Chapter 29

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Matthew's POV-

     I woke up hearing the shower running. I looked around a bit feeling out of it until I realized I was at a motel and just had sex with my boyfriend...willingly!

   I smiled and tried to get up but felt the aftershock of pain I had after going so rough last night. I slowly eased myself into the bathroom where I snuck inside the shower as Trey was facing toward the shower nozzle soaping his chest. I grinned then grabbed a bar of soap, I dropped it over his shoulder. He stopped soaping and looked up at the ceiling then bent over to retrieve the soap.

   I enjoyed the view for a moment then pinched his butt hard. he shot up with a yelp then turned toward me with a devilish smirk. I smiled innocently which just added to my boyish looks. He walked up to me and put his hands by the sides of my heads on the wall behind me caging me in.

   He slammed his lips into mine and pushed his tongue past my lips. We both founght for control but in the end he always won. He grabbed my bum and lifted me off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist pressing my erection against him.

   He reached behind me and grabbed some liquid soap. Putting it ob his finger he slowly pressed it inside me. I grunted and moaned as the invasion began but started panting when it was replaced with pleasure.

   After a few minutes of me begging he gave me mercy and lubed his shaft. Slowly he worked it in, but I didn't want it slow. I forced him to put it in quicker. In one swift movement he was inside me. I sighed and he began thrusting inside making me moan and yelp everytime he hit my prostate.  He started moving faster and I knew he was about to come. I was already on the edge so when he gave it one hard thrust I screamed out his name as he hit my button.

   Slowly he put me down and made sure I didn't fall. I grabbed some soap and a washcloth and started washing his back. After I washed his back I handed him the rag and turned around. I could practically see him grinning as he eagerly washed me. When he got inbetween my bum he lingered a little longer.

   We finished our shower after washing eachother's hair. It was actually nicer than you'd expect it to be. It was like getting a head massage but the best part was knowing that it was a super hot guy doing it.

"So, this how your wake me up from now on?" He asked as he towled me off. I smiled

"Maybe if your a good boy" I whispered in his ear

"I will be a very good boy if you let me at your-" I cut him off out of pure humiliation

"Trey!" He grinned

"What? I can fuck it, but I can't call it what it is?" I shook my head

"No. It makes me sound slutty" I answered running to the bed and diving under the blankets still damp and naked.

"Well what do I call it" He asked letting it all hang out as he walked over to me

"Uhm...My bottom?" he just laughed

"Okay, okay fine. If you let me at your bottom regularly I will be a good boy" He said laying next to me

"Deal" I said snuggling into him

"Y'know we have to be out of here by noon right?" He whispered. I nodded yawning

"Later" I sighed falling into a deep sleep

Trey's POV-

    I layed there watching some tv while my angel slept peacefullt next to me. Looking toward the clock on the desk I softly shook Matthew awake. His eyes fluttered open and stared at me dazed.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now