Chapter 34

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So I actually have nothing to say.... uhm. Okay then, but I love five finger death punch and asking alexandria.... Power to the call of Rock!


Not edited, like a boss.

Matthew's POV-

   Trey and I walked hand in hand heading down to the beach where the party was in full swing. There were way more kids there than there actually was in high school. I think it may be because some of them were middle schoolers and kids from the next town over looking to get loaded and cause trouble.

    The sun was just setting and the drinks started flowing but it was brought to an abrupt hault as the cops showed up. Everybody snapped their attention to them as Charlie brough a bullhorn to his lips and spoke

"Not to worry everybody, we are just here to chaperone!" They smirked as all the kids groaned and tossed some objects to the trash or bushes. Objects I bet were illegal.

   Trey and I walked as far away from his dad as we could. It wasn't to be mean but, its just not cool. So we walked toward the bonfire and grabbed some caprisun. I couldn't help but laugh as Trey got frustrated trying to poke the straw through the hole.

"Dammit!" He whined

"Here" I handed him mine and took his. I poked the straw through and sipped on it. I looked over and frowned as Daniel started talking to Kyle. Being Kyle though I guess he didn't understand I was avoiding Daniel. So Kyle brought him over to me with a smile on his face

"Hey Matty! Daniel wanted to say say hi!" Kyle demanded. Daniel laughed and smirked at me

"Hi. Told you i'd be seeing you" Trey stood up and started sizing him up.

"Yeah, why?" I snipped at him

"Because I love you" He simply said as if it was obvious

"Leave" Trey growled

"Fine, but do you two really think your meant for eachother? I mean seriously you two fight more than you should" He sneered then walked off. I actually thought about it for a moment but shook it off and carried on with Trey.

"Whats his deal?" Kyle asked confused

"Hes an ass" Trey said frowning

"Oh okay then" Kyle sighed then sat next to me

"So why aren't you with Alex?" I asked. I turned to meet his frown

"Turns out hes not my soulmate"

"thats too bad." I said not meaning it

"Yeah. hopefully somebody will love me" Kyle stuck out his lip

"I love you" I said and hugged him

"Yeah I know but you won't love me the same way you love Trey" He sighed

"Thats so true" Trey said with no emotion. I elbowed him in the ribs causing him to wince

"What?! Im not gonna let anybody touch you the way I do" Trey stated. I shook my head and returned my attention to Kyle who was staring at Seth.

"Do you like Seth?" I whispered. He snapped his attention to me and frantically shook his head

"Wha-what? No, of course not. Okay maybe a little but how can you not? I mean look at him, he's so yummy and cute" Kyle said staring at him then me

"Well why don't you seduce him? I've heard your really good at offense" I added. He smiled then frowned

"What if he punches me?"

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now