Chapter 6

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Matthews POV-

The bell rang signaling it was time for lunch and since I didn't make any friends here I was alone. I guess it was because I was new, pale and skinny emo who was also gay. Ever since the accident I doubt i'll make any frieneds anytime soon.

  I looked up at the cafeteria and just got a sub and a water. I didn't want to sit inside so I walked to the door and walked outside to the back of the school where I sat under a blossom tree. I watched as people started to talk and laugh with their friends. I saw another boy sitting alone. He was cute but not as sexy as Trey.

 The boy sat on the pavement stairs of the emergency exit. He was doing something to his skateboard with a screwdriver. He had black hair cut into a cute style, pale grey eyes, pale skin tone, and a simple lip piercing. He had the whole skater vibe to him. He looked up and saw me staring at him and gave a small smile and a nod in acknowledgement. I blushed and quickly looked at my half eaten sub and felt full all of a sudden.

  Oh god he's walking over here. Is he gonna beat me up? Take my food? If thats what he want's I'll give it up without a fight. His steps are getting closer. Closer. He's towering over me.

 Don't look up, don't look up, don't look up. I thought to myself.

 He sat down in front on me and I had my back against the tree and was just slouching against it, any chance of fight back would take at least a second to get up.

"Hi, I'm Kyle Parks" He said and held his hand out to me. I finally looked up and didn't think before the words slipped out

"If you're going to beat me up can you do it quickly?" I suddenly felt stupid as he was suddenly crossed with confusion

"What? No I don't want to hurt you, I just wanted to get to know the new kid" He said smiling

"Oh. You didn't hear the rumours then?" I said as shook his hand.

"I did but I like to know people from them directly" he smiled

"Oh. Um okay, My name is Matthew Di Corrado and I am sixteen years old, I am a freshman because I was held back a year. I don't know how to talk to people" I had started that sentence loudish for me but ended weakly into a whisper.

"Ah I heard you was shy and quite a doodle artist from what Mr.Marino said in class... We aren't allowed to draw anymore" He said laughing

"Sorry" I mumbled

"Don't be. I broke into his desk to see what set him off so badly...It.was.freaking. Hilarious!" He yelled causing people to look at us

"Oh mind your own goddamn business!" He yelled at the nosy people "I have to admit it was pretty accurate" He said finally controlling his laughter

"How so?"

"He's a jackass" another smile

"Oh" I smiled bashfully becoming aware I was still clutching my sub

"I should probably get ready for class" I said and we both stood up. I walked to the trash can I turned around and raised a brow as he followed me.

"It just so happens this is my favorite trash can" He said in a matter-of-factly tone

"Im not following you...really i'm not...Ok you got me i'm stalking you" He chuckled and I giggled. I know so manly right?

"So what class you have next?" he said digging in my bag for my schedule

"Um?...okay..." I said a bit put off by his boldness

"Ah! here it is...Cool! We have the afternoon classes together" He held his hand up I looked at him questioningly

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now