Chapter 8

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       After school I went to my locker and found Trey leaning against it laughing with his friends. I stopped by them and looked at Trey as he stood there smiling at me not moving off my locker.

Ahem. I coughed while he didn't move. I pointed at him but he looked cofused until he realised I wanted in to my locker. All of his buddies started laughing at him and bagging on him. I exchanged my books with the ones I needed for homework and turned back around looking back at Trey who was blushing a deep scarlet red. Unaware we just continued to stare at eachother unaware of the dudes watching us.

"OkAY! We get the hint see you boy's later!" One of them who looked kind of like Trey yelled pushing the others away

"Whatever Seth! You-Ba-Ge-Uh...dammit" Trey whispered the last part when he tried to think of a comeback. I had to bite my tounge trying not laugh unlike his friends who were laughing hard while walking away from us.

"Nice come back!" Seth yelled back and started laughing again

"So anyways we should get going." He said taking my bag from me like a gentleman. I made a reach for it but he moved it to his other hand and moved his right arm around me. I pouted at him which made him laugh.

"Hotdamn you're cute. I-I mean y'know" He blushed again and just walked us to his car. It was a simple black dodge challenger with red stripes. He opened my door and closed it after I was safely inside.

"So lets go eat" He said after he got inside

  We made small talk..well me not much. Until we arrived at a diner called 'City Diner' we both walked to a retro circle diner booth. The whole diner was red and white on the inside. The outside was like a chrome type style with city diner above the door.

"So what can I get you boys today?" A waitress in her late fourties asked as she help up the notepad. She had grey hairs here and there in her red hair, She was also dressed in the old style waitress uniforms.

 "Well I guess i'll get the burger and fries with a shake" Trey said looking over at me

"Uhm" I looked at the menu and there wasn't anything that wasn't fat besides water. K.t. would kill me if I got fat "I have some coffee, Black" I said handing her the menu which she took with a raised eyebrow "Oh honey you must have something other than that" she said trying to hand me back the menu but Trey stopped her

"He'll have the same as me" She nodded at him and left to the counter

"Seriously Matthew you must have something to eat you're too damn skinny" Trey said scooting closer to me. I didn't move because I wasn't sure if he was gay or straight he was too damn confusing for me. One jigsaw puzzle I couldn't figure out, And trust me I've gotten most puzzles figured out because I have nothing else to do when K.t. is here.

"I eat" I said looking at the menu again and frowned "These just look fatening" I said putting it back

"Well we're guys we don't give a damn" He said laughing

"Here you go boys" The woman came back with our food and set them in front of us

"Thanks" We both said as she walked away

  After five minutes of comfortable silence Trey finally asked the question I had hoped to avoid.

"So. Ryan whats up with that?" He turned his entire body towards me awaiting my answer

"Uhm, He's just my job" I stared at my barely eaten plate

"So why choose that?" He whispered to me scooting closer

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now