Chapter 13

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(A/N This is not a supernatural book. Just saying)

 One month later-

"Boy your in a heap of trouble" The man said as he took me to the back of his car. My hands were cuffed so there is no possible way of escape.

   Ok if your wondering here's how it went down. A few minutes ago a car pulled up to me on my corner. Yes Im still a prostitute, Marcus forgot to mention that I would still work for him after he payed his debt until Kt came back.

   Anyways the black car pulled up and I walked over. I asked if he needed directions somewhere to test him but he said he wanted to find somebody to help his "Problem" I immediately said I could help him. I should have known he was a cop by the words he said

"So your agreeing to have sex with me for money?" Like he was talking into a recorder. I said yes mainly because I was high. Second strike.

I swear if I wasn't high I would have picked up on it. Apparently Marcus picked up on it by speeding away the moment the trick didn't invite me in his car, the bastard didn't even warn me he was a cop.

"Ok watch your head" The cop said as he held the top of my head to help me get into the car.

   The absolute worse part of this situation is Trey's dad is the chief police officer. He was right to be upset his gay son is dating a "whore" as he said polietly three weeks ago when Trey introduced me to his family. *Sighs* There is no way he's going to let me date Trey when he sees me in his police station dressed as a flamer(not tended to offend anyone) and fairly high on ecstasy. I also smelled like whiskey and puke if your wondering.

  The officer talked into his radio then buckled up and started to drive away. We didn't get very far considering the asshole driving in front of us. He was swerving side to side manically as if he was purposely trying to get us into a crash. He was. The squad car swerved and the front hit a tree. The officer was unconcious his head against the horn making it beep without pause.

"Open the trunk!" A guy said to the two guys.

   A guy in a dark hoodie opened the driver side door and pushed a button on the door panel. The trunk popped open and they started raiding the trunk. Still unaware of my presense I decided now was my chance to escape. I opened the door quietly and put my right foot on the ground first. I proceeded to make my escape until I started tripping out and fell on my face.

"Ow!" I moaned

"What the-" One of the guys said. He came over and was shaking

"I thought you said nobody else was in there!" He screamed to the others in a rage

"I swear he wasn't in there before!" Another guy said and stood next to him staring at me

"Well did he just come out of thin air!" The guy said a threw his arms up

"Hey wolf calm down!" The last guy said as he came over zipping up his duffle bag

"What do we do with him?"

"Kill him" Wolf said

"W-what? No please! I won't tell im too stoned to die!" I cried

"We can't kill him, Hes just a kid" One of the two said and walked over to help me up

"Yeah dressed like a prostitute" Wolf said again with a growl

"So what does it really matter how he's dressed? Is that why you were picked up?" The nice one said as he uncuffed me. I nodded and sniffled.

"Wheres your pimp?" wolf said in a gruff tone

"H-he left when I was picked up...My dads going to kill me!" I cried harder on the last part.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now