Chapter 30

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Matthew's POV-

  Waking up to the sound of a buzzer sucks. I rolled over and groaned hitting the clock. I reached out to snuggle with my savior but he disappeared. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, he wasn't here.

   I yawned stretching then got out of the warm cozy bed. I went to the bathroom and wandered down the hall. I pushed open his door and walked in sitting on the empty bed. It was unmade making it obvious that he slept in here last night.

  I frowned wondering what I did wrong. I got off the bed and walked down stairs in my boxers. I pushed open the swinging kitchen door and grabbed some coffee and a banana. I was eating and staring at the door waiting for it to open, but it never did.

"What are you doing?" I looked up at Seth who was dressed and leaning against the counter. I sighed

"Im waiting for Trey." I stated then resumed to staring at the door willing him to walk through it

"Really? I thought he would have told you he left early for practice." I looked up at Seth with a confused expression

"He-he did?" I whispered then put my head down slowly. What did I do wrong?

"Yeah. Well you should get dressed, we leave in an hour and I know how you love to be a fashion snob" I turned back at Seth and glared at his grinning face. I sighed and walked to the door and up to my bedroom.

 I grabbed all of my few clothes and mixed them up into a new outfit. I didn't have much clothes because all of my clothes got thrown away from the hell house where Kt use to rape me. Honestly I feel really guilty about everything I put Kt through.

   He didn't deserve being put away. I was the one who seduced him and asked him to take naked pictures of me. It was my fault. I deserved all the beatings. They didn't even hurt that much...really they didn't. Okay im lying, it always hurt. But it wasn't meant to tickle either. It was a punishment that I deserved.

   If Kt was still here I wouldn't have a boyfriend who has bipolar dating swings. Y'know the ones where one second he loves me then the next he ditches me without an explanation.

  If Kt was here, I wouldn't have a creepy pervert texting me a million times a day. Daniel didn't get the hint I didn't like him but he wanted sex. I was his last resort. He got tired of girls and now he was looking for somebody "tighter" as he texted me earlier this morning.

  After putting on my outfit and brushing my teeth, I ran downstairs just in time to get to the red pickup before they sped off without me. I had to crawl up to get inside. It was really big. I sat down and closed the door.

 Getting lost in the tune of Love-Hate-Sex-Pain, by Godsmack, I hadn't realized we were at school until Seth flicked me on my forehead. I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the truck missing the small puddle. I smiled and took one step forward only to walk into a half eaten breakfast burrito laying on the pavement. 

"Seriously people!" I yelled to nobody in particular causing some people to look my way and some to snicker. I groaned and walked in the building. My eye started throbbing so I stopped and leaned against a locker taking off my bandana and pouring some eye drops in it.

   When I looked up I saw people looking and start to whisper. I blushed embarrassed and put the bandana back over. I walked back to my locker and opened it putting my bag inside. I turned around feeling my sides being poked. I looked up smiling but it dropped when I saw Daniel.

"Aww, don't be so thrilled just to see me" He said sarcastically

"Whatever. What do you want?" I asked turning back to my locker

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now