Chapter 14

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 Not edited

  After awaking in a dog cage in the corner of a basement my mind went on alert. Was Kt here?

Oh no wait now I remember I was kidnapped. Just great.

"Hello!?" I yelled

"I would like to take a pee break now!" I yelled once more.  Finally someone has answered my prayers! Only it was Wolf. I couldn't believe my rotten luck, From now on I decided life is just screwing me over.

"Stop yelling kid!" He grumbled and hit the cage

"Thats right I am a  kid not a 'Dog!'"

"What do you want?" He asked

"Well if you don't mind i'd like to go find a fire hydrant or a nice tree to pee on" I sarcastically said

"Fine then smartass, move" I moved away from the door as he opened it, I crawled out and followed him to the bathroom. I finished my business and opened the door to find him standing right by it

"Ever hear of privacy?" I mumbled and was cuffed to a bed.

"Here" He moved a food tray on the bed. It basically was prisoner food bread, water, and a small bowl of rice.

"Gee thanks" I rolled my eyes

"Whatever. If it was up to me "you'd" be food" he said and walked upstairs

I sighed and began to eat it was then I realized I was dressed in somebody else's clothing. Even boxers?!

What the fu-" I started and heard a chuckling from the door

"sorry my clothes were the only ones that fit you. You were fucked up last night on some ex, and threw up all over yours." Shadow explained

"Whats your real name?" I asked while sipping water


"oh I like that name"

"Yeah its alright"

"So are you just going to wait until Kt can somehow pay for my randsom?"

"Thats the plan"

"Well im bored" I announced

"Yeah I bet" He said as he chuckled

"You do realize he isn't going to pay right" I stated as he looked puzzled

"What of course he would he needs you"

"He needs alot of things but he can survive without me, besides he doesn't love me like the way I used to love him"

"You fell in love with your pimp?"

"wha- oh no he wasn't until I told him I wanted to help him with his debts. He got a little money crazy and thats when he became my pimp."

"So your the one who offered to have sex for money?"

"Well it wasn't my intention, at first I just said I'd do porn with him so he could sell it but then e-mails offering thousands of dollars to have a one night with me started coming and thats how Ryan came to life." I explained

"So Ryan isn't your real name?"

"Hell no! Although I thought it up. No idiot would use their real name when their offering one nighters"

"Oh yeah, So whats your real name? I think its only fair since I told you mine"

"Im sorry but Kt would hurt me if I told his enimies my name or any adult associated with the police, the mafia, French government, or people he owes debts to"

"Well that doesn't seem fair seeing as he hits you and makes you feel worthless. I would let you do whatever you want as long as I can see your happy"

"Reverse psychology doesn't work on me"

"Well hot damn you are smart"  I smiled and blushed

"Not smart I just know some things"

"Smarter than me and thats saying a lot" He winked and left

  I sighed again and layed on the bed. I wished I was with Trey. He doesn't even know what happened to me and worse yet he could be cheating on me with that skank Rachel. Ok this is a worse situation but still. I stretched, yawned and fell asleep again seeing as theres nothing to do.

Matthew's Dad POV-

  I drove across three towns and ended up in a abandoned warehouse. This is wheres they were keeping my son from me. I hopped the fence and held my pistol tightly searching for any sign of movement. I looked in a close by window and didn't see him.

 "Hawk! Go check on the prisoner!" A dark haired man yelled to a blonde boy who couldn't be more than twenty five years. I followed him and waited until he closed the door to the entrance. I turned the knob but nothing happened.

Locked I thought. I took out the crowbar from my bag and jimmied the lock. It finally broke open and I walked down the only hallway. I lurked in the shadows as the blonde boy came back around. Now was my chance.

 I held the crow bar high above my head waiting for him to round the corner. He didn't look up until he saw my tan boots. I swung the bar and hit him on the head. He fell unconcious. I dragged him into the shadows in a corner. Yeah he can still be seen but it was just to give me time to grab my son and go.

I opened the door to find him asleep. I smiled and brushed the hair out of his eyes. I kissed the top of his head and started to uncuff him. He woke up and started fighting so I back handed him. My logic is if your child doesn't behave, Strike 'em.

I sedated him watching as he fell asleep. I carried him effortlessly to my van. I opened the side door and layed him down. I got up in the driver seat and drove sixty miles in the opposite direction of our former home. Now I had to go get his mother and we could be a family again. It started pouring buckets and I decided to pull over in a motel. When we got in he started to stirr.

"good morning sleepy head" I said cradeling him in my arms. He had the biggest eyes right now and I laughed

"I should keep you sedated just so I could relive this moment over again." He started shaking so I rocked him and rubbed his arms. I thought it was because he was cold.

"D-daddy?" He squeaked

"Yes son im back. Now tomorrow we're going to go get mommy and move back to Italy"

"But Im a U.S. citizen now and I want to go back to Briar Wood. I like it there daddy please"

"You only want to go see that boyfriend of yours and I would be a bad father if I let you stay there without parental supervision." I cooed in his ear "Besides that boy is in the hospital because he was in a car accident and will be there for a while"

"What! Did you do that!" He yelled  I smiled and tried to calm him down

"Now Matthew please calm yourself people are trying to sleep next door" I sat him back on the bed with me

"No! Your a bad father!" That did it. I hit him and literally picked him up and threw him against the wall. He was crying now and I felt pity, Then he started with those damn hiccups he gets after he cries.

"Im sorry son but never say bad things about daddy" I hushed him and layed him on the bed with me. I stroked his hair until his hiccups stopped.

"Son please get some sleep now. We have a big day tomorrow and if you want I can go back to Briar Wood after we get mommy and I'll get that boy for you"

"P-promise?" He looked so childlike I had to agree.

"I promise. I'll do anything to make you happy" I promised. We fell asleep me dreaming of having my family back. First thing we're driving straight throught the county line and Im going to teach my son how to hold a gun and a knife. How to use rope.

When we get to her house Im going to teach my son how to go hunting.

I smiled.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now