you in private" K.t. said in his persuasive tone.

Kevin's P.O.V-

   Dr. Ryan and I moved away from that idiot so we were out of his earshot. I started to manipulate this situation.

"Um, listen-" I whispered "Matthew has had some bad stuff happen to him at the orphanage and...well he kinda freaks out if anybody touches him or stands naked in front of somebody."

"Oh, well I have to report the staff who-" I cut him off to quickly..damn

"Um!" I calmed a bit before talking again "Actually it was one of the older boys and by now they'd be grown adults."

"Right....that said, I still need to perform some evaluations."

"Okay but he can keep his clothes on right? Because he will remain distant for days if that happens" I asked

"Of course I just need to test his motor skills and you both should be outta here in no time" He smiled and I smiled back... too damn easy.

   After thirty minutes of wasting my valuable time I thought about different ways to make him suffer.

"Alright you two are out of here" Dr. Ryan sent us off


   I was boiling with anger by the time we got settled in the car.

"d-daddy?" The bitch squeaked. I tightened my grip on the wheel turning my knuckles white

"I-I'm sorry. But it wasn't my fault" He said to me as I turned into a dark alley.

  I put the escalade in park and turned to face him.

"It wasn't your fault!" I yelled at him as he started to sob

"n-no." he whispered

"EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT! AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY NO TO ME!!!" I gave him the back hand and he started crying aloud.

  I smacked him again, and again, and again until I was sure that he got the message to stop crying like a little bitch. He finally stopped crying and I drove us to my house. I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him down the basement, I put the shackles and collar on him after I made him strip down to his boxers.

"You stay down here until I say you can come up" I walked back up the stairs and went to my car and drove to a strip club where I was about to make a multi-million dollar drug deal.

Matthew's POV-

  After K.t. left I layed on the bed looking at the web cam so my viewers could watch me for $5.00 a head. Kt could just watch me for free of course.

   I was freezing and my nipples started to get hard from the nipping cold, I guess thats where the expression came from. I started to rub my body to generate heat while online I looked like I was getting aroused. The numbers of views started rising.

K.t. typed on my computer screen used to chat with viewers to wank off for the viewers or else he'd punish me. I closed my eyes and begged my body to do as its told.

   After I was done I decided to rest and the numbers went down a little. Something that really creeped me out was some of them loved to watch me sleep.

   I pushed it aside and slept in the cold basement. Alone, scared, and hungry.


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Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now