Chapter 12

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 Matthew's POV-

 I woke up dazed and confused, I looked around and it was really dark the only on was the over head light attatched to the hospital bed, on the digital clock across the room the red letter said 3:57 am. I looked on my table tray at the end of my bed and on it were a vase of white lillies. The flower of death. Along it I noticed a card attatched to it. I slowly got up on my hospital bed and plucked the card then fell back against the pillows. I opened the card, It read.

 Hello Matthew,

    If you are wondering who I am think back to the night you awoke to find the tree outside your window broken. It was me who ran. Im sorry for scaring you but, I can't get you out of my mind. When I heard you tried to kill yourself it hurt me so much that I had to make sure you would be fine. The boldness of my approach means soon I will take you away from "HIM" and everyone who has ever hurt you.

  -Love D.D.

P.s. You have seen me before and even recently but you seem to not remember who I am.... Xoxo

   Reading the card gave me chills. I threw the card in the nearest trash can. Who was this person? When have I seen him? Where? I spent the entire night thinking of everyone I had encountered. I had met a lot of clients but they know better then to fall in love with a fucked up teenage boy...not only a teen but also a prostitute. I sighed and gave up around seven in the morning. A nurse came in to see if I was awake and said the FBI wanted to see me.

"Hello Matthew" Aaron said as he walked in with the douche from earlier

"You remember detective Wilden" Aaron said as he took a seat near me while Wilden stood crossarmed. I nodded with a glare pointed to Wilden

"So Toretto is very sneaky and smart signing Marcus Layton as a emergency contact on your adoption slip, That gives him a right to release you from here and not to the state" Aaron said looking me in the eye. I smirked and said

"Look who had a bowl of smarties this morning" I honestly don't understand whats happening to me at this point. I don't understand why or where I got more cocky...but I liked it.

  Aaron sighed and said softly "We just want to help you kid"

"Im not a kid!" I yelled. Wiledn frowned and said

"You. Are. A. Kid! What do you think makes you an adult when your acting childish!Cussing doesn't make you grown up! Drinking and doing drugs won't make you grown up! Having sex with strangers doesn't make you grown up!" That did make me lose my cockiness and filled me with sadness and he did remind me, I was a kid. A stupid kid who listened to a man he thought loved him back.

"I don't want to go back to the system." Their faces were solemn my voice was cracking but I continued "The older boys watch me in the shower and make me hold the younger ones down" Tears fell just as Trey walked in his smile disappeared when he saw me distressed with these two men.

"What the fuck did you do to him!" Trey yelled ready to brawl but I shook my head and said

"I think im going away" I looked at him and he still didn't understand

"What? Your going to jail or-" I cut him off and said

"Im going back into the system. The system is what the kids who have been there call it"  He had teary eyes

"What is it?" He demanded

"Its a foster home" I looked at him. He shook his head and whispered

"But I just got you"

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now